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Bands you discovered at concerts

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Posted by Warman, 06.08.2008 - 21:34
Please stop me if there's a similar thread.

Yeah, so we have already talked about bands we discovered here at Metal Storm. But what about great bands you first heard at a concert? An opening band or maybe even the headliners (if you by any chance just came for the openers).

For me, the most important surely is Deathstars. I was at the Cradle of Filth concert in Gothenburg and Deathstars were the opening band. I had only heard Cyanide before that, and didn't really listen to it. Why should I have? They looked so damn emo and I instantly thought "not another Marilyn Manson band". But at the concert the band blew me away already with the first song, Tounges. I thought it was so damn good, but felt a little ashamed since all the small girls (typical "emo-fjortisar" as we call them here in Sweden) knew all the lyrics. So I took a look at my friend and saw him moving his head to the music. So I carefully said: "This is kinda good". And he thought so too. When "Play God" came I knew I just had to buy the album ASAP! Good thing I did, today I hold Termination Bliss among my favourites.

What more do we have? Evile at the Megadeth concert were awesome, but I rather complete my Slayer discography first. Mastodon and One Man Army & the Undead Quartet are also great bands I discovered at concerts. The most important after Deathstars is certainly Sepultura at an In Flames show. I had just heard some bad samples from them and thought they sucked. But when they opened up with Refuse/Resist I knew that it was a band for me. Especially since I really recognized the song but couldn't figure out where I had heard it before. Very annoying, I could hum along to the whole song. After a while I realised that Apocalyptica had made a cover of it.
14.11.2013 - 17:42
I've discovered quite a few bands through concerts, but a lot of the time I haven't listened to them beyond that for some reason. I think the only instance where I've seen a band live and then immediately bought their album was [URL=]In Case of Fire[/URL]. They were alright live, but the record was extremely disappointing. Besides that, I've seen plenty of great bands live that I didn't know about before, but then haven't bothered to listen to them afterwards.

The exception is [URL=]Sleeping Romance[/URL], who I saw on Saturday and would happily listen to their album given the chance.
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