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What turned you into a Metal Head?

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Posted by Bleed4Metal, 26.03.2010 - 19:39
I was never really into music as a kid. Than my uncles gave me some old school metal albums (Sabbath, Metallica, Pantera) and ever since its been metal through and through.
01.07.2014 - 19:32
Account deleted
A lot of you may wish to crucify me for this, but it was guitar hero. hearing two minutes to midnight for the first time was all i needed pique my interest in heavy metal
01.07.2014 - 20:20
Thrash Talker
Written by [user id=147590] on 01.07.2014 at 19:32

A lot of you may wish to crucify me for this, but it was guitar hero. hearing two minutes to midnight for the first time was all i needed pique my interest in heavy metal

A Mighty Fine song indeed. No wonder it got you into Heavy Metal
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
02.07.2014 - 07:55
Written by [user id=147590] on 01.07.2014 at 19:32

A lot of you may wish to crucify me for this, but it was guitar hero. hearing two minutes to midnight for the first time was all i needed pique my interest in heavy metal

Guitar hero wasn't what got me into metal music but it was what got me into playing guitar. I think it's awesome the game can be a gateway to inspire people like me to play or to expose people to new music they like
02.07.2014 - 08:48
When I pretty young maybe 10 or11 I was looking through some of my dad's old cds and found Metallica's Master of Puppets.
My dad listens to grunge mostly, bands like Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Bush and Pearl Jam but he likes some metal like Metallica, AC/DC and Guns N Roses, so he got me into those bands and a few more after I asked him about Metallica.
Blut & Krieg
02.07.2014 - 23:42
Account deleted
Written by Mattybu on 02.07.2014 at 07:55

Written by [user id=147590] on 01.07.2014 at 19:32

A lot of you may wish to crucify me for this, but it was guitar hero. hearing two minutes to midnight for the first time was all i needed pique my interest in heavy metal

Guitar hero wasn't what got me into metal music but it was what got me into playing guitar. I think it's awesome the game can be a gateway to inspire people like me to play or to expose people to new music they like

ive always seen it as a brilliant and fun game, but do know of snobs that dismiss it for making kids feel like they can play guitar when there are only 5 possible notes
03.07.2014 - 00:58
Written by [user id=147590] on 02.07.2014 at 23:42

ive always seen it as a brilliant and fun game, but do know of snobs that dismiss it for making kids feel like they can play guitar when there are only 5 possible notes

Well it's obviously very different from playing a real guitar, but if kids wanna feel like they can play guitar, let em, not bothering me
10.07.2014 - 17:47
I used to be into rock,hip hop etc some years of the first bands i heard was children of bodom,korn,metallica and all.really enjoyed them and sang their songs. another reason for me to become a metalhead is the idiocy of the music culture we are surrounded with. the lame and senseless lyrics,lack of good music,and the mindset of the artists in the pop culture made me repulsive to it and so i began listening to metal. and since i found no other genre good enough. metalhead for life \m/
14.07.2014 - 08:14
I heard Bon Jovi and Europe on the radio, asked a guy at school about taping "Slippery when wet" and "The Final Countdown" for me, the next day he gave me a tape with 3 Bon Jovi songs, 3 WASP Songs, 1 or 2 Running Wild Songs and "Maiden Japan" on the other side. I completely forgot about Europe and Bon Jovi...
15.07.2014 - 01:25
70's Aerosmith, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Thin Lizzy, eventually Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, today, Toxic Holocaust, Carcass, Exodus, Skeletonwitch, Absu..
19.07.2014 - 00:15
After listening to punk for a few years, i saw Megadeth's Symphony of destruction on MTV in 2001, since that day i've been a metalhead!
25.07.2014 - 17:33
Puddle of Mud as a teen, then the nu-metal scene, with Metallica's black album. Then death metal bands Kataklysm and Dying Fetus (for some reason, even though they were brutal and technical as hell...). Fear Factory were also very important for me.
Top 4 Death Metal bands ever: Cannibal, Morbid, Decapitated, Suffo.
14.09.2015 - 09:28
For me it was when my brother and I were about 14 and 10 respectively. He got one of the first iPods and he was into finding music. He also took it upon himself to figure out what I liked. I said "yuck" and "gross" to everything. Then finally one day (initially as a joke) he put some Iron Maiden on to see if I would gag. Funny enough I told him "I like that one. Do they have more songs?"

Ever since then I've been a metal head.

But my story is the boring one. I recently found out my dad is a closet metal head, which probably explains him raiding my bothers closet for band shirts and taking his car out whenever possible. If I ask him if he likes a band or a song or anything metal though he denies it and pretends he listens to the news when clearly my brother wasn't at that place in his Pantera album. Haha
19.09.2015 - 11:38
Father listened to rock, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Deep Purple and etc. ( kind of apocrypha as it was forbidden by the communists so he and friends hid in basements to listen to those ). I found them quite ok but was missing something that would ignite me. Then, one day, on one of the first music shows after the fall of the Communists, they played Metallica - Until it sleeps and I was like thunderstruck, hell that's fuckin cool. SO discovered i missed the dark, heavy 2nd order distortion, asked around to source some songs, then bought Fear of the Dark and it absolutely rocked. Then came more Metallica, Hammerfall ( Glory to the brave, fresh fresh ), Sepultura, Rhapsody and etc.
16.11.2015 - 10:59
Written by JayMo4 on 21.06.2014 at 21:51

The internet. Don't get me wrong; I loved a lot of the heavier music I had been exposed to before that: Metallica, Black Sabbath, 90's grunge stuff... But once I got online in the late 90's and started exploring I was shocked at how much was out there that I had never heard of before. I remember hearing Opeth for the first time and being actually angry that such music existed but no one had ever let me hear it before then. I truly felt like I had been deprived, like I was finally allowed to breathe fresh air and watch the sun set after spending a lifetime locked in a dark basement somewhere.

So I became a metalhead, and more than that an addict to exploring music in general. Having the ability to stream music, talk to people in forums, etc opened my ears to metal, classical, jazz, music from around the world, obscure releases off of smaller labels, etc. The only downside with so much available is that I know I can never come close to hearing everything I'd like to. In metal alone, I still feel like I haven't heard but maybe 10% of what I want to.

Same here, I grew up on hard rock and even some of the metal classics (thanks to my parents), but it wasn't until I had full access to the internet that I started properly appreciating and exploring the genre. And as you said, I sometimes feel frustrated of all the good music that I'm missing out, as I don't have time to keep up with everything that I'd like to fathom.
26.11.2015 - 08:01
Guitar Hero... Done With Everything; Die For Nothing from COB on GH5, 2 Minutes to Midnight particularly. They poked me into searching COB and Iron Maiden up on the internet, both of which I love now. But Guitar Hero mostly just got me into Hard Rock and Non-extreme/Thrash metal.

Jared Dines (youtube channel) got me into core and stuff like that.
Pretty much the living embodiment of the "Child Metalhead" meme, minus the Asking Alexandria fetish.

Metal Elitists ruin what could be a united and appreciative fanbase.
#EndMetalElitism #EndPoliticalCorrectness #EndAndyBallsack'sLife
06.01.2016 - 17:19
I came to metal after some time on punk rock (Dropkick, Sex Pistols, Exploited...).

A feeling of "I need something more complex [and heavier]" started to grow, and I stumbled on Sepultura.

A metalhead since then.
28.01.2016 - 18:01
Sang Dalang Abu
Written by Andr3sfc on 06.01.2016 at 17:19

I came to metal after some time on punk rock (Dropkick, Sex Pistols, Exploited...).

A feeling of "I need something more complex [and heavier]" started to grow, and I stumbled on Sepultura.

A metalhead since then.

Did your hair change?
28.01.2016 - 19:03
Written by Sang Dalang Abu on 28.01.2016 at 18:01

Written by Andr3sfc on 06.01.2016 at 17:19

I came to metal after some time on punk rock (Dropkick, Sex Pistols, Exploited...).

A feeling of "I need something more complex [and heavier]" started to grow, and I stumbled on Sepultura.

A metalhead since then.

Did your hair change?

I never had a distinctive hair; it was always ? as it is today ? a short cut, only arranged differently.

I did sport a mohawk-ish hairstyle for like three months during the punk rock days (youth...), but that was it.
09.09.2016 - 21:28
I was 15 and I started playing a lot of Metallica and hair bands, such as Poison, Motley Crue,etc.---Then I slowly progressed and started listening to more heavy bands such as Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth---I still love all these bands today as well as ones like Blood Red Shoes, Moon Spell, Draconian and Pantera, etc. 8-]]