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Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked - Part 1) review


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Band: Iced Earth
Album: Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked - Part 1)
Style: Heavy metal, US power metal
Release date: September 07, 2007
A review by: Jeff

01. Overture
02. Something Wicked (Part 1)
03. Invasion
04. Motivation Of Man
05. Setian Massacre
06. A Charge To Keep
07. Reflections
08. Ten Thousand Strong
09. Execution
10. Order Of The Rose
11. Cataclysm
12. The Clouding
13. Infiltrate And Assimilate
14. Retribution Through The Ages
15. Something Wicked (Part 2)
16. The Domino Decree
17. Framing Armageddon
18. When Stars Collide (Born Is He)
19. The Awakening
20. The Coming Curse [Japanese bonus]

Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked - Part 1) is a conceptual album which continues the storyline of the famous Iced Earth's 1998 release "Something Wicked This Way Comes". This is also the first part of a double album (the sequel will probably be out in 2008) and this is of course the second album with the singer Tim Owens. Actually I was disappointed by the last two Iced Earth's albums ("Horror Show" and "The Glorious Burden") and if I was expecting something good with the two new "Something Wicked" I have to confess that I was not so confident too? By luck, my "bad" feeling was wrong and all the fans of Iced Earth will probably be happy to hear that Jon Schaffer is back in business so be prepared for a big kick in your ass!

Jon Schaffer aka the "riff machine" is back in town my friends! His two last albums were not so transcending, not bad too but a bit average and of course it was a bit hard for us (the old fans) to do the transition and to listen to the band without Barlow (Tim Owens was the new singer on "The Glorious Burden"). But it seems that Jon Schaffer's inspiration is back and God, this "Framing Armageddon" is a great surprise for me! Well, I will not tell right now that it's the best album of the combo but for sure this is already a lot better. The reason of this statement comes from several points. First, the powerful and aggressive music of Iced Earth is finally back and yes "Framing Armageddon" is full of big and heavy killer riffs. The guitars soli aren't so important in the music even if they're good but "Framing Armageddon" is a matter of melodies. They're all impressive and extremely catchy and songs like "Something Wicked (Part 1)" or "Ten Thousand Strong" are pure Metal hits which will stay for a long time in your memories. The choruses of the songs never lack of rhythm and the melodies are always catchy.

"Framing Armageddon" is a concept (the songs are cut by some little nice musical interludes) album which will tell you a Sci-Fi story written by Schaffer himself. I won't talk a lot about it, the best thing for you is to listen to the songs and to read the lyrics to discover it but to sum-up but if you want to know who are the Grand Architect of the Universe and the Setians and what happened on Earth when the men began to become corrupted by their thirst of knowledge and power, it will be something for you. With these good lyrics and a perfect production, "Framing Armageddon" is a real rebirth for Iced Earth. The performance of the musicians is excellent and I think that Tim Owens finally found his place in the line-up of the band. For sure you have to like his very high vocals but his "normal" voice is nice too and fits perfectly to the alternation of slow ballads with dark (a bit progressive) tracks and blasting US Power songs! No doubt, "Framing Armageddon" is a good album.

If you like Iced Earth, I doubt that you'll be disappointed by the new release and if the upcoming album "Something Wicked - Part 2" has the same quality I can tell you that this trilogy will become a classic. Maybe that the albums like "Something Wicked This Way Comes" or "Burnt Offering" will stay the favorite Iced Earth's releases for the fans but I'm ready to bet some money on the fact that they will like "Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked - Part 1)" too. The great Iced Earth is back, hail to Schaffer, Owens and the other members of the combo. Highly recommended if you like blasting thrashy but melodic Power Metal.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 7
Originality: 8
Production: 9

Written by Jeff | 22.09.2007


Comments: 40   Visited by: 243 users
22.09.2007 - 14:40
Baz Anderson
yes! this is my favourite Iced Earth album I must say.. everything finally comes together for the band with Tim singing, and for once Tim sounds like he fits somewhere - instead of being that Rob Halford impersonator and ex-Judas Priest singer, this albums feels like he has finally found a good home

you're right about the melodies - they are probably the best part of the album.. "Setian Massacre", "Ten Thousand Strong", "The Clouding", "Infiltrate and Assimilate" and "Framing Armageddon" are my favourites of the album.. you have just love the opening of "Ten Thousand Strong" or how epic the title track is!

it took a while for this to grow on me, but I am glad I gave it the opportunity.. I just hope the part II of this will be of the same quality or better
22.09.2007 - 14:56
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
This is their best in years but still not as good as the ones with Matt Barlow on vocals (except for Horror Show cause that is crap) or the other guy.
My biggest problem with this one is that too many songs are mid tempo to balladesque
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

22.09.2007 - 16:31
Rating: 8
I agree with you jeff. This album shows that Jon Schaffer is back in the way Iced Earth was doing in the older days. I love this album and think its one of the best in the collection. It took me some time to get used to Tims voice (who wouldnt after those years with a godly voice like Barlow's). Barlow cant be equalled but neither can Tim in his own way!

Tim Owens found Jon's music and his voice fits perfectly! The first album with Tim as singer (the glorious burden) was still written by Jon with barlows voice in the back of his Head so it was a uncertain for the most of us where this band was going.

But it can be clearly heard that the musicians are fitting perfectly togheter on this one.

Hopefully the second part in februari 2008 will be as good (Jon says its even better) till then ive enough pleasure listening this one!

Iced Fucking Earth is back
"So you children of the world, listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive you must be brave
Or you children of today are Children of the Grave."
22.09.2007 - 17:53
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I WANNA this album, damn I wanna it

Good job Jeff
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
22.09.2007 - 18:00
This album is not far from a masterpiece. Best they've done since Burnt Offerings. And if someone still has the balls to diss Tim Owens after hearing this album, I say fuck you, 'cause here Ripper gives the best vocal efforts of his career, and boy how fine they are.

Let's hope Schaffer gives us another killer with Part 2, which is supposed to be more up-tempo and aggressive.


BTW I really think you should do some fine tuning with the rating colors. "8", meaning "Very Good", typed in yellow/orange makes it look less than it is.
22.09.2007 - 18:17
Account deleted
Written by Callo on 22.09.2007 at 18:00

This album is not far from a masterpiece. Best they've done since Burnt Offerings. And if someone still has the balls to diss Tim Owens after hearing this album, I say fuck you, 'cause here Ripper gives the best vocal efforts of his career, and boy how fine they are.

Let's hope Schaffer gives us another killer with Part 2, which is supposed to be more up-tempo and aggressive.


Wow, maybe I should give this album a chance after all. Iced Earth is great, but I gave up on them after Barlow... I'm glad to find out I was wrong!


BTW I really think you should do some fine tuning with the rating colors. "8", meaning "Good", typed in yellow/orange makes it look less than it is.

I'll second that, I could never figure it out either. Orange looks like a warning.
22.09.2007 - 18:44
Rating: 8
Valentin B
damn that ending of "framing armageddon"... i said in my rejected review that it's so heavy you'll throw "stormrider" and "violate" out the fucking window! and i mean it.. FRAAAAAMINGGG AARMAAAGEEEDOOOOOON!!!!
22.09.2007 - 18:45
Account deleted
Hmm, sounds good. I was turned off to this band after the past few releases, but maybe I will give em another shot.
22.09.2007 - 19:03
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Valentin B on 22.09.2007 at 18:44

damn that ending of "framing armageddon"... i said in my rejected review that it's so heavy you'll throw "stormrider" and "violate" out the fucking window! and i mean it.. FRAAAAAMINGGG AARMAAAGEEEDOOOOOON!!!!

Havy? Midtempo and ballads with one or two faster tracks. Strange concept of heavy you have
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

22.09.2007 - 19:15
Rating: 8
Valentin B
noo, i meant the song
22.09.2007 - 19:16
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Valentin B on 22.09.2007 at 19:15

noo, i meant the song

Ahaaaa now I see, though I do disagree.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

22.09.2007 - 19:45
Der Meister
Account deleted
Ten Thousand Strong and Something Wicked (Part 1) are wicked blasting tracks that I already love, the rest of the lot aren't quite as memorable. I'll need to listen more to the whole thing.
22.09.2007 - 22:07
Darkside Momo
An excellent album, but much more progressive than evertething else Jon Shaffer has done before.
Really good work of composing, but there is a lack of anthemic heavy metal songs (2-3 on a 19-tracks album)
Whatever, it reflects so well the story that it's GREAT !
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
23.09.2007 - 00:00
This album just get better and better the more you listen to it. I really hope that all those who gave up on Iced Earth and Schaffer after Barlow left will give this album a try and change their mind!

Can't wait to see them live and get my hands on Part 2
23.09.2007 - 02:20
hmm maybe its worth checking out after all
23.09.2007 - 03:42
Account deleted
I absolutely love this album, and I think its their best in 10 years. Any fan of the original trilogy should enjoy this.

Some people are expression dissapointments due to its slower structure. I think it is brilliant, as the story calls for slower songs due to its complete sense of sadness and loss. I am willing to bet a healthy sum of money Part 2 will be faster (perhaps the song Framing Armageddon is a hint of what to come?) as it will be more focused on Set Abominae and the counterattack of the Setians.

Finally (thank God, finally) got the Alive in Athens DVD today. Thats what I will be watching for the next several hours.
23.09.2007 - 12:17
Rating: 6
I've been trying to let this grow on me for a while now, but somehow it just won't work. Granted, "Ten Thousand Strong" is an awesome song and it wouldn't work with any voice other than Ripper's, but somehow the rest of the album lacks of memorable moments. The songs are good while you listen to them, but after the album finishes you don't remember any of them except for 10k Strong. IMHO the last really good album by Schaffer was Demons & Wizards' debut in 2000. Re-using the motifs from the original Something Wicked album doesn't make this a second Something Wicked - at least not quality-wise.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
23.09.2007 - 17:10
Account deleted
This is what I love about Iced Earth. I love concept albums and two parters are even greater, so here's hoping part II can maintain the momentum of this new release.
24.09.2007 - 11:34
Rating: 7
Jason W.
Outside of "Ten Thousand Strong" and "Something Wicked," this album is easy to listen but also easy to forget. I stand by what I posted in the Iced Earth thread, that there are too many mid-paced tracks with riffs I can barely recall. Tim's vocals have never been a problem for me; the songwriting is here. I'm already bored! "Ten Thousand Strong" will make it easily to my 2007's mix-CD tracklist, but that'll be the only thing I'll be listening to. A 6.5 from me. : I don't believe Iced Earth is "back." They are just better than the terrible "Glorious Burden" release.
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
24.09.2007 - 23:13
Rating: 8
Really good review, you nailed most things in a concise way. The production could have been better and more "in your face" crispy but overall that's nothing I can complain about. I think Tim's vocals on "The Glorious Burden" was some of the best stuff I've heard in a long time. It topped this album on many parts but he really shines on Domino Decree, Framing Armageddon and The Clouding whereas the verse in "Retribution.." sounds more strained. Kick ass album!
29.09.2007 - 13:26
Mr. Noise
This was the first time I heard Tim Owens sing, and DAMN. He sucks.

Seriously, I am deleting this album right away.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
29.09.2007 - 23:53
Account deleted
Written by Jason W. on 24.09.2007 at 11:34

Outside of "Ten Thousand Strong" and "Something Wicked," this album is easy to listen but also easy to forget. I stand by what I posted in the Iced Earth thread, that there are too many mid-paced tracks with riffs I can barely recall. Tim's vocals have never been a problem for me; the songwriting is here. I'm already bored! "Ten Thousand Strong" will make it easily to my 2007's mix-CD tracklist, but that'll be the only thing I'll be listening to. A 6.5 from me. : I don't believe Iced Earth is "back." They are just better than the terrible "Glorious Burden" release.

I'm right with you on this one. I just got the album tracks off Limewire and tried them out. I gave up about a half hour through. The music has no edge to it - nothing truly compelling or memorable. I actually don't much care for Ripper, either. He just doesn't cut it in IE. His voice reminds me of 80s glam metal - generic and boring. He was better as an impersonation of Rob Halford. Sure he can sing, but IE needs somebody distinctive like Barlow. The whole album sounds like Glorious Burden, but with more polish. Sadly, there's no point polishing something that doesn't shine much in the first place. I'm going to put on some Alive in Athens and leave it at that.
30.09.2007 - 03:28
Account deleted
Ever since listening to "The Glorious Burden", I have been hooked to these guys. I'll get this album for sure.
30.09.2007 - 04:43
Account deleted
Written by [user id=5630] on 30.09.2007 at 03:28

Ever since listening to "The Glorious Burden", I have been hooked to these guys. I'll get this album for sure.

Then take my advice and NEVER listen to Alive In Athens. If you ever find out how good Iced Earth used to be, you won't care for Framing Armageddon (or Glorious Burden) at all!

BTW you know you can add "Framing Armageddon" to your Wishlist, right? (If you really, really want it... )
30.09.2007 - 06:50
Account deleted
Written by [user id=22888] on 30.09.2007 at 04:43

Written by [user id=5630] on 30.09.2007 at 03:28

Ever since listening to "The Glorious Burden", I have been hooked to these guys. I'll get this album for sure.

Then take my advice and NEVER listen to Alive In Athens. If you ever find out how good Iced Earth used to be, you won't care for Framing Armageddon (or Glorious Burden) at all!

BTW you know you can add "Framing Armageddon" to your Wishlist, right? (If you really, really want it... )

Well, some time ago I did listen to a time when they had Matt Barlow on vocals. I didn't really like his vocals, considering the fact that I listened to Tim Owens before I listened to Matt Barlow. As for me, I'm going to eat lots of spaghetti!
30.09.2007 - 14:43
Rating: 6
A boring album with very few good moments. As boring as The Glorious Burden. I think Tim Owens just isn't the right vocalist for Iced Earth.
01.10.2007 - 10:45
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
finaly hear it I hear that thay some how inspirated of Blind Guardian 'Nighgtfall in Midlle Earth' those werry small parts and songs in this album somehow wa slike bG, but diference arehere was muisc, and I also hear lil Demons n Wizards sound and new iE sound in The Glorious Burden and The Horror Show days, this is interesting album, I dunno how vote
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.10.2007 - 05:28
I miss Matt Barlow's voice. I've listened to this album numerous times, and I second what four or five people have said: aside from "Ten Thousand Strong" (and in my opinion, the Overture), there's just nothing that grabs me about the album. I absolutely LOVED Barlow's work with Iced Earth- he gave it that gruff edge that fit so perfectly. Owens' voice isn't bad, but it's not Iced Earth. Not only are the tracks mostly un-memorable, they're also lacking Barlow's prowess. I hope "Revelation Abomination" is better, but nothing will beat old Iced Earth.
10.11.2007 - 13:27
Account deleted
Please no more complaining about Matt Barlow. I'm tired of it. it's been years now... please...just let it go... let it go... music isn't the end of the world, and if people can just accept that time brings change, Then maybe we could look into the future and not expect the same. That's the problem many bands face, especially Iced Earth, as they change their tune as they progress, the older fans become very disappointed. Iced Earth wasn't 'Better' in the past per se, they were just Different. That said, I Agree with the review and I believe this is the best Iced Earth album yet. I can't wait for the next.
30.11.2007 - 14:05
Account deleted
IMO this is the best heavy metal album of the year..... only if Judas Priest can beat them but i doubt they can do that.

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