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Suicide Silence - The Black Crown review


137 users:
Band: Suicide Silence
Album: The Black Crown
Style: Deathcore
Release date: July 12, 2011
Guest review by: s7mon

01. Slaves To Substance
02. O.C.D.
03. Human Violence
04. You Only Live Once
05. Fuck Everything
06. March To The Black Crown
07. Witness The Addiction [feat. Jonathan Davis]
08. Cross-Eyed Catastrophe
09. Smashed [feat. Frank Mullen]
10. The Only Thing That Sets Us Apart
11. Cancerous Skies
12. Revival Of Life [Limited Delux Edition track]
13. Superbeast [Rob Zombie cover][iTunes Edition track]

When you look at the comments section below one of their videos on YouTube, the words that you'll find there are most often "gay," "fag," "shit" or a combination of these. We're all aware how hated Suicide Silence and deathcore are in general, but whether we like it or not, these young Americans have become really big. Ok, their debut album, The Cleansing, was a mediocre deathcore record. Their second LP, No Time To Bleed, showed a band developing and even though it was based on deathcore structures, it contained more departures from the previously chosen genre and more experiments, for example wider and wiser selection of electronic samples. In a nutshell, it was a better CD. Now we have The Black Crown, which is a proof that Suicide Silence do not intend to stand still. Based on the genre they have helped to create, they have become a trademark of and also bear the burden of being its scapegoat, they are on their way of creating something on their own. What I mean is that they distanced themselves from other deathcore groups and when you listen to them and compare to, let's say, Oceano (yuck!), you can clearly see a difference.

There are fewer breakdowns, which may sound like a relief for many, because this is probably the most irritating feature of deathcore. Second thing that could be described with the word "irritating" is Mitch Lucker's vocals. For many fans he is the true face of the band and the reason they listen to Suicide Silence, but he didn't really stand out when you compared him with ten other singers. But on this record he broadened his vocals range. Sure, he still uses his shriek and growl, but it's nice to hear his normal voice (no, he doesn't do "clean singing," don't worry), for example in the beginning of "You Only Live Once" or in "Human Violence." Sometimes his voice is let in through some effect. Not really inventive, but it makes the album less monotonous. Compared to other deathcore CDs, this one is much more groovy. That's where you can hear the "core" part that's not "metalcore," but truly "hardcore." Listen to the aforementioned "Human Violence" (one of my favourites by the way). You can find a lot of death metal riffs as well ("O.C.D.").

Guests are also worth a mention. Frank Mullen of the mighty Suffocation lends his voice on a killer "Smashed." He sounds like a perfect man to let Suicide Silence gain some credibility as a "death" rather than "core" band, but his participation doesn't really bring in anything. Alexia Rodriguez of Eyes Set To Kill's occasional "oohhh" and "ahhh" during "Cross-Eyed Catastrophe" fits the song surprisingly well. But I guess the most controversial person here is Jonathan Davies. The band have said many times that Korn's always been a huge inspiration for them so it must've been a dream come true. But Davies really spoils the whole song. "Witness the Addiction" could've easily been a true highlight of The Black Crown, but it's destroyed by the chorus sung by [band[Korn[/band]'s singer. Thankfully, we have to listen to this butchery only twice during the track.

The coolest thing about The Black Crown is that you can say something interesting about every single piece in here, because each has something fresh to offer. The problem with bands of every genre you can think of is that you can't see a difference between songs and they all merge into one mass. Suicide Silence got rid of that problem which makes it a really good record that makes you want to listen to it over and over again. I hope it will shut the mouths of all the naysayers.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 7
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 6
Production: 9

Written by s7mon | 05.11.2011

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.

Staff review by
Doc G.
...Time for another big can of worms to be opened up. Here's another album which, regardless of how you approach it in your review, someone is going to completely lose their shit on you for either being too harsh, or not being harsh enough. A lot of people seem to hate Suicide Silence. Well, while I certainly don't understand the intense animosity people express towards this band, I don't exactly understand the attraction either.

published 29.07.2011 | Comments (27)

Guest review by
Boxcar Willy
"Why add a breakdown into a song that is already just one continuous breakdown?" - Unkown.

Wise words, especially if directed towards Suicide Silence. Their newest album The Black Crown is exactly that, one monotonous breakdown. When I listen to a band, I try to keep an open mind, I try to go in as unbiased as possible, but even with that mindset, I was still sickened by this album.

published 31.01.2012 | Comments (0)


Comments: 5   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 67 users
05.11.2011 - 12:37
Rating: 6
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
"but it's destroyed by the chorus sung by [band[Korn[/band] singer"

12.11.2011 - 15:50
Rating: 6
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by Coconut Racecar on 08.11.2011 at 11:32

. i say if you want a good deathcore gone death metal band you go for Job For A Cowboy. even more widley hated and controversial but heaps more talent than these zero's.

Look wannabe, I despise JFAC alot cause of their excessive growls and stupid breakdowns which I find in Suicide Silence not that much but still an attractive band that is crushing every mediocre level they're coming up with. The Black Crown was really a decent album( as compare to their previous work and their level) and found some of the smashing songs which found to very really interesting on the first listen. Look I dont wanna go in more details supporting obnoxiously for them but as far as Chelsea Grin, Asking Alexandria, JFAC and many more deathcore bands are concerned...SS founds to be really interesting.
31.01.2012 - 05:50
Rating: 4
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 12.11.2011 at 15:50

Written by Coconut Racecar on 08.11.2011 at 11:32

. i say if you want a good deathcore gone death metal band you go for Job For A Cowboy. even more widley hated and controversial but heaps more talent than these zero's.

Look wannabe, I despise JFAC alot cause of their excessive growls and stupid breakdowns which I find in Suicide Silence not that much but still an attractive band that is crushing every mediocre level they're coming up with. The Black Crown was really a decent album( as compare to their previous work and their level) and found some of the smashing songs which found to very really interesting on the first listen. Look I dont wanna go in more details supporting obnoxiously for them but as far as Chelsea Grin, Asking Alexandria, JFAC and many more deathcore bands are concerned...SS founds to be really interesting.

I prefer JFAC, and CG to this, this I found was too... Deathcore they try too hard to be deathcore. I didnt like this one.

14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

31.01.2012 - 06:49
Rating: 6
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by Boxcar Willy on 31.01.2012 at 05:50

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 12.11.2011 at 15:50

Written by Coconut Racecar on 08.11.2011 at 11:32

. i say if you want a good deathcore gone death metal band you go for Job For A Cowboy. even more widley hated and controversial but heaps more talent than these zero's.

Look wannabe, I despise JFAC alot cause of their excessive growls and stupid breakdowns which I find in Suicide Silence not that much but still an attractive band that is crushing every mediocre level they're coming up with. The Black Crown was really a decent album( as compare to their previous work and their level) and found some of the smashing songs which found to very really interesting on the first listen. Look I dont wanna go in more details supporting obnoxiously for them but as far as Chelsea Grin, Asking Alexandria, JFAC and many more deathcore bands are concerned...SS founds to be really interesting.

I prefer JFAC, and CG to this, this I found was too... Deathcore they try too hard to be deathcore. I didnt like this one.


Look, you still missing a point. Listen them carefully and you gonna find SS to be far more better.
31.01.2012 - 14:50
Rating: 4
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 31.01.2012 at 06:49

Written by Boxcar Willy on 31.01.2012 at 05:50

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 12.11.2011 at 15:50

Written by Coconut Racecar on 08.11.2011 at 11:32

. i say if you want a good deathcore gone death metal band you go for Job For A Cowboy. even more widley hated and controversial but heaps more talent than these zero's.

*le long post

I prefer JFAC, and CG to this, this I found was too... Deathcore they try too hard to be deathcore. I didnt like this one.


Look, you still missing a point. Listen them carefully and you gonna find SS to be far more better.

I've listened to this 3 or 4 times and the only song that I felt was good was "You Only Live Once".
I found everything else to be really repetative and boring. Plus they seem to overuse breakdowns. Like 8+ in a 3 minute song, some songs are just one continous breakdown.

14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum


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