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Odraza - Rzeczom review

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Band: Odraza
Album: Rzeczom
Style: Black metal
Release date: May 2020

01. Schadenfreude
02. Rzeczom
03. W Godzinie Wilka
04. ...Twoja Rzecz Też
05. Długa 24
06. Świt Opowiadaczy
07. Młot Na Małe Miasta
08. Najkrótsza Z Wieczności
09. Bempo
10. Ja Nie Stąd

"Odraza is basically doing what Shining is having problems with nowadays: making a dark urban black metal album with jazz/blues touches."

- another instance of a fellow user and reviewer being clever before I was. I should probably start being clever more often.

Admittedly, that was written around the time Odraza' debut, Esperalem Tkane, came out. During that time, Shining released X - Varg Utan Flock, their best in years, but I digress. With just two albums, this upcoming one included, they've pretty much asserted their dominance over this urban nighttime black metal, this feeling of rotting decay on the streets. The Polish duo, with connections to other bands that I promise I'm gonna get into eventually, like Massemord (POL), Gruzja and Totenmesse, have already turned some heads with their debut, but have also released a live album performed at the Oskar Schindler's Factory Historical Museum in Krakow, something I definitely think you should check out, for a reminder of some disgusting recent history.

So Rzeczom completely delivers on the potential of Esperalem Tkane. What I find absolutely amazing about Odraza is how tightly performed and well composed the music is for a band made out of just two people. Well, three if you count the guest guitars by Azar, who played on Esperalem Tkane as well. Their sparse lineup is something that really isn't reflected in the music, with the instruments being so well layered. A lot of why it works so well has to do with the excellent production that makes the sound feel so full. And it is all of these together that make Rzeczom such a damn blast to listen to. As the band's name implies, but in Polish, the music has a characteristic filth about it, but isn't not showcasing this filth akin to how a doom death metal album would. This feels less like a murderous incomprehensible monster, and more like a mirror in which the ugliness of humanity can stare. And for a band that has performed at a Holocaust museum, they should know a thing or two about the ugliness of humanity.

Rzeczom isn't an ugly album at all. For a band clearly disgusted with humanity, they have clearly put a lot of love and care into the music that they've made. Rzeczom, even more so than its predecessor, showcases a lot of progressive songwriting. Sure, there's a lot of bludgeoning black metal moments with blast beats and all that, but those are far outnumbered by the very dynamic and layered songwriting. It sounds very lush, as previously mentioned, and the band rarely goes into heartless acrobatics or keeps a pace for too long. They are both clearly skilled instrumentalists, and there is no shortage of moments where we get a glimpse of that, but most of all they are musicians who know how to use those skills to make some alluring music. Throughout its 50 minutes runtime, there are harsher moments, more tender ones, some very ardently loatheful ones, and they all create a livid image of urban decay.

Admittedly I feel stronger about the "dark urban black metal" part than about the "jazz/blues touches" part, but I'm not going to deny that Rzeczom really doesn't feel like just a black metal album. No black metal album puts that much work into the guitar play.

Written on 08.05.2020 by Doesn't matter that much to me if you agree with me, as long as you checked the album out.


Comments: 11   Visited by: 176 users
08.05.2020 - 04:16
What's with the reposted reviews today?
08.05.2020 - 09:21
Rating: 9
Written by Lanthros on 08.05.2020 at 04:16

What's with the reposted reviews today?

Kinda what happens when you post a review before reading the label email regarding when's the earliest they want you to publish it.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
10.05.2020 - 22:39
I need a few more listens, but so far this is the best bm of the year along with Regarde Les Hommes Tomber's latest.

You know you had me as soon as you mentioned Shining.
14.05.2020 - 09:13
I'm not going to lie, finding black metal releases that I still find ultra interesting after 15 years is quite challenging. I was happy to listen to release. Dark and dope, man.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
04.02.2021 - 13:39
delicious dish
This album is so incredibly polish to me. You can kind of immediately tell. I never find these that dark though, but they're definitely dirty (in the unwashed, drunken sense).
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
04.02.2021 - 13:45
Rating: 9
Written by Desha on 04.02.2021 at 13:39

This album is so incredibly polish to me. You can kind of immediately tell. I never find these that dark though, but they're definitely dirty (in the unwashed, drunken sense).

Of course it is the German calling the Polish dirty.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
04.02.2021 - 16:51
Written by Desha on 04.02.2021 at 13:39

This album is so incredibly polish to me. You can kind of immediately tell. I never find these that dark though, but they're definitely dirty (in the unwashed, drunken sense).

What the fuck is this supposed to mean?
04.02.2021 - 18:13
delicious dish
Written by nikarg on 04.02.2021 at 16:51

Written by Desha on 04.02.2021 at 13:39

This album is so incredibly polish to me. You can kind of immediately tell. I never find these that dark though, but they're definitely dirty (in the unwashed, drunken sense).

What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

it feels like a lot of polish bm I know. I now see this comment might come off as racist haha. I meant "dirty" in the black metal sense (with the clarification I meant that it's not like sex pervert dirty). Like rough music that sounds like being shouted at by a drunken man, not evil as like early bm. You could call it punk-ish but that's not really hte whole story. But in hindsight I should've used that word lmao
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
04.02.2021 - 18:14
delicious dish
Written by RaduP on 04.02.2021 at 13:45

Of course it is the German calling the Polish dirty.

I meant the music sounds like that (like a drunken, angry man shouting at you for example) and not that the polish are like this...
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
06.03.2021 - 17:13
Rating: 9
Rzeczom is for Odraza what Exercises to Futility is for Mgła.

The 2020 metal album like no other. It grows on you from the very first listen. I'm hesitant to call it black metal, though it excellently shares many of its cliches (dissonant sounds to name but one) but is it black metal still?
The replay value is in it not being either too hackneyed or experimental, like many black/extreme metal offerings.

Since their 2014 debut album, Odraza have learnt their lesson since their solid but too much jazz-sounding predecessor. This one is simply spot on.

On Rzeczom, all songs shine musically, despite their depressing lyrical content. That and the vocal delivery lend to the album dubbed dirty by some but that dirtiness is only superficial.

There is nothing dirty musically here, Odraza balances very well on how much to borrow or be inspired by (depending how you look at music). The surprising inspirations range from a street barrel organ, a walzing guitar, gregorian-like chants (you'll think Batushka but it ain't), and many others that I missed. In moderation, such elements add up to an excellent album that does not go overboard with any single inspiration, still being a metal album.

No song on this one is a filler or sounds forced, cool sounding riffs don't run for long as is often the case on many black metal albums. Odraza know exactly how much output to deliver without putting the listener to the boredom test.

The lyrics wreak of ugliness, and will lose a lot in translation, literary allusions aplenty, an odd regionalism. Most of the vocals on the album are in the vein of Mgła, throat-like but go well with the music. Whether its those or the cleaner chanted vocals, there is a lot anguish in them. Mind, these vocals are quite understandable (to a Polish guy, admittedly), unlike many other black metal productions with unintelligible shrieks or growls.

Rzeczom is beautiful in its musical delivery and don't listen to anyone suggesting the album is dirty in any other way than the lyrical content, since the production is quite up to scratch, the compositions being the very best (black) metal has to offer in 2020, outmatching even Mgla's latest.

Drumming-wise, this is a Polished (pun intended) gem. It's varied, you won't hear a constant black metal battery but a range of styles, many touching upon jazz or prog influences. Similarly, the guitar work on this one is impeccable. The bass alone took months to write and deservedly so.

Rzeczom won't get the reach and the publicity Mgła enjoys, though it damn right deserves it.

Unlike Mgła, Odraza keep a more discrete, lower profile, letting the music, rather than concert image, come to the fore. Sadly, without official plans for live performances (a shame, it's clear these guys are perfectionists). That alone makes this an album to enjoy or contemplate in solitude.

Odraza will have a difficult job to raise the bar over Rzeczom. Highly recommended.
07.09.2023 - 20:16
I'm currently vacuuming the database for Polish black metal and I recently discovered this gem. Better late than never because it's such a unique album. You discover something new with every replay. Give the album your full attention and you will be richly rewarded. The Polish really are the apex when it comes to black metal nowadays.

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