Shows In Asia Confirmed
Shows In Asia Confirmed
Jan 06
Page: 1
I already said like ten years ago that we are facing the resurrection of far-right views. You can call me a cynic or a clairvoyant. 'Cos look at Germany (AfD), Slovakia, Hungary and now FPÖ in Austria. It's a pattern.
21:01 - Shmelevod
At least for now, I don't see any potential downsides
21:00 - Ch'ti
-- shout deleted --
21:00 - Shmelevod
@X-Ray Rod, I'm from Russia, but I've moved to Argentina couple of years ago. Chile... well, it's not work related, I guess I'm just looking for a country in South America to settle in, and Chile seems to be the best choice
19:13 - Ivor
Another thing is that to think about history one has to do more than basic survival, and world's in a bad shape for most people to do more than simply exist.
18:49 - Ivor
@corrupt: The reason we as species don't learn from history is because history is many times longer than a lifespan of a single human. Anything at that scale is beyond comprehension of most people.
18:40 - X-Ray Rod
I hope I never become so cynical and say "eff everything, I dont care anymore". But sadly I'm seeing many friends that, even though we share the same values, simply do not want to engage with current events in any way.
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