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Thumbs up: +1

1.Need - Norchestrion: A Song For The End
2.Therion - Leviathan
3.Tribulation - Where The Gloom Becomes Sound
4.Soen - Imperial
5.Steven Wilson - The Future Bites

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Created by robpal on 22.11.2020

Fruits Of 2021

1.Cynic - Ascension Codes
2.Bent Knee - Frosting
3.Dvne - Etemen Ænka
4.Leprous - Aphelion
5.Spiritbox - Eternal Blue

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Created by embracing on 01.09.2021

Stumbling Through 2021 Jan-March

Albums I've listened to released between January - March…

1.Soen - Imperial
2.Dvne - Etemen Ænka
3.Empyrium - Über Den Sternen
4.Cult Of Luna - The Raging River
5.Five The Hierophant - Through Aureate Void

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Created by LifelikeAdvisor on 05.02.2021

2021: A Year In Review

My top to bottom list of everything from 2021 I've spent time with and have also purchased either physically or digitally (which is why most of them have high ratings). Releases featured on MS only.

1.Vola - Witness
2.Between The Buried And Me - Colors II
3.Stormkeep - Tales Of Othertime
4.Thy Catafalque - Vadak
5.Gravesend - Methods Of Human Disposal

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Created by ProgVet on 01.02.2021

Dvatisícedvacetjedna (MMXXI)

1.Lorna Shore - ...And I Return To Nothingness
2.Harakiri For The Sky - Mӕre
3.Monolord - Your Time To Shine
4.Ethereal Shroud - Trisagion
5.Der Weg Einer Freiheit - Noktvrn

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Created by cerny_vi on 19.01.2021

Journey Through 2020

These are the Albums of 2020 that I´ve listened to or Albums that I look forward to.

1.Haunt - Mind Freeze
2.Unreqvited - Mosaic II: La Déteste Et La Détresse
3.Rage - Wings Of Rage
4.Mystic Prophecy - Metal Division
5.Yoth Iria - Under His Sway

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Created by pandrstudios on 22.02.2020