Hugo Mariutti
Guest musician
Personal information
Born on: 18.12.1975
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Hugo started out his career as guitar player and singer for thrash band Wardeath. Owner of a very unique way of playing, he's been pointed out by his progressive influences, until he founded the band Shaman/Shaaman in 2000. Together with that band, he's been working as one of its main composers and has made uncountable recordings and tours. Hugo is one of Andre Matos' strongest musical partners, having already written several songs together with the vocalist. His side-band, Henceforth, has been recognized s one of the biggest revelations of the last years, among the Brazilian underground scene.
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Hugo started out his career as guitar player and singer for thrash band Wardeath. Owner of a very unique way of playing, he's been pointed out by his progressive influences, until he founded the band Shaman/Shaaman in 2000. Together with that band, he's been working as one of its main composers and has made uncountable recordings and tours. Hugo is one of Andre Matos' strongest musical partners, having already written several songs together with the vocalist. His side-band, Henceforth, has been recognized s one of the biggest revelations of the last years, among the Brazilian underground scene.