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Thumbs up: +11
Favorite Black Metal Albums

1.Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
2.Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
3.Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
4.Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
5.Satyricon - Nemesis Divina

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Created by TheMAGAmvm on 02.10.2012

Thumbs up: +16
50 Albums Of Pure Eargasm For The Ages

This is buy or die stuff (in no particular order), the epitome of pure awesomeness!…

1.Windir - Arntor
2.Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
3.Cor Scorpii - Monument
4.Judas Priest - Painkiller
5.Summoning - Dol Guldur

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Created by Windir on 24.06.2012

Thumbs up: +14
Black Metal Miscellanea

Personally I find Black Metal to be a very difficult genre to get into, hence the meager length of my list which contains all the albums I've really enjoyed to date, in no order. Recommendations are…

1.Potentiam - Bálsýn
2.Grabnebelfürsten - Dynastie Oder Wie Man Herrschaft Definert
3.Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
4.Sigh - Hangman's Hymn- Musikalische Exequien
5.Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape

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Created by R'Vannith on 05.11.2011

Thumbs up: +2
TOP 2003

1.Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja
2.Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
3.Helloween - Rabbit Don't Come Easy
4.Kamelot - Epica
5.Arch Enemy - Anthems Of Rebellion

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Created by giok99 on 06.09.2011

Thumbs up: +7
50 Best Of The 00's.....for Me Anyway!

I think the title is self explanitory. Not in order of preference as it would change daily and I can't be arsed changing it around all the time!:) it's a bit of a mixture of all the stuff I like…

1.Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
2.Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde
3.Arsis - A Celebration Of Guilt
4.Be'lakor - Stone's Reach
5.Between The Buried And Me - Colors

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Created by Bigpaul on 07.10.2010

Thumbs up: +6
My Personal Top 15 Albums Of ALL Time

This is a somewhat accurate list of my top albums…

1.Death - Human
2.Windir - 1184
3.Autopsy - Severed Survival
4.Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
5.Saint Vitus - V

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Created by Galar on 22.05.2010

Thumbs up: +1
Top 20 albums of 2003

I'll probably never get a thumb up for this list as there are a lot of controversial albums on it. 2003 is on the other hand maybe the best metal year so far in my opinion. It was here I really started…

1.Cradle Of Filth - Damnation And A Day
2.Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
3.Norther - Mirror Of Madness
4.Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death
5.Illnath - Cast Into Fields Of Evil Pleasure

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Created by Warman on 27.04.2010