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Some Albums With 8.50 Or More

1.Shylmagoghnar - Emergence
2.Galneryus - Angel Of Salvation
3.Blindead - Affliction XXIX II MXMVI
4.Batushka - Litourgiya
5.Leprous - Bilateral

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Created by JavierPaper on 28.11.2021

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Best Releases Of 2001-2010

As we go into 2011, I decided to look back on the last decade, and try and put together a list of what I believe are the highest quality, and favorite releases of the previous decade.

I believe "best"…

1.Deströyer 666 - Cold Steel... For An Iron Age
2.Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
3.Celtic Frost - Monotheist
4.Cobalt - Gin
5.Behemoth - Demigod

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Created by BrutalN00dle on 25.12.2010

Thumbs up: +2
Konrad's Top 25 Albums Of 2009

My top Metal picks for 2009. It was in interesting year and a good transition into what I feel will be a decade of progression as never seen before.

If you don't agree with my list, make your own.

1.Wodensthrone - Loss
2.Mastodon - Crack The Skye
3.Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow
4.Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough
5.Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave

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Created by Konrad on 20.03.2010

Thumbs up: +1
Currently Listening... (June 2023 Edition)

These are albums that I'm currently enjoying. They may be classics that I'm revisiting or new gems I've recently discovered. (Ordered alphabetically)

- A star (⭐️) denotes a new discovery…

1.Burzum - Filosofem
2.Cobalt - Gin
3.Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
4.Catacombs - In The Depths Of R'lyeh
5.Duelist - Spaghetti Western Black Metal

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Created by F3ynman on 03.06.2023