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In The Studio
Jan 11
Drop New Single
Drop New Single
Jan 11
Page: 1
@BE - They played in all conditions back then, the fairy footballers of today would go on strike if they had to endure weather and muddy pitches like that. It was bad enough being a spectator sat in the freezing cold stands.
11:52 - Bad English
Nam dude just put one of stupidest usernames ever.
11:50 - Bad English
[link] Andy today game we would be stopped due bad weather, but not in 1997
21:59 - no one
Congrats @chidder it doesn't hit as hard but it's harder...but kind of not because you know the deal.
21:52 - AndyMetalFreak
Congratulations Chidder!
21:03 - Bad English
20:40 - corrupt
Gratulacje Chidder! I hear, the second time doesn't hit as hard. Maybe you're lucky :)
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