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2014-  Nemri - drums, vocals
2014-  Nehluj - guitars, vocals
2015-  Nebehn - bass, vocals
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2014-2015  Nekurat - bass, vocals
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Sordide have stripped black metal back to its very core, unleashing their most raw, dirty, and savage attack on us yet.
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››
It's quite tough to be unique in genres with decades upon decades of history. Sometimes, keeping things mostly familiar but consistently threading at borders is a pretty satisfying compromise. This is why I just know this is a Sordide album.
Review by RaduP ››
Black metal has had a good long run and it has evolved in a myriad of new directions. Sordide is a black metal band signed to Throatruiner Records. If you know who that is, you're probably licking your lips by now.
Review by RaduP ››

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