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Twilight Guardians


1996-2008  Henri Suominen - drums
1996-2008  Carl-Johan Gustafsson - guitars
1999-2008  Mikko Tång - bass
1999-2008  Vesa Virtanen - vocals
1999-2008  Jari Pailamo - keyboards
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1996-1999  Tomi Holopainen - bass
1996-1999  Jan Ståhlström - vocals
1996-1999  Antti Valtamo - keyboards
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La isla bonita, el álbum aburrido

I know that when you're finished reading this review, you're going to think that I hate Power Metal, that I'm not qualified with the necessary objectivity to analyze and review a Power Metal Cd....
Review by Undercraft ››
What's up with Finland and Power Metal nowadays? After Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Thunderstone everyone wants their Power Metal band! Jut like it happened in Sweden with Melodeath and with Black Metal in Norway, I can imagine little kids telling...
Review by Undercraft ››


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