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1992-1999  Kevin Kazek - vocals
› 2000-  -//-
2000-2001  Nicolas Pelissier - keyboards
› 2001-  -//- guitars, keyboards
2013-  Thomas Das Neves - drums
2016-  Vianney Habert - bass
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1990-1992  David Papp - drums
1992-1996  Dominique Calastretti - drums
1992-1996  Eric Perron - guitars
› 2000-2002  -//-
1992-1998  Marco Smacchi - guitars
› 2000-2001  -//-
1992-1999  Christophe Billon-Laroute - bass
› 2000-2016  -//-
1997-1999  Régis Reinert - guitars
2000-2013  Julien Truttmann - drums
2001-2002  Marc Etmanski - vocals
2003-2010  Déborah Hofer - vocals
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2004  Cyril Vincent - guitars
2004-2005  Régis Reinert - guitars
2015-  Audrey Adornato - vocals
2015  Audrey Adornato - vocals
2015  Joe Amore - vocals
2018  Melissa Bonny - vocals

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Ov Asylum
I'm wondering if the music industry is so bad today that bands which used to play not really commercial music have to totally change their musical orientation to expect something good or if the guys of Seyminhol have just drink a lot and took the...
Review by Jeff ››
Seyminhol comes from France and if they still are an unknown band for you, believe me that it will have to change and as soon as possible, especially if you're looking for some amazing Symphonic and Epic Metal. Don't be afraid, Seyminhol doesn't...
Review by Jeff ››


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