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Al Atkins

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


1989-  Al Atkins - vocals
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NA  Chris Johnson (III) - guitars
NA  Simon Lees - guitars
NA  Vince O'Regan - guitars
NA  John Thornton - drums
NA  Bruno Stapenhill - bass
NA  Steve Mercy - bass
NA  Scott Dallow - bass
1989-1995  John Anthony - drums
1990-2003  Pete Emms - bass
1990-2017  Paul Andrew May - guitars
1992  Neil Price - keyboards
1992  Pete Rogers - drums
1994  Mick Hales - drums
1998  Dave Holland - drums
2003  Paul Hodson - keyboards
2017  Rob Allen - drums
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1990  Mark Presdey - keyboards
1990  Ken Baker - keyboards
1992  Bruno Stapenhill - bass
1998  Andy Pyke - backing vocals
2007  Mick Hales - drums
2007  Pete Emms - bass
2007  Bernie Tormé - guitars
2007  Chris Johnson (III) - guitars
› 2017  -//- guitar solo
2007  Paul Andrew May - guitars
2007  Simon Lees - guitars
2007  Brian Tatler - guitars
2017  John Ellis - drums
2017  Roy Z - guitar solo
2017  Stuart "Stu" Marshall - guitar solo
2017  Tsuyoshi Ikedo - guitar solo
2017  Ian Frank Hill - bass
2017  Ralf Scheepers - vocals
2017  K. K. Downing - guitars
2017  John McCoy - bass


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