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As We Fight


2001-2007  Laurits Medom - vocals
› 2011  -//-
2001-2011  Søren Hvidt - bass
2001-2011  Martin Olsen - guitars
2005-2011  Martin Goltermann - guitars
2006-2011  Niels "Niller" Christian Plum - drums
2008-2011  Esben Elnegaard Kjær Hansen - vocals
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2001-2005  Michael Dal - guitars
2001-2006  Casper Sennenwald - drums
2001-2008  Jason Campbell - vocals
2007-2010  Jesper Gün - vocals
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Metalcore is a trend nowadays and if a lot of these bands started to play this music in USA, we have now more and more releases that come from Europe, Belgium and Denmark being one of the most productive countries of the continent. "Midnight Tornado"...
Review by Jeff ››

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