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1993-  Manolo Schäfler - guitars
1994-1995  Rolando Jeldrez - bass
› 2016-  -//-
1994-1998  Freddy Alexis - vocals
› 2000  -//-
› 2016-  -//-
2014-  Nacho Garcia de Cortazar - drums
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1993-1994  Gonzalo Ruiz-Tagle - bass
1993-2004  Carlos Hernández - drums
› 2006-2011  -//-
1996-2008  Cristián Maturana - bass
› 2013-2016  -//-
1999-2000  Pedro Galán - vocals
2001-2016  Paulo Domic - vocals
2004-2006  Juan Osorio - drums
› 2013-2014  -//-
2009  Felipe Leyton - bass
2009-2010  Thom Frost - bass
2011-2012  Rodrigo García - bass
2011-2012  Cristian Carrasco - drums
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2014  Nico Saavedra - drums
2010  Ada Mella - backing vocals
2010  Aldo Hormazabal - drums
2010  Felipe Leyton - bass
2010  Andrea Sanchez - backing vocals
2016  Yanko Tolic - vocals

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