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1994-  Kosta Papazoglou - guitars
1994-  Zain Kimmie - drums
2000-  Danny Cecati - vocals
2009-  Evan Harris - bass
2009-  Seb Schneider - keyboards
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1994-1996  Ken Taylor - vocals, guitar
1994-2008  Rob Gorham - bass
1996-1997  Jason Smart - vocals
1997-2000  Anthony Porchia - guitars
1998-2000  Jimmy Georgopoulos - vocals
1998-2000  Shiran Manan - keyboards
2000-2002  Garrett Ryan - keyboards
2003-2009  Sammy Giaccotto - keyboards
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2007  Andy LaRocque - guitars
2012  George Kosmas - vocals

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It's good to see that the really good Aussie band Eyefear is still active and now signed on the really good label Dockyard 1. I don't know if you remember it but I already wrote a review of their previous album "A World Full Of Grey"...
Review by Jeff ››
Eyefear comes from Australia and even if "A World Full of Grey" is already the 3rd album of the combo, I have to confess that it's the first time that I hear some words about them. But well anyway at least this new release will be a good...
Review by Jeff ››

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