Mercury Rain
Rank: 6008 3 fans |
1998-2001 | Dion Smith - guitars |
› 2002-2006 | -//- |
1998-2006 | Jon Hoare - bass |
1999-2006 | Sonia Porzier - vocals |
2005-2006 | Claudio Diprima - drums |
2005-2006 | Roy Chudobskyi - guitars |
1998-2004 | Andy Pester - drums |
2001-2002 | Tim Henly - guitars |
2004-2005 | Rodrigo Oliveira - drums |
Latest reviews
St. Matthieu
Mercury Rain is back, and while many of you are not familiar this band, I do, I reviewed their debut album like a year ago, and I was greatly surprised by the quality of their work, now time has passed by and I have in my hands their new album.
First,... Review by Undercraft ›› |
Dark Waters
It finally arrived. Mercury Rain debut album Dark Waters, my first thought was "really nice cover art" and is it, very well done, that's a good start for any band beginning a career, since many people buy albums based on the cover art.
Review by Undercraft ›› |
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