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Effect Murder

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2000-  Jacek "Johny" Bartnicki - guitars
2005-  Dehumanizer - bass
2005-  A.D. Rotten - guitars
2006-  Gregor (II) - drums
2006-  Stania - vocals
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2000-2005  Maciej "Bzyk" Dołhinko - drums
2001  Marcin (I) - bass
2001-2005  Konrad "Darnoghk" - vocals
2002-2003  Rafal - bass
2003  Arek - guitars
2003-2004  Kamil - bass
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2010  Hal - vocals

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Ugh. What an ugly cover. The music must be shit too.


Effect Murder is one of those bands that is completely unheard of but actually plays music as if they are the most seasoned of pros. Architects Of Sense is a surprisingly awesome release from...
Review by jupitreas ››


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