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Godless Rising

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2005-  Jeff Gruslin - vocals
2013-  Lance Gifford - guitars
2013-  Cryptos - drums
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2005-2007  Paul Flynn - guitars
2007-2008  Darrell Creel - guitars
› 2013-2024  -//-
2008  Dan Mendez - drums
2008  Anthony Prieto - bass
2008-2012  Toby Knapp - guitar, bass
› 2012-2013  -//- guitars
› 2013  -//- drums
2013-2014  Doug Williams - bass
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Godless Rising are out with their third album, Trumpet Of Triumph, which is a pretty diverse album. They present themselves as an obscure, evil Death metal band with their fired-up, aggressive sixsixsix-logo and lyrical themes revolving around anti-christianity,...
Review by Lucas ››


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