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2001-  Master Alafern - guitars, violin
2001-  Sigurd - bass
› 2001  -//- guitars
2002-  Anna Merkulova - keyboards, flute
2006-  Vladislav Redkin - drums
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2001  Arturius - bass
2001-2002  Olga - keyboards
2001-2002  Helg - guitars
2001-2005  Amorth - drums
› 2005  -//- vocals
› 2010  -//-
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2006  Vsesvit - drums

Latest reviews

Oh boy...Another one of these albums. Yes, Totentanz is one of those albums that seems like the artists dumped all their creative brilliance into a select few moments, then left the rest dry and basic.
Review by Doc G. ››


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