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Celtic Frost


1984-1993  Martin Eric Ain - bass
› 2003-2008  -//-
1984-2008  Tom G. Warrior - guitars, vocals
2004-2008  Franco Sesa - drums
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1984  Isaac Darso - drums
1985  Dominic Steiner - bass
1985-1988  Reid Cruickshank - drums
› 1992-1993  -//-
1988-1989  Oliver Amberg - guitars
1988-1992  Stephen Priestly - drums
1988-1993  Curt Victor Bryant - guitars, bass
1990  Ron Marks - guitars
2001-2005  Erol Unala - guitars
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1984  Stephen Priestly - drums
1985-1987  Claudia-Maria Mokri - vocals
1987  Malgorzata Blaiejewska Woller - violin
1987  Wulf Ebert - cello
1987  Jürgen Paul Mann - viola
1987  Anton Schreiber - franch horn
1987  Eva Cieslinski - violin
1988  Michelle Villanueva - vocals
1990  Uta Günther - backing vocals
2006  Simone Vollenweider - vocals
1987  Ron Marks - guitars
2006-2007  Anders Odden - guitars
2007-2008  Victor Bullok - guitars
1984  Horst Müller - vocals
1984  Hertha Ohling - vocals
1984  Oswald Spengler - violin
1987  Andreas Dobler - guitars
1987  Thomas Berter - backing vocals
1987  Marchain Regee Rotschy - backing vocals
1987  Manü Moan - vocals
1987  H.C. 1922 - backing vocals
1990  Michelle Fischer - vocals
1990  Michele Amar - vocals
1990  Roli Mosimann - keyboards, backing vocals
2006  Ravn - vocals
› 2017  -//- backing vocals
2006  Satyr - vocals
2006  Lisa Middelhauve - vocals
2006  Peter Tägtgren - vocals

Latest reviews

The Emperor HAS Returned

It would probably not be too much of an over-generalization to say that Celtic Frost fans are divided into two groups. The first group is made up of extreme metal fans who see the Swiss band's seminal records like Morbid...
Review by jupitreas ››
Exceptionally, this review will be special. This is not because I'm really lazy today, but because this new cd of the England label Peaceville, is a compilation of Black Metal produced by Mr Fenriz of Darkthrone. No rating, and no critics on the...
Review by Jeff ››

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