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Entropia (FRA)

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2006-  Laurent Tort - bass
2006-  Jérôme Bougaret - guitars, vocals
2010-  Jordan Chevreton - guitars
2012-  Pierjan Vadeboin - drums
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2006-2010  Olivier Garcon - drums
2006-2012  Marie Mac Leod - vocals
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Latest reviews

Whoa, another Epica meets Nightwish band.

OK, I have to admit, this is a pretty bad way to start a review. Even if it's true, it's a limited statement, as there's thankfully more more to say on this Obscure Rising EP?

Review by Darkside Momo ››


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