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1999-  A.K. - guitars
2005-  Dave Terror - drums
2007-  EsX - guitars
2009-  Saint Vincent - vocals
2013-  Narcotic - bass
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1999-2004  Aseal - drums
1999-2007  Silmaeth - guitars
1999-2009  "Sohr-Khasm" "Andralath Svartsinn" - vocals
1999-2013  Marianne Séjourné - bass
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Latest reviews

Remember Vorkreist?

If you said yes:

Go ahead and click away. This is more of the same for them.

If you said no:

Go ahead and click away. This is more of the same for death-ened black as a whole.

Sigil Whore Christ is like a t.v. dinner. Puncture...
Review by wormdrink414 ››
Death Vs. Black

Vorkreist is a French combo that plays a mixture of Death and Black Metal, yes, this is not very original and actually there's a lot of bands doing what Vorkreist does, so, is there's really a reason to buy this album? Let's...
Review by Undercraft ››

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