Janne Puurtinen
Guest musician
Personal information
Also known as: Emerson Burton
Born on: 17.10.1974
Janne Johannes Puurtinen, better known as Emerson Burton, is the current keyboard-player in the Finnish rock band, HIM. He was born October 17, 1974, in Helsinki. Burton comes from a family of ballerinas. He tried himself, but it "wasn't really anything for him." He began playing keyboards when he was around 5 years old. His mother motivated him to keep playing by making a hand puppet called "Riku the Piano Dog." If Burton didn't play, Riku the Piano Dog would starve. Burton made his second debut as a temporary member of the band at the concert arranged at the Semifinal Club on January 12, 2001. This was to give the keyboarder the chance to appear in a low key environment before the tour dates in Sweden, Norway and Denmark later that very month. Burton described playing with HIM "really easy and comfortable" as his bandmates helped him to learn the set. He was asked to become a full time member at the end of January 2001. He was friends with other members of the band while at school but didn't join their band straight away, instead he went on to study music at a higher level and is now classicaly trained. Burton's influences include Tchaikovsky, Michael Jackson and Pink Floyd.
Born on: 17.10.1974
Janne Johannes Puurtinen, better known as Emerson Burton, is the current keyboard-player in the Finnish rock band, HIM. He was born October 17, 1974, in Helsinki. Burton comes from a family of ballerinas. He tried himself, but it "wasn't really anything for him." He began playing keyboards when he was around 5 years old. His mother motivated him to keep playing by making a hand puppet called "Riku the Piano Dog." If Burton didn't play, Riku the Piano Dog would starve. Burton made his second debut as a temporary member of the band at the concert arranged at the Semifinal Club on January 12, 2001. This was to give the keyboarder the chance to appear in a low key environment before the tour dates in Sweden, Norway and Denmark later that very month. Burton described playing with HIM "really easy and comfortable" as his bandmates helped him to learn the set. He was asked to become a full time member at the end of January 2001. He was friends with other members of the band while at school but didn't join their band straight away, instead he went on to study music at a higher level and is now classicaly trained. Burton's influences include Tchaikovsky, Michael Jackson and Pink Floyd.