Adam Stacey
Studio musician
Personal information
Adam is a musician/composer originally from Valencia, California. Most of Adam's childhood was spent learning to play music "by ear" and practicing the piano with eager agility. In recent years, with a more regimented approach to musical education, he has dedicated his practice to learning the styles of traditional gypsy music and jazz.
In 2003, he moved to the coastal town of Santa Cruz where he joined forces with a band he'd always venerated, Estradasphere.
Besides Estradasphere, Adam maintains an active role in many other musical projects.? He is presently a member of the Oakland-based Immersion Composition Society (I.C.S.), and has contributed his talents as a keyboardist to such bands as The Secret Chiefs 3, Lefty's Head, LotusFear and has played percussion for the Romanian folk band, The Fishtank Ensemble. He has also performed with the NBC/Universal company rock band, served as the pit-orchestra keyboardist for two seasons of Shakespeare Santa Cruz, and even did a stint as a church organist.