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The Darksend - Biography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


The band that later on would be known as The Darksend was formed in April 1991 by vocalist Sony Richter, guitarplayer/bassplayer Mikael Bergman and batterist Vires. It originally started as a side project to a Death Metal band which the threesome also participated in. As Bergman was actually a bassplayer, the early material was rather primitive and a bit influenced by Bathory. In January 1992, Vires decided to switch to bass when they found a drummer called Owl who wished to join. This line-up did not last very long though. Personal differences between Richter/Bergman and Vires lead to the band splitting up in April 1992. A rehearsaltape later referred to as "Last Man In Sodom" was recorded but somehow got lost.

In December 1993, Richter, Bergman and Vires got together again. They settled their differences, picked the name The Darksend and started working as a threepiece again. The Darksend became their no. 1 priority and the first (and only) official demo, "The Darksend", was released in January 1995. The reason it took a whole year to compose and record it was due to the lack of a proper rehearsalplace. After the release of this(rather shitty) tape, the band got themselves a rehearsalplace and a bassplayer by the name of Mihalj Stefko joined. A few months later, a promotape simply called "Promo" was recorded. This tape lead to several label offers and in August 1995 a deal was signed with Norwegian label Head Not Found. The final recordings of the first album "Unsunned" was completed in October 1995, but the album wasn´t released until April 1996.

Phamarus joined as second guitarplayer in December 1995. Something that the band thought was positive as Bergman soon had to do his military service. As it so happened, this proved to be a bad choice. A period of unseriousness followed and it wasn´t until October 1996 that things started to work again. Phamarus was fired and the promo "The Luciferian Promo" was recorded. In November 1996, Anders Stigert was picked as Phamarus replacement. In January 1997 he switched to bass as the result of Mihalj Stefko being fired. Stefan Stigert thereby joined as second guitarplayer. "The Luciferian Promo" resulted in one song included on Black Mark´s compilation "Out of the Box" (released in June 1997) and the 7" "The Luciferian Whisper" released by X-treme records and Nekrologium Productions in November 1997. In June 1997, Vires decided to leave the band as he had grown away from the Black Metal scene. A new batterist, Magnus Hoff, joined the following day in July 1997. The new line-up worked hard at their new promotape, "The Lightmare Promo", which was finished in February 1998. This tape eventually resulted in a deal with X-treme Records for the album "Antichrist In Excelsis". Before the recording of the album, drummer Magnus Hoff chose to leave the band. He however played on it as a session member. This is the story of The Darksend thus far. Check the news section for current happenings or drop us a line to investigate further of our existence, our ideals and our goals.

Source: Official website