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The Mountain King - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (11)
EP (2)
Split (2)

Showing 13 releases of 15 [ show all ]

Mind Deny Undo [EP]
01. Prologue (Underwood By Proxy)
02. Mind
03. Deny
04. Undo
05. Epilogue (We Are Phantoms)

01. Descend!
02. Wanderlost
03. Living On A Shelf
04. The Serial Thinker
05. Play That HAARP, Sam
06. The Haunted Track Throwback
07. Of Ancient Astronauts And Future Cavemen
08. Arctic Requiem
09. Kånsum 420/7
10. Transilvanian Sunrise
11. Home Run
12. Schism Jack
13. EXIT

01. Intro (Washed Ashore)
02. Into The Woods
03. Fleeing Wolves (Grab A Stick!)
04. First Encounter Of The Dead Kind
05. This Is No Island! (Super Dead Peninsula)
06. From My Cold Wet Hands
07. The Moaning Cave
08. Too Many Hands
09. Laser Sun Loot Relieve
10. Wire And Stick...Let Me Think...
11. The Bassbow!
12. Hunting Without Compass
13. Further (Super Dead Land)
14. Clouds Of Darkness (Seek Shelter!)
15. Flickering Lights In The Distance
16. To The Mountain Z!
17. Grabbed By The Heels Again
18. The Undead Can't Climb
19. Below Zero Certain Death
20. Warmest Hand Of The Month
21. They Live!?
22. Triumvirat (The Quest)
23. Descending In Arms
24. End Titles (Super Dead World)

01. Hitting Stellar Pipes
02. Call Of Mothra
03. Mothra's Legacy I (Egg) [bonus]

01. Nirvana's Sunnier Tails [Ape Dos Mil remix]
02. Free Vacuum Net [The Mountain King remix]
03. Asphalt Apathy Ram [Paul SG remix]
04. Hail There, Stinker! [Hans Zimmert remix]
05. Gravy Straits [Sol1dude remix]
06. Land Towers [Black Autumn remix]
07. Fog In Nashville [Hans Zimmert remix]
08. Stand Lower [Refur/Bished remix]
09. Scented [Burn These Bones remix]
10. Alaska Pieces [The Mountain King remix]

01. As Below So Below
02. St. Nihil, The Martyr
03. As Your Parasite Grows You Become The Parasite
04. With Every Breath The Universe Expands And Collapses
05. Wicked Zen

01. The Smell Of Stars And Vomit (Part 1)
02. The Smell Of Stars And Vomit (Part 2)

C. A. O. S. D. [EP]
01. Moneytov Cocktail
02. The Obvious F
03. Anti K-9 Frequency
04. Unfollowtherich
05. Blue Balls Bill
06. Cause Without A Rebel
07. It's Brewtal!
08. Compulsive Art Of Shelf Defense
09. Compulsive Radio Edit [bonus]
10. Riding Crime Waves [bonus]

6 | 1 vote |
01. 44000
02. Convergence Main Title
03. Ex Capulo
04. Polylithic
05. Hybrids Saving Humans
06. Stellar Contamination
07. Too Many Battlefields
08. A Fist Of Swarms
09. Growing Limbs
10. If That Was My Movie, Scott, I'd Do A Quadrilogy
11. Ex Capulo II (Sole)
12. Weeđra's Lair
13. For Those Who Fear Us
14. Floating Graveyard
15. Ex Capulo III (Immanitate)
16. Convergence End Titles

6.3 | 19 votes |
01. I Bongnob
02. II In Girum Imus Noctem Aram Et Consumimur Igni
03. III Wollow
04. IV Sophos
05. V DNA Sand
06. sohpoS VI
07. wolloW III
08. ingI rumimusnoC tE marA metcoN sumI muriG nI II
09. bongnoB I

6 | 6 votes |
01. Crispr Children
02. Alan 1936
03. The Tsunami Of Hope Comes In Droplets
04. Bad Bank Fountain
05. 41497871011
06. You Sit By The Window And Look Into The Forest, The Wind Is Still And The Bushes Keep Moving
07. Deeprrression
08. Dallol Beach Resort
09. Salted Caramel Permafrost Thawing Espresso Oat Latte
10. p0.00r

4.7 | 3 votes |
01. Anthroapology I
02. Death & Money
03. Parabolantenna
04. Collateralus
05. Fear Of The Angst
06. Driveby Mating
07. Dirty Bomb
08. Modern Alchemy
09. The Alcoves
10. Anthroapology II
11. Casino Cathedrals
12. Cui Bono?
13. Nostradamus Partybus

5.2 | 5 votes |
01. Space Is Now Tainted
02. Knuckles [feat. Joel De Blois]
03. Twomb
04. Stoma
05. Finity And Beneath
06. Dripping Bats
07. To The Caves!
08. Space Is Now Tainted [Dissector's Cut version]