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Agathocles - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (14)
EP (52)
Live (24)
DVD (2)
Compilation (41)
Demo (4)
VA (14)
Split (406)

Showing 24 releases of 557 [ show all ]

Sociopath [Live]
01. Fake Friend
02. Forced Pollutions
03. Majesty Of Fools
04. Splattered Brains
05. Lay Off Me
06. Fog
07. The Accident
08. Consuming Endoderme Pus
09. Playing With Lives
10. Mutilated Regurgitator
11. Trust Not Me
12. Teachers
13. Purified By Death
14. Deceased
15. Introtyl
16. Christianity Means Tyranny
17. Squeeze Anton
18. Gorgonized Dorks
19. Solitary Minded
20. The Well Of Happiness
21. Threshold To Senility
22. Consuming Endoderme Pus
23. Splattered Brains
24. Forced Pollutions
25. The Accident

01. Fragments Of A Time To Come
02. Bastard Breed - We Don't Need
03. Jack's Life
04. We Pay
05. Politicians 'new Years' Wishes
06. I Thouhgt
07. Full Of Hatred
08. Didn't Ask
09. Twisting History
10. Media Creations
11. Hormon Mob
12. Bio-industry, Fucked Up Humanity
13. Macho-crowd
14. Just Injust
15. Denying Identy
16. Cheers Mankind Cheers
17. Earth 2500
18. Their Excuse
19. Labelisation
20. Threshold To Senility
21. What A Nerve
22. Non-Conformity
23. Alternetive - Another Trend
24. Majesty Of Fool
25. Teachers
26. Lay Of Me
27. Mius Haulat Tapela
28. Agarchy
29. Theatric Symbolisation Of Life
30. Labelisation
31. Kill Your Idols
32. The Accident

Cliché? [Live]
01. Lack Of Personality
02. Theatric Symbolisation Of Life
03. Labelisation
04. Lay Off Me
05. Like An Ivy / Suffocation
06. Sentimental Hypocrisy
07. Non-Conformity
08. Kill Your Idols
09. Consuming Endoderme Pus
10. The Accident
11. What A Nerve
12. Agarchy
13. Teachers
14. Threshold To Senility
15. Alternative - Another Trend

01. Intro By Eddie K.
02. Mutilated Regurgitator
03. Lack Of Personality
04. Forced Pollutions
05. Big Headed Bastards
06. Squeeze Anton
07. Senseless Trip
08. Theatric Symbolisation Of Life
09. Sentimental Hypocrisy
10. The Accident
11. Kill Your Idols
12. Introtyl
13. Non-Conformity
14. Majesty Of Fools
15. Teachers
16. Labelisation
17. Threshold To Senility
18. An Abstract

01. Threshold To Senility
02. Big One
03. Playing With Lifes
04. Splattered Brains
05. Consuming Endoderme Pus
06. Forced Pollutions
07. Teachers
08. Trust? Not Me!
09. Gorgonised Dorks
10. Solitary Minded
11. Christianity Means Tyranny
12. The Fog
13. The Accident
14. Well Of Happiness
15. Majesty Of Fools
16. Squeeze Anton
17. Trust? Not Me!
18. Gorgonised Dorks
19. Solitary Minded
20. Christianity Means Tyranny
21. The Fog
22. The Accident
23. Well Of Happiness
24. Majesty Of Fools

01. Big One
02. The Fog
03. Teachers
04. The Accident
05. Mutilated Regurgitator
06. Intro + Splattered Brains
07. Christianity Means Tyranny
08. Squeeze Anton
09. Introtyl
10. Treshold To Senility
11. Intro + Another Need To Be Fed
12. Screefreak
13. Bring Down Their Throne
14. Intro + Wipped From The Surface
15. Debalance Their Policy
16. Intro + Pigs In Blue
17. I Won't Fit
18. Hippie Cult
19. Provoked Behaviour
20. Black Ones + Systemphobic
21. Anthropodislogical
22. Labelisation
23. What Mankind Creates
24. No!
25. Rejected Adaption
26. An Abstract
27. Faded Novelty
28. Senseless Trip
29. Here And Now
30. Is It Really Mine?

Live And Noisy [Live]
01. Criminalisation Of Strange Behaviour
02. A Start At Least
03. Trust? Not Me!
04. He Cared
05. Consuming Endoderme Pus
06. Progress Or Stupidity?
07. A For Arrogance
08. Lay Off Me
09. Birds (Poem) / Agarchy
10. Doctors Wished Me
11. Who Cares?
12. Knock Back
13. Is There A Place?
14. Is It Really Mine?

01. Intro
02. The Truth Begins Where Man Stops To Think
03. Mutilated Regurgitator
04. What A Nerve
05. Forced Pollutions
06. Theatric Symbolisation Of Life
07. Kill Your Idols
08. Threshold Of Senility
09. Like An Ivy (Poem) / Gorgonized Dorks
10. Teachers
11. Consuming Endoderme Pus
12. Sentimental Hypocrisy, Part 1
13. Sentimental Hypocrisy, Part 2
14. Outro

Alive & Mincing [Live]
01. Didn't Ask
02. Careless Wish
03. Introtyl
04. Hunt Foxhunters
05. Directed By The U.s.
06. Proud To Be Out
07. Labelisation
08. Without A Clue
09. You Bet
10. Slaves To The Beat
11. Chop Off Their Genitals
12. Christianity Means Tyranny
13. A For Arrogance
14. Lay Off Me
15. Raw War
16. Superiority Overdose
17. No Use... (Hatred)
18. Bait Of The State
19. Birds (Poem) / Agarchy
20. They Stare
21. Teachers
22. Bureaucracy Versus Officiency
23. Take A Piss
24. Glass Eyes
25. Trust? Not Me!
26. Mutilated Regurgitator
27. Proud To Be Out
28. Raw War

01. Cruelty For Popularity
02. The World Owes Them A Living
03. Green Versus Green
04. Nice Brand - Wrong Price
05. Intro / Well Of Happiness
06. Judged By Appearance
07. Solitary Minded
08. Smash To Nothingness
09. The World Owes Them A Living
10. Frost Bitten Death
11. Retardation
12. Blue Twisted Rules
13. Big Sick Business
14. Lord Of Armaggeddon
15. Incarceration
16. Mutilated Regurgitator
17. Frost Bitten Death
18. Hit It Again
19. Retardation
20. Incarcderation
21. Hand In Hand
22. Proud To Be Out
23. Introtyl
24. Big One
25. Teachers
26. Christianity Means Tyranny
27. Squeeze Anton
28. Introtyl
29. The Fog
30. Majesty Of Fools
31. Lay Off Me
32. Purified By Death
33. Deceased
34. Use The Mincer
35. Fake Friend
36. Gorgonised Dorks
37. Trust? Not Me!
38. Chop Off Their Genitals
39. Christianity Means Tyranny
40. Big One
41. Playing With Lifes
42. Introtyl
43. Majesty Of Fools
44. Lay Off Me
45. Squeeze Anton
46. Splattered Brains
47. The Fog
48. Use The Mincer
49. Forced Pollutions
50. Fake Friend
51. Teachers

Senseless Trip [Live]
01. Intro
02. Forced Pollutions
03. Bigheaded Bastards
04. Consuming Endoderme Pus
05. An Abstract
06. Introtyl
07. Kill Your Fucking Idols
08. Labelisation
09. Lack Of Personality
10. Majesty Of Fools
11. Mutilated Regurgitator
12. Non-Conformity
13. Senseless Trip
14. Sentimental Hypocrisy
15. Squeeze Anton
16. Teachers
17. The Accident
18. Threshold To Senility
19. Theatric Symbolisation Of Life

Live In Chile [Live]
01. Necessity
02. Christianity Means Tyranny
03. Until It Bleeds
04. Tension
05. Carved Face Fashion
06. Arbeit Macht Krank
07. Not A Bit
08. Razor Sharp Daggers
09. Axe The Tax
10. Mutilated Regurgitator
11. Lay Off Me
12. Only Friction
13. Splattered Brains
14. A Start At Least
15. Liberal Cancer
16. Chronic Death
17. Matadores Del Libertad
18. A For Arrogance
19. Big Flat Cages
20. Bang Bang
21. Religious Fucking Dope
22. Hear More
23. Porcelain A
24. Contradiction
25. O.S.L. [Lärm cover]
26. Who Cares?
27. Well Of Happiness
28. Muchas Cervezas En Arica

01. Grind Is Protest - Not A Bit - Big Flat Cages - Only Friction - Who Cares - Tension
02. Carved Face Fashion
03. Axe The Tax - Bang Bang - Hear More - Until It Bleeds - Lay Off Me
04. Splattered Brains
05. A Start At Least - A For Arrogance
06. Christianity Means Tyrany - Porcelain A
07. Religious Fucking Dope
08. Matadores De Libertad - Chronic Death
09. Well Of Happiness
10. Razor Sharp Daggers - Mutilated Regurgitator - Necessity
11. Arbeit Macht Krank - Contradiction - OSL [Lärm cover] - Open Gates

01. Axe The Tax
02. Razor Sharp Daggers
03. Religious Fucking Dope
04. A Start At Least
05. Matadores Del Libertad
06. Liberal Cancer
07. Only Friction
08. Who Cares
09. Arbeit Macht Krank
10. Not A Bit
11. Chronic Death
12. VMO
13. Bang Bang
14. Mutilated Regurgitator
15. Tension
16. Lay Off Me
17. Big Flat Cages
18. Porcelain A
19. Splattered Brains
20. Carved Face Fashion
21. A For Arrogance
22. Necessity
23. Well Of Happiness
24. Until It Bleeds
25. O.S.L. [Lärm cover]
26. Hear More
27. Christianity Means Tyranny
28. Muchas Cervazas En Lima
29. Contradiction
30. Not A Bit
31. Big Flat Cages
32. Only Friction
33. Who Cares
34. Tension
35. Axe The Tax
36. Bang Bang
37. Hear More
38. Until It Bleeds
39. Lay Off Me
40. Splattered Brains
41. A Start At Least
42. A For Arrogance
43. Christianity Means Tyranny
44. Porcelain A
45. Religious Fucking Dope
46. Matadores Del Libertad
47. Liberal Cancer
48. Well Of Happiness
49. Razor Sharp Daggers
50. Mutilated Regurgitator
51. Necessity
52. Arbeit Macht Krank
53. Contradiction
54. O.S.L. [Lärm cover]
55. Muchas Servezas En Tacna

Abrir Las Puertas [Live]
01. Necessity
02. Arbeit Macht Krank
03. Contradiction
04. O.S.L. [Lärm cover]
05. Open The Gates
06. Not A Bit
07. Chronic Death
08. Only Friction
09. Hear More
10. Razor Sharp Daggers
11. Splattered Brains
12. Tension
13. Carved Face Fashion
14. Porcelain A
15. Matadores Del Libertad
16. Big Flat Cages
17. Axe The Tax
18. Bang Bang
19. Christianity Means Tyranny
20. Until It Bleeds
21. Lay Off Me
22. Mutilated Regurgitator

01. Not A Bit
02. Big Flat Cages
03. Only Friction
04. Tension
05. Carved Face Fashion
06. Axe The Tax
07. Hear More
08. Until It Bleeds
09. Lay Off Me
10. Splattered Brains
11. A Start At Least / A For Arrogance
12. Christianity Means Tyranny
13. Porcelain A
14. Religious Fucking Dope
15. Matadores Del Libertad / Chronic Death
16. Liberal Cancer
17. Well Of Happiness
18. Razor Sharp Daggers / Mutilated Regurgitator
19. Necessity / Arbeit Macht Krank / Contradiction
20. OSL [Lärm cover]
21. Muchas Cervezas En Lima

Full On In Nippon [Live]
01. Will Gone - Lobotomy Done
02. Electrifarce
03. Grind Is Protest
04. Not A Bit
05. Big Flat Cages
06. Only Friction
07. Who Cares?
08. Tension
09. Carved Face Fashion
10. Axe The Tax
11. Bang Bang
12. Hear More
13. Until It Bleeds
14. Soap & Joke
15. Lay Off Me
16. Splattered Brains
17. People's Property
18. Christianity Means Tyranny
19. Porcelain A
20. Chronic Death
21. Razor Sharp Daggers
22. Mutilated Regurgitator
23. Financial Cris-Ass
24. Too Fast
25. Gallows Eve
26. Ulkopuolinen
27. Go Fucking Nihilist
28. Go With A Blow
29. Necessity
30. Arbeit Macht Krank
31. OSL [Lärm cover]
32. Straight Lane
33. Open The Gates
34. Mutilated Regurgitator
35. A For Arrogance
36. A Start At Least

01. Commence To Mince
02. Electrifarce
03. Grind Is Protest
04. Not A Bit
05. Big Flat Cages
06. Only Friction
07. Who Cares
08. Carved Face Fashion
09. Why Do They Gaggle?
10. Interrupted
11. Noise Abatement Crusaders
12. Bang Bang
13. Hear More
14. Until It Bleeds
15. Lay Off Me
16. Splattered Brains
17. Axe The Tax
18. Christianity Means Tyranny
19. Chronic Death
20. Anarchist Spectrum Disorder
21. Razor Sharp Daggers
22. Mutilated Regurgitator
23. No Use... Hatred
24. Gallows Eve
25. Ulkopuolinen
26. Bathing In Hate
27. Go Fucking Nihilist
28. Will Gone, Lobotomy Done
29. And The Looser Is
30. Korose
31. OSL [Lärm cover]
32. Open The Gates
33. Labelisation
34. A For Arrogance
35. Straight Lane

01. Will Gone, Lobotomy Done
02. Electriforce
03. Grind Is Protest
04. Not A Bit
05. Big Flat Cages
06. Only Friction
07. Who Cares?
08. Carved Face Fashion
09. Axe The Tax
10. Bang Bang
11. Hear More
12. Until It Bleeds
13. Soap And Joke
14. Lay Off Me
15. Splattered Brains
16. And The Losers Is
17. A For Arrogance
18. Christianity Means Tyranny
19. Killthrill
20. Chronic Death
21. Razor Sharp Daggers / Mutilated Regurgitator
22. No Use
23. Gallows Eve
24. Korose
25. Ulkopuholinen
26. Go Fucking Nihilist
27. Open The Gates
28. Labelisation
29. Straight Lane

01. Electrifarce
02. Grind Is Protest
03. Big Flat Cages
04. Only Cages
05. Who Cares
06. Tension
07. Carved Face Fashion
08. Axe The Tax
09. Bang Bang
10. Hear More
11. Until It Bleeds
12. Soap And Joke
13. Lay Off Me
14. Splattered Brains
15. Peoples Property
16. A For Arrogance
17. Christianity Means Tyranny
18. Porcelain A
19. Chronic Death
20. Razor Sharp Daggers
21. Mutilated Regurgitator
22. Financial Cris-Ass
23. Motherfucker (Swing That Axe)
24. Too Fast
25. Gallows Eve
26. Ulkopuholinen
27. Go Fucking Nihilist
28. Go With A Blow
29. Necessity
30. Arbeit Macht Krank
31. VMO
32. Open The Gates
33. Straight Lane

01. Commence To Mince
02. Electrifarce
03. Grind Is Protest
04. Not A Bit
05. Big Flat Cages
06. Only Friction
07. Who Cares?
08. Carved Face Fashion
09. Why Do They Gaggle?
10. Interrupted
11. Noise Abatement Crusaders
12. Bang Bang
13. Hear More
14. Until It Bleeds
15. Lay Off Me
16. Splattered Brains
17. Axe The Tax
18. Christianity Means Tyranny
19. Chronic Death
20. Anarchist Spectrum Disorder
21. Razor Sharp Daggers
22. Mutilated Regurgitator
23. No Use... Hatred
24. Gallow's Eve
25. Ulkopuolinen
26. Bathing In Hate
27. Go Fucking Nihilist
28. Will Gone, Lobotomy Done
29. And The Looser Is...
30. Korose
31. OSL [Lärm cover]
32. Open The Gates
33. Labelisation
34. A For Arrogance
35. Straight Lane

Commence To Mince [Live]
01. Bathing In Hate
02. The Fog
03. Opgefokt
04. Lay Off Me / Splattered Brains
05. Until It Bleeds
06. No Use ... Hatred
07. Gallows Eve
08. And The Loser Is
09. Who Cares ..... ?
10. Burocracy Vs. Effciency
11. Ulkopuolinen
12. Is It Really Mine?
13. Christianity Means Tyranny
14. Chronic Death
15. Big Mess
16. Go Fucking Nihilist
17. Birds / Gorgonized Dorks
18. Demons In My Head
19. Grind Is Protest
20. An Abstract
21. Deceits
22. Consuming Endoderme Pus

5 | 1 vote |
01. Commence To Mince
02. Electrifarce
03. Grind Is Protest
04. The Fog
05. Gorgonized Dorks
06. Who Cares?
07. Carved Face Fashion
08. Why Do They Gaggle?
09. Interrupted
10. Noise Abatement
11. Bang Bang
12. Chronic Death
13. Until It Bleeds
14. Lay Off Me
15. Splattered Brains
16. Axe To Tax
17. Christianity Means Tyranny
18. Opgefokt
19. Teachers
20. Bathing In Hate
21. Anarchist Spectrum Disorder
22. Big One
23. Razor Sharp Daggers
24. Mutilated Regurgitator
25. No Use... Hatred
26. Gallow's Eve
27. Labelisation
28. Will Gone, Lobotomy Done
29. And The Loser Is
30. Go Fucking Nihilist
31. Abrir Las Puertas
32. Hypotrips
33. Ulkopuolinen
34. Is It Really Mine?
35. VMO
36. Kill Thrill
37. Demons In My Head
38. Straight Lane