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Darkened - Defilers Of The Light lyrics


02. Defilers Of The Light

Carried up upon the wind
Soon to meet the maker of the firmament
Blinding all upon this path
Reading from the scrolls of wrath
Unearthing knowledge of forbidden wickedness
To understand such evil is to become it
Entangled in villainy, open to depravity
Watching morals erode away
Chanting catastrophe, praising iniquity

Defilers of the light transmitting corruption
Defilers of the light spit their poison words

Deep into a netherworld
Understanding how to feed malevolence
Dangerous awakening
Loathsome reprobate

Defilers of the light malicious discipline
Defilers of the light they spit their poison words

Lost wisdom of a nameless god
Fiend wicked and obscene
Watching morals erode away
Inviting calamity, devoid of sympathy

Defilers of the light transmitting corruption
Defilers of the light they spit their poison words

03. Those Who Dwell Below

Walking into hell
No light that I can see
The hot wind burning me
Panic taking over
Where is the life I know
I’m in the great below
Am I to wander alone
To roam forevermore
In search of the unknown
An agitated soul
I am now one of those
Who dwell below

Haunted by regret
I feel naught but defeat
Can’t breathe this searing heat
This hellscape like a void
Absorbs my hollow cries
Echos my life of lies

In this abyss I’m bound
To see the light, never will I go
Redemption cannot be found
I am now one of
Those who dwell below

Memories weigh upon me like chains
I am haunted by past mistakes

In this abyss I’m bound
To see the light, never will I go
Redemption cannot be found
I am now one of
Those who dwell below

Each step as time unfolds
The dark devours me
For the living realm I grieve
Among the damned am I
The sounds of torment rise
Into my ears they fly
This darkened realm my home
In shadow feeling sick
Despondent lunatic
My desiccated heart
Is slowly torn by woe
In the embrace of
Those who dwell below

04. In Praise Of Shadows

Light is fading twilight creeping in
Nightfall comes and rituals begin
Into the temple, a place to worship death
Torches flicker and idols gleam
Worshippers call upon thee

In praise of shadows
Invocation of the night
In praise of shadows
Reverence of the death of light

Drape the earth in a stygian veil
Desolate and bleak
Wrapped up in sunless gloom
Obsidian mystique

In praise of shadows
Calling out to the source of fear
In praise of shadows
The weak will cry and flee from this dark frontier
In praise of shadows

In the dark there lives the truth of what we hold inside
Grim and somber, fiendish, foul
Malicious and teary-eyed
Are you afraid now? Are you blind?
Are you bleeding? What will you find?

Light is fading twilight creeping in
Nightfall comes again and rituals begin

In praise of shadows
Invocation of the night
In praise of shadows
Reverence of the death of light

And the truth of it all
What you worship shall bring about your fall

05. Just Close Your Eyes

When you close your eyes
Darkness in your mind, eating you inside
Tearing up your pride
By everyone around, you’ve been vilified

To you the world is like bile
You see through jaundiced eyes
If looks could kill
There’d be no one else alive

Everyone to blame
For the way you hate, going to make them pay
Crawling on their knees
Going to make them beg, going to make them bleed

You want to see them die
But fearing your fate, you crumble
Resigned, you seek the endless sleep

You try, just close your eyes
To die, just close your eyes
Just lay down and die
Just close your eyes

Anger spurns you on
No more to think about, you must act it out
Feeling of disgust
You’re not superior, you’re gonna pay the ultimate cost
Feel the hand of fate
Closing down your mind
There is no free will
You want to kill, and KILL

07. On We Slaughter

Annihilation is a perfect defense
To justify the butchery and bloodshed
Decimation an exultant stance
Bring an end to war with war
Absolute in our resolve
With sharpened steel or clubs of stone
No one is innocent they all must fall
Ground into the bloody soil

And soon they’ll know
And soon they’ll see
The world around will crumble
Their world will cease to be
And to the victors go the spoils of war
And to the defeated, life no more

On we march
On we slaughter
We’re united in hostility
On we fight
We annihilate
Decimation of the enemy
On we march
On we slaughter

Ruthless domination fuels our wrath
Unleashing chaos upon the battlefield
Obliteration is the aftermath
Crushing foes with a grisly zeal
Infernal flames engulf the sky
Scorching landscapes, reduced to ash
No mercy granted, no question why
We conquer, leaving death in our path

On we march
On we slaughter
We’re united in hostility
On we fight
We annihilate
Decimation of the enemy
On we march
On we slaughter
We are bound by ferocity
On we fight
We eradicate
Dismantling the enemy
On we march
On we slaughter

08. Dead Inside

Pulling, being drawn down towards hell
Controlled for dark purposes
Stumbling down a dark path
Extraction from oneself
Consequences grave

World is shaking, vision blurry
Scene suddenly changed
An atmosphere of dread and worry
Shifted to another plane
The imp of the perverse
A calling from the void
Constantly embroiled in struggle
Wading through this darkened mind

Into a pit I’m falling
And all I feel is lack of pride
Resentment never ending
All I feel is dead inside

Have you ever lost control
Have you ever had thoughts that were not your own
I’m weakening, it seems that fortune’s about to change for me
Become degraded, become corrupted
Embrace debauchery, turning to treachery
A force I can't deny
Tearing me up inside
Why can’t I cry out

Whisper to me every day
Take me to a realm of decay
I'm powerless, can't escape
Reveling in my pain
A state of constant strain
I know that this I cannot maintain

A slave to wicked fury
Can't resist it’s flickering flame
Inside this fleshly hovel
I will forever remain
But alongside all my losses
When it feels there’s nothing to gain
This treacherous path I follow
Will be what I sustain

Into a pit I’m falling
All I feel is lack of pride
Resentment never ending
All I feel is dead inside

09. Masses Of Vain Observance

Black bread, dark wine
Cult of blood, secret crimes
Black bread, dark wine
Last to be born, but first to die

Animal instinct
Easy prey tastes just as sweet
Little ones caught behind stones called “sacred”
You worship the old ways
Of predator and prey
Masses of Vain Observance

Black book, dark minds
Red eyes, crimson tide
Written into flesh
Salvation only lies

Animal instinct
Easy prey tastes just as sweet
Little ones caught behind stones called “sacred”
You worship the old ways
The killer and the killed
Masses of Vain Observance

A brief innocence, another light goes out
Every creature great and small
Twilight falls upon them all
Ancient ritual, older than the first man
Become one with the beast within
Sacrifice the tender young
You are the great horned one

All it takes is one
Divide the pack, attack the young
Cornering the weak
Single out the one to eat
In this church, we live and die
Masses of Vain Observance

Animal instinct
Easy prey tastes just as sweet
Little ones caught behind stones called “sacred”
You worship the old ways
The killer and the killed
Masses of Vain Observance

You worship the old ways
Of predator and prey
Masses of Vain Observance

10. As Apocalypse Dawns

Blood red sun
Peering through blackened sulfuric clouds
A choking poison is in the air
These are the end times, the oceans boil
This world is dying, all living things beware
Consuming chaos looms
No creature will be spared
As the end unfolds

Now as apocalypse dawns
Feel the earth as it heaves
All the world cries as apocalypse dawns
Fall to your knees, make peace with your god

Sky ablaze and howling winds
Hailstones come like bullets down
Laying waste to all the land
A pummeling force, heavenly siege

Woodlands are flattened into smoldering waste
Cities are scorched by nuclear storms
Flesh is peeling away
Volcanic ash, impossible to breathe
Suffocating, people slowly choke and die
The last great mass extinction
Raining down from the sky
A sea of bleaching bones is all that’s left behind
As the end unfolds

Now as apocalypse dawns
Feel the earth as it heaves
All the world cries as apocalypse dawns
Fall to your knees, make peace with your god

Burn in fire as apocalypse dawns
The planet dies and humanity is gone
It’s gone

11. Final Sanctuary

I long for emptiness
I embrace the darkness
Silence gives me strength
Loneliness, my only escape

I seek inner serenity
Demons are calling, calling for me
In silence I answer
In my fortress of pain and torment

I’ll find my final sanctuary
In darkness I’ll thrive
In solitude I’ll awaken
In loneliness, my final breath