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Wazzara - Cycles lyrics


01. Solanum

Gruesome the pincer
And tinny the taste
You have twisted my tongue with.

The mould in your head
Keeps creeping and spreads;
So tired of your microscope
And both windows firmly closed.

In the cellar on a board,
You crookedly stored
All those words you stole from me.
Their sounds still echo.

Inside your walls there is a blind spot,
Where I will grow and where you will rot,
With a myriad of root tips abound
I infiltrate your paltry ground.

And when springtime comes,
I will shatter your windows,
You’ll witness how I grow,
And devour this house as a whole.

02. Mænic

Wîse mich dîn wîsheit
Umbfahe mich in dînem kreiȝ

Silver Queen,
the wisest of all,
On this ground your tears may fall.
May grow thistles in the shade meadow
And root deep evermore.

Red river’s mother,
Ruler of the tides,
Guide me through your silver lights.
Lead me along your circle line,
So that in the centre I may find

03. Inwards

The moon is so full,
Soon the night goes to rest.
Your hands, weary,
But I failed to see.
The harvest is done
And moving on,
Is the hardest thing to do.

You came from deep within,
All those nights you caressed me with your tune,
Its pale echoes,
Your ashen calls,
Summon me home.

Rip these eyes to pieces,
Elsewise I cannot see,
Rip these eyes to pieces,
Sing once again to me.

04. Obsidian Skies

You’re visiting late this year,
I’d almost forgotten about you
And your stare,
And the void that has been closest all this time.

I feel you,
I hear you,
I feel your weight on my chest;
It’s always been your preferred place to rest
And to dwell.
Have you ever been gone?
Have you?

Many times I’ve tried to paint you on the walls,
But every time I do, you

And grow
Those piercing hands that permeate my skin,
It’s useless to even sleep
And sing those lullabies.
When a new light arises,
You’re awaiting me.
I’ll always dig for those scissors,
To cut you from my breast;
Please! Get out.

Your words like hollow chimes.
Where you dwell, there is no light that would ever shine.
I vanish,
To leave it all to you, to you.
I hear you,
I feel you,
I hear you,
I feel you.

Out, get out!
Hold me,
Leave me, hold me, leave me.
I’m nothing without you.
Have you ever been gone?
Have you?

05. Antares

Cut my wings,
Now let them heal;
It is a steel web
You have embedded me in.
Unknot the ends, and let me loose.

Under the shape of a tree,
Through its leaves, I watch thee.

But the tree has grown,
Despite your sight,
Cut it down, and let me loose.

06. Fissures

Breathe in the soil ‘til it pales
And caress its rotten side.
Trusting the rain to heal
What a myriad of words did slay.
Words did slay.

When mirrors are made to deceive,
Cloudy in what they reflect.
Under your raging waves,
I have lost the course;
Lost my course.

Take my innermost and feel it pounding
Against your walls.
Glimmers at the end of the road,
Blinded by the sign of the antipode.

The cauldron is filled, now see me bathe in my fragile dreams.

07. Wolf Moon

The 28th day
She'll be bleeding again
And in lupine ways
We'll alleviate the pain

Unholy water
Sanguine addiction
Those silver bullets
A last blood benediction

It is her moon time
When there's iron in the air
A rusted essence
Woman may I know you're there

Unholy water
Sanguine addiction
Those silver bullets
A last blood benediction

Hey wolf moon
Come cast your spell on me
Hey wolf moon
Come cast your spell on me

Don't spill a drop dear
Let me kiss the curse away
Yourself in my mouth
Will you leave me with your taste?

Hey wolf moon
Come cast your spell on me
Hey wolf moon
Come cast your spell on me

The woods at night
The Lunar light

So in this gray haze
We'll be meeting again
And on that great day
I will tease you all the same

Unholy water
Sanguine addiction
Those silver bullets
A last blood benediction

Hey wolf moon
Come cast your spell on me
Hey wolf moon
Come cast your spell on me

The woods at night
The Lunar light

08. Ancestral Bonds

After we built up this wall,
Brick by brick,
You smashed the tallest ladder.
And now you defeat
Me, climbing up to see you.
Those saddened eyes,
Misdirected just like mine,

I see those ancient lines,
They carve your path’s confines;
Fiercely you have mined
Any access.

Did you ever wonder,
How I feel when meeting the ground?
Flawed by your relentless

The wind has caught my last words to you
(Before I fall silent),
I hope they will surpass these walls and last
(Before I fall silent),
And I will try
To untangle these bonds.