Zbrucz - Riparia Riparia lyrics
Tracks 01. 2020 By Shin Guard
02. Forty Minute Train Delay 03. Flood Of Unloved 04. 00 05. Dežujem 06. Me Vidiš Kot Sem? 07. Konec Dober, Vse Dobro 01. 2020 By Shin Guard
Trapped inside my subconscious
laying frozen under my thoughts trying to reach something but im scared that it cuts sinking deeper in my bed serching for a thing im afraid to find it because i might just go insane im afraid to touch it because i might just go insane time passing by breaks my home telling me to leave alone the shivers crawling up restraining me from moving feeling absence of thought in mind but thinking of you and me inside trying to forget the dreams i hope are true i can hear chimes above my home i can feel them in my bones like a voice of reason restraining me from moving holding hands with a will to die feeling the absence of yours in mine suffocating delusions - dreams that cant come true 02. Forty Minute Train Delay
I sit and wait;
quiet and patient with chaos in my head i lay in silence, cold and at war the strings aren't worth holding on to and above the clouds where everything's got a halo tint around it pleading: "im beautiful, look at me" - speechless taking everything in sight from the selfless and helpless cries of your loved ones that once were pleading, receiving, a vast amount of time forgotten, time that's rotten in a few weeks - a false perception of sober in white, and mindless indulgence that shows up just once, it lasts for months it lasts four months its just this once until its over until im sober not my last, until it is until im sober ill blow this over not my best... ill try again. im spinning in circles and screaming in silence ill wait to get better so soft in this violence vrtim se v krogih in derem se u stene use bo uredu ma sej mi je usejn 03. Flood Of Unloved
Your face, erased
broken up and unlaced the sky opens up as it pours from the sky, its not rain, its pure blood, its tears and im dry i wasn't made to be like this, i wasn't loved i wont be missed point and laugh im dry but everything around me is wet in this flood that will wash up anything that's dead i will escape and leave it behind, ill take the last train and ill make it in time and watch as it takes you underwater the tide rising with the moon; it read crimson although you swore it was blue you swore. you promised. and i made the mistake to believe. im bored, but cautious. and you wont be the first one to leave with my face, erased broken up and unlaced my love, am i that hard to love? am i that hard to love? am i that hard to love? with my dead heart of love am i that hard to love? am i that hard to love? with my heart full of love everything i let go of has got bite marks on it from my love. 04. 00
Вона тихо крадеться без шуму,
Битва всередині розуму, Занадто голосно, занадто швидко, занадто... Ненавидіти себе - ти зможеш, так легко. Раптовий біль в животі, Слідом за ним - страх. Я зрадженний? І ти зробив би теж саме? Забуду, як тільки згадаю, Загублений у вічній провині, Впав, покинувши осінь, Ганебна пляма, на імені. І ти ніколи більше не полюбиш, Майже ніколи. З того часу йде дощ... 05. Dežujem
Vzemi me, vse kar je
moje telo, moje vse. Na moje najboljše jutro, me je zjutraj, čez okno zbudila bolezen in zdaj nepremično ležim v odpadkih prejšnjega večera. So dnevi, preležani pr teb, jutra, ki jih otvorijo tvoje oči, nikol niso bla lažja za umret, enkrat, sred mgle. Spet en deževen dan, ki ga pozabiš, zlepa, zgrda, si ga pokvariš, bo odmeval v lužah spominov, na pesem obešenih besed. Že spet deževen dan, s tabo ob meni; ni tako moker, ni tako siv, ni tako mrzel, kot bi lahko bil in čeprav bi cel dan preležala - noben od naju ne bi biu gnil. Ker sovražim dž, ampak s tabo ob seb, bi stal v njegovem nalivu, za vedno bolj slep. Ko voda me strezne, slepote me reši, spet bom zaljubu se v tvoje oči - Tonem v njih, ubij me v njih, sram me je, ko kradeš mi dih. Padam v njih, nemorem od njih, strah me je, ker kradeš mi dih. Vzemi me, vse kar je, moje telo, moje vse. Imaš me že odkar si tle, pogled v oči je bil vse. 06. Me Vidiš Kot Sem?
Ko se dela dan - v tvojih očeh
sem jutranje sonce in praske na tvojem obrazu. v kolenih mi odpoveš za zvečer in na tvoja lica padem kot zvezde iz vseh vesolj solze in kri na mojih dlaneh obesla bi se za tvoj pogled na hitr, sam enkrat ob teb čutim vse naenkrat sej veš, da špukam srce v tegobi resnice ne veš, izdolbla ime sm si zrd krivice iz dneva u dan, slišm use, vidm še več iz dneva u dan, spim vse manj, ker sanjam preveč sm ti vse? sm ti odveč? me vidiš zdej, ko derem se? hočeš telo? hočeš še več? če ti je preveč sam reč: preveč mi je v meni, ljubezen - pasja, nasilna ne pozna časa, pozna samo strah nemarno ščene, ki laja v stene skozi mrzle upe nekdanjega poljuba... mar ga ni sram? v meni, ljubezen - nemirna, pravilna spomni se vse, nobenmu ni mar pozna vse modrice na svojem telesu hlasta za dotikom, ki ne boli več, še vedno preveč v meni, ljubezen - tužna, neslišna ne spomni se več, ostane le strah komaj da lajež odmeva čez hodnik, obuja spomine pozabljene u tem' me vidiš, kot sem? 07. Konec Dober, Vse Dobro
Alex: Falling back, crawling back
Julian: I haven't slept in weeks Alex: my guts on the floor, im breaking my neck Julian: My mind, preoccupied with thoughts, Alex: for you im falling and scraping my knees Julian: of how we both took things we shouldn't have. Alex: im crawling this minefield and drowning in seas Julian: And I've lost the tools to mend my reasoning. Alex: taking back the love i gave Julian: So I think, I think I'll just smash my head on the concrete floor, Alex: i think i fell, but couldn't save myself Julian: atleast then I'll be able to catch some rest. from eyes that cry white lies, taking away the cold of this ice cold heart of mine, of your fine line of guilt, of my light love spilled my heart on the floor, breaking up i needed more these hands hold the past and rest assured it's my last hope i've danced this same dance to a different song each time, a different person every night but that's alright, that's always fine i'm loosing tempo and a never-ending fight in which i've lost most of my life after a final kiss goodnight that leaves me empty every night that i can't sleep and laying next to you i feel the home i never did before mogoče pride enkrat dan, ko vidiš napake, izbrane sam zate in iz mrtvašnce najne bo odmevalo zanj. mogoče pride enkrat dan, ko noč bo končno pozna in moje ptice selivke dočakajo pomlad. biting skin, leaving marks hurting me, our bleeding hearts come undone with undertone of prettiest eyes and the words they told this room will spin forever and never again ill be this hand-sewn together made for you doll with stitches in eyes that see you're still so cold, please unloathe me |