Falconer - Among Beggars And Thieves lyrics
Tracks 01. Field Of Sorrow
02. Man Of The Hour 03. A Beggar Hero 04. Vargaskall 05. Carnival Of Disgust 06. Mountain Men 07. Viddernas Man 08. Pale Light Of Silver Moon 09. Boiling Led 10. Dark Ages 11. Skula Skorpa, Skalk 12. Dreams And Pyres 13. Vi Sålde Våra Hemman 01. Field Of Sorrow
The memory lingers on of the arrival of dawn.
They saw the beacon aflame, Burning with sorrow for the lives that would be lost. And the troops went ashore, Sounds of drums filled the air. Towards the city they marched. Called all the young ones, called the old. Summoned the people to stand up and be bold. Fight a superior force for high society. Sheltered behind the walls, Holding the riches that forever could be lost. Outside the city gates The peasant army fights on Towards their imminent doom. Cross the Field of Sorrow children's souls still cry As an echo from the blackened day. Cross the Field of Sorrow There are whispers and sighs From burning anguish and dismay. From the protection of walls Beheld the blood stained plains Reeking of sacrifice's shame. Children and cripples of the battle that was lost. Trembling hands open the gates For the extortion of fire, As they had nowhere to hide. Fill up the barrels and chests with all your gold. Build me a throne to rest upon. Fear not the fate of the fallen, Hear not the cries of the crows. And so they sailed off with the gold. In the midst of the sea They were caught by a storm. Both booty and crew's lying deep. 02. Man Of The Hour
Heading into the battle
Against inferior foe. Early morning's sea lies so silent and clear. Let them feel a broadside From our three decker of pride. Let the enemy fleet shatter for the wind. The Man of the Hour In a challenging game, He rose to power By his family name. The Man of the Hour In the lion's den, Wielding his power While dooming his men. With gun ports open And without striking sail He turned the ship around to chase the Danes away. The wind made the ship heel Causing panic aboard. Cannons, men and cargo they all broke astray. Lower decks were flooded, Chaos and agony. The morning air was filled with an aria of cries. Crewmen jumped the rail now Choosing ice before the fire. Down from powder deck they saw the smoke arise. Danes in confusion Surprisingly greet The self termination Of the Swedish fleet. Without firing a round On the stronger foe They're victory bound As "The Crown" went below. 03. A Beggar Hero
Paved was his road with the golden bricks
To the glory and the fame. Yesterday's hero sits quiet and low. Promises of future lies shattered like broken glass. Lonely and crippled roaming in Gutters like a shadow of his past. Reminiscing along nostalgia's lane. Telling the children stories is his only joy. Shyly sneaking through crowds Almost unnoticed passing by. Prince of misfortunate fate is he. Enduring poverty's yoke With a bitter sigh. A Beggar Hero he is. Once a brave captain now but a Fallen knight of misery and pain. Starving through days and freezing through nights. Seeing the young soldiers walk by with a mocking smile. 04. Vargaskall
Genom vättars djupa skogar
Over myrars fridfulla ensamhet Bränner fruktans flamma fram. Genom månbelysta dälder Över bergets rygg mott ett okänt mål Jagad ulv nu skyndar fram. Kavlen går i socknarna Nu blir det Vargaskall. Greppa spjut och fatta mod I drev mot ulvens fall. Gryningstimma, tung utav hat. Ringa in och rota ut. Folkets fasa skall ej mera stryka fram Genom äng, genom myr och skog I människoland, In i mörkret trygghet sluter Sina skygga barn utav enslig kull Ifrän jaktens gällä larm. Vitt revir nu sakta tynar. Utav människans hand uti vildmarksland. Sveper ödets svarta arm. Kämpa tappert, kämpa idogt. Känn nu eldens glöd i ditt vildmarksland Visa drevet ulvars mod. Skymningstimma, tung utav blod. Ringat in och rotat ut. Ulvars fasa skall för alltid stryka fram Genom äng, genom myroch skog I Vargaland. 05. Carnival Of Disgust
Behind the veil of destiny
The path might turn in sudden twists of irony. Night turns to day, dark turns to light. End to the beginning on the other side of right. Wielder of steel, tier of ropes. The hooded slayer without shame and without hope. Sentenced to death but slipped away To live the role of a hangman at display. Come and see the play of wicked irony. Join the crowd of hunger For the joy of the Carnival of Disgust. Lonely he walks, outcast of shame. Fearful and spat on yet respected for his name. Marked by the blade to be known by sight As a walking dead man for a crime pitch black as night. Come and see the play of wicked irony. Join the crowd of hunger For the joy of the Carnival of Disgust. Come and see the play of wicked irony. Join the crowd of hunger For the joy of the Carnival of Disgust. 06. Mountain Men
Taxes raised by the union king,
A blockade in his back for the days of the wars. No importation and no exportation is making the nation bleed. Yet the bailiffs demand their gold, The uprising is growing for every day. The threatening, the torture, the killing of men Is a plague that must now come to end, once and for all. Mountain Men Hear the call now! Fight tyranny's cold hand. Mountain Men From the harsh land! Cast of your chains and the burning shackles. Fortresses they took one by one. With success came support from the highborn class. We grant you aid to dethrone our king for financial prosperity. The crown forced to negotiate, So they called for a council of all for estates- Now we elect you captain of the realm, So pull back your forces and return home. Old and worn, to be forgotten. Misled to the shade of the stage But with a plan, he will return. Halfway to the council of the realm, Ambushed by rivals in disguise he met his demise. By the blade of greed he fell down. Mountain Men Heard the call and Fought tyranny's cold hand. Mountain Men From the harsh land Cast their chains and the burning shackles. The King was dethroned and fled head over heels And he ended his life in disgrace, In piracy. 07. Viddernas Man
Fjärrän kyrka ljuder dovt
Ut över vida slätter Där en ensam vandrare gär. Varken välbärgad eller dräng Friheten är hans broder, Skogens famn hans tryggaste säng. Under tung och grämulen sky Vandrar tiggaren så rastlöst fram. Vandra på, du Viddernas man Mot nya äventyr. Väders makters härjad hy Vittnar om livets prövning Och ett hjärta av renaste guld. För hans gävor som skogen gav Får han mat och nya hosor Innan vägen så kallar igen. 08. Pale Light Of Silver Moon
Dweller of the Sombre Lanes,
Crow of the gutter and grime. Striving through the dark for gain, Up to the gallows you climb. Through your most stagnant life The rusty blade leads the way. Rags and a muddy cloak Is but your sole array. Among the hawking beggars, Among the thieves. Pale Light of Silver Moon Cast your light upon wicked plans. To anthems of virtuous' ruin The villain and the sinner, they dance. Hailing from penury's womb, Sprung from the bower of sin. Where fate held nothing but gloom And future wore a taunting grin. Find the scavenger's demise By the trail of the poverty. Look for the vulture eyes On the fair of misery. Among the hawking beggars, Among the thieves. Pale Light of Silver Moon Cast your light upon wicked plans. To anthems of virtuous' ruin The villain and the sinner, they dance. Among the hawking beggars, Among the thieves. Pale Light of Silver Moon Cast your light upon wicked plans. To anthems of virtuous' ruin The villain and the sinner, they dance. Pale Light of Silver Moon Cast your light upon wicked plans. To anthems of virtuous' ruin The villain and the sinner, they dance. 09. Boiling Led
Early Morning
It's cold and the snow is whirling Like a warning, a promising fate But the king rests in peace on his sled Hooves are pounding So many thoughts in his head All around him What if he knows He will never again go to bed Find him Run for your life Only promise you'll find him Throw him in boiling led Nail down the traitor Cross over the ice Through the wind blows and the hate grows Your thoughts will suffice On the runner Steering the sled and the mare The assassin, full of suspense With the king resting under the hide Like a gunner Hiding the axe in his coat Our dunner, planning the deed And he knows he must follow his guide One hit, One slash, one single blow. The king, The pain, the blood, the snow. Hooves are pounding So many thoughts in their heads Out to find him, sure to succeed For their king and their leader is dead. 10. Dark Ages
Years of famine and years of sigh
Reaps our land that fell from crest. Creatures, serfs and men hanged high Yet no remedy. What will ever please our Gods? Gather the chiefs and sages. What will save the tomorrow From these Dark Ages. Slay and sacrifice our king, Coat the statues with noble blood. Intensify the holy smoke With a royal lamb. Now neither your braves, your wise nor gold So far renowned Will be of aid now as the doomsday call. Now you must rise up to show the steel Courage of your heart, And soon you'll raise your horn in Valhalla's hall. 11. Skula Skorpa, Skalk
En man han tjänt herr lagers gård
I sommar, vinter år för år. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? För slit och släp under himmel grå Han blott sitt bröd som löning får. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Så kommer hastigt budet in: Vår herre lägrar dotra din! Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Och trällen nu genom dörren steg, Han lämna plogen vid årkerns teg. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Herr lager hör nu mina ord, Min doter till din hora gjord. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Och lager sa i vredesmod: Du värnar ej om ditt trälablod. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Varken öl eller vin dig ämnat, Ej heller ägorätt Dock Skula, Skorpa, Skalk. Träl visste ej ett ord utav Förrns strupen hans var skuren av. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Det här är nog för bot idag Och dotra tar jag vid behag. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? Kom jag ska visa dig min rätt Att trösta dej på valfritt sätt. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? "O tack!" Han sa med gråtmild röst Och stötte kniven uti hans bröst. Säg mig, vem sörjer nu för dig? 12. Dreams And Pyres
It's the darkened years,
Superstition's flying high. There is pain, there is fear In the poverty's sigh. Preachers on a frightening spree, Of demons and hell's fire. Warnings of the devil's decree In all sinful desires. A boy have just arrived, An orphan he's become From adultery and incest and witchery. To the seething alleys Of quarrels and discord, A storm cloud has finally gathered. Discussions long into the night, About the dark one's diabolical scheme. Children they listen and they dream Well-fed nightmares of a similar theme. Imaginations out of control. For each morning they tell more and more. Summon the new boy for a watch He have seen the signs of evil before. There is the devil's bride, Rode on the goat astride. God save us from Satan's firm hand! There is the torture witch, Poked us with glowing sticks. God save us from Satan's allies! In the name of our Lord I'm harmless. Confess your sins to our Christ! I can't confess to what children dream. Prejudiced tongues has twisted Their minds before your eyes. Silence, you whore of the dark one, Save your soul and repent what you've done! Accuse the poor And get a tap on the head. You truly are a blessed child, She will burn in iron upon the stake. Accuse the countess And get a slap into the face. You aught to know a noble's rang, She's too venerable for you poor fool. Speed up the pace. Chanting the praise Ever higher. Hysteric ball: Sentence them all To the fire! One day the boy confessed his lies. I know nothing about The witches ways. One after one they all came forth. Rather informers than burn At the end of the day. There is the wicked tongue, From indolence it sprung. God save us from sinister minds! There is the fiendish flock, All limbs are chained and locked. God save us from sinister minds! There is the serpent's fang, From where the evil sprang. God save him from the dark of hell! There is a boy aflame Ending his fancied game. God save him from Satan's demons! 13. Vi Sålde Våra Hemman
Vi Sålde Våra Hemman och gav oss sedan ut,
Som fägelen bortflyger, när sommaren tar slut. Han kommer en gång åter när våren skrider fram, Men vi få aldrig skåda vårt kära fosterland. Och när vi kommo till den Liverpoolska hamn Begynte ångerns tårar så stritt att bryta fram. Det blev en hjärtans sveda i bröstet på var och en. Man talar blott om Sverige och om sitt förra hem. Vi packades tillsammans uti ett osunt kvav. Det var för osss att skåda liksom en öppen grav. Och födan som vi fraktat ifrån vår svenska jord Den blev oss nu förbjuden att taga med ombord. Och när vi hade seglat en vecka eller två, Ett mörker däcket höljde och bredde sig därpå. Ej se varann vi kunde, knappt andas eller gå. Det var en gruvlig plåga för stora och för små. Nu blir en ömklig hunger, med sorg och grät och gny. En jämmer som sig tränger till himlens höga sky. Och döden gruvligt härjar bland mänskorna ombord. Man ser de döda kastas i havets vilda flod. |