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Ethereal Riffian - I AM. Deathless lyrics


01. Drum Of The Deathless

Dust abodes, ephemeral and fettered
All things riddled with the script divine
Epiphany unfolds with the pulse of the matrix
Behold, and you'll see its might


No matter priests bawl
No matter eras fall
No matter mind's noise
Tune into drum's voice

Just stand in the middle of the war
That leads us to the selfless notion
Ascend, absorb this potion

Just sail, from the never to the core
Of what we are in this formful fable
Lay down in the Deathless cradle

Drum's heard, ships sail
All to witness the gale

02. Sword Of The Deathless

The agony and torture once more are delivered
Faceless tormentor emerged once again
Dire chimaras see you, their teeth shimmer
Know, they're all but a reflection of your pain

Introspect the duality's riddle to locate the real enemy

On the anvil of Thy, put your will and forge
Forge, till mind gets melted, and blacksmith is no more
But forge diligently, scurpulously
Step on the path of timeless legends

Tormenting consciousness: You're empty, you're nothing, you're meaningless, a broken torch. A tiny spec of soulless matter that came out of nowhere and that will dive back into the bleak, cold eternity. You can't protect the ones you love, life can take them away any second, and you will watch this with a grim, helpless stare. You want to change the world but you can't even change a tiny shameful habit of your precious so called "personality". You can't protect yourself, you seek shelter in drugs, sensual pleasures, religions, gurus, but they can't offer you anything but a short relief, and then you fall back into the abyss of your psychotic ignorance and misery. You can't even love, it's an imitation of love based on egoical addiction which forms a lifetime of suffering with short glimpses of sensational joy. You have no license to exist. You are the misery itself, can't you see? Can't you see who you are? WHO ARE YOU?

Suffering consciousness: I...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...I couldn't do anything...I'm sorry that I...that I exist...I'm sorry for being the scum I am....I didn't mean to have all these thoughts, I didn't mean to perform all these actions...It's just in's in me...I'm so dirty, I'm worthless...I had no right...I don't even deserve to be loved...I don't deserve anything, because of how dirty I am...I want this to stop...Oh, God, The Great Spirit, anyone in there, I just want it to stop, I just want it to stop right now!!!

Egoical consciousness: So you think, you don't need me? You think you don't need me anymore? But who are you without me? I have served you, I have protected you all your life. And now you want to abandon me. Abandon me? You dirty little fool! You're NOTHING without me! Absolutely nothing. If you abandon me, you will perish forever. Do you want to perish forever? Who do you think you are without me?

The Deathless: I AM. Deathless

Hold this sword of the warrior
He who has slain all the enemies