Recording New Music
Recording New Music
Jan 31
Announce Fourth LP
Announce Fourth LP
Jan 31
Page: 1
Bruh, my picks are nevery nominated these days. Looks like it's the same for you Ch'ti :P
00:57 - M C Vice
It was the button I was talking about, not the list of written in votes
00:57 - Ch'ti
Can I vote for an EP?
00:56 - M C Vice
If we nominate something in the wrong category, do you let us know? Or is it just deleted?
00:55 - corrupt
The nominations themselves were always down there, though. That lead to people nominating the same thing a million times. Now the button is where the nominations are, as it should be.
00:52 - corrupt
The "go to user nominations" button now also shows in genre categories. That was just a bug we missed.
00:50 - tibosax
So, who's it gonna be Blood Incantation or Iotunn ? :D
Guests: 1270