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Band - Video | Year | Style | Directed by | Rating | Votes | |
1 | Ozzy Osbourne - Under The Graveyard Heavy |
2019 | Heavy | Jonas Åkerlund | ||
2 | Queens Of The Stone Age - The Way You Used To Do Stoner, Stoner Rock |
2017 | Stoner Stoner Rock |
Jonas Åkerlund | ||
3 | Metallica - ManUNkind Heavy |
2016 | Heavy | Jonas Åkerlund | 4.9 (9) |
9 |
4 | Rammstein - Mein Land Industrial |
2011 | Industrial | Jonas Åkerlund | 8.4 (19) |
19 |
5 | Ozzy Osbourne - Let Me Hear You Scream Heavy |
2010 | Heavy | Jonas Åkerlund | 6.6 (7) |
7 |
6 | Rammstein - Ich Tu Dir Weh Industrial |
2009 | Industrial | Jonas Åkerlund | 8.1 (20) |
20 |
7 | Rammstein - Mann Gegen Mann Industrial |
2006 | Industrial | Jonas Åkerlund | 7.1 (35) |
35 |
8 | Satyricon - Fuel For Hatred Black |
2003 | Black | Jonas Åkerlund | 8.8 (28) |
28 |
9 | Ozzy Osbourne - Gets Me Through Heavy |
2001 | Heavy | Jonas Åkerlund | 6.8 (6) |
6 |
10 | Metallica - Whiskey In The Jar Heavy |
1999 | Heavy | Jonas Åkerlund | 7.2 (49) |
49 |
11 | Metallica - Turn The Page Heavy |
1998 | Heavy | Jonas Åkerlund | 8.1 (43) |
43 |
12 | Candlemass - Bewitched Epic Doom |
1987 | Epic Doom | Jonas Åkerlund | 8.4 (7) |
7 |