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Band - Video | Year | Style | Directed by | Rating | Votes | |
1 | Primus - Lacquer Head Alternative, Experimental Rock |
1999 | Alternative Experimental Rock |
Les Claypool | 9.5 (2) |
2 |
2 | Primus - Over The Falls Alternative, Experimental Rock |
1997 | Alternative Experimental Rock |
Les Claypool | 9 (1) |
1 |
3 | Primus - Shake Hands With Beef Alternative, Experimental Rock |
1997 | Alternative Experimental Rock |
Les Claypool | 9 (1) |
1 |
4 | Primus - Wynona's Big Brown Beaver Alternative, Experimental Rock |
1995 | Alternative Experimental Rock |
Les Claypool | 9 (2) |
2 |
5 | Primus - Southbound Pachyderm Alternative, Experimental Rock |
1995 | Alternative Experimental Rock |
Les Claypool | 9 (2) |
2 |