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Belphegor - Record Deal With Nuclear Blast

Death and damnation! With the Austrian Death Metallers BELPHEGOR, Nuclear Blast signed one of the most extreme Metal bands of our time. Vocalist / guitarist Helmuth is more than happy:

"BELPHEGOR are proud to have found a new partner with Nuclear Blast for our upcoming album.

Over eleven months we've been working on "Pestapokalypse VI".

We continued to develop and refine the songs over and over again. Never before we spent so much time in the rehearsal room, and never before we put so much energy in our new material. Andy Classen provided us with a massive wall of sound in the Stage One Studios. And - yeah - it's cool to see that Nuclear Blast offers distribution ways and potential we never got to experience in our past. "Pestapokalypse VI" is our masterpiece so far! Hell awaits!!!"

The album will be released on October 27th, 2006


01. Belphegor - Hell´s Ambassador
02. Seyn Todt In Schwartz
03. Angel Of Retribution
04. Chants For The Devil 1533
05. Pest Teufel Apokalypse
06. The Ancient Enemy
07. Bluhtsturm Erotika
08. Sanctus Perversum
09. Das Pesthaus / Miasma Epilog

Band profile: Belphegor
Posted: 14.07.2006 by Jeff | Comments (3)

Belphegor - Seek New Label

Austrian black/death metallers BELPHEGOR are currently looking for a new professional management company to represent them for the release of their new yet-untitled album. Interested parties should contact the band at

Band profile: Belphegor
Posted: 07.07.2006 by DarkStone | Comments (2)

Belphegor - Part Ways With Bassist, Seek Replacement

The Austrian black/death metal band Belphegor posted the following message on the official website:

"Barth has had an accident in January, resulting in a bad wound on the right hand. He had an operation, but at this time its uncertain whether he can play the bass for Belphegor again.
The band write in a statement: However, he´ll always be a member of Belphegor, taking care of the merchandise on the road and similar stuff now. Get well soon bro!
Belphegor absolved the recent gigs with a session bass player, named A.X. from Germany, who´s also gonna do the next shows.

With that being said Belphegor are currently looking for a bass player, anyone interested can contact the bands management through e-mail at:

The requirements are as follows:
* u don´t need to be Austrian ( but able to rehearse in Austria )
* professional musicians only, preferably with stage-tour experience
* must be at least 25 years
* main interest in death/black metal, metal in general"

Band profile: Belphegor
Posted: 24.04.2006 by Promonex | Comments (1)

Belphegor - Studio Update, LP Release

Tuesday, 29. November 2005
Recording drums, bass and the four monster rhythm guitars

Hey there, what's up?
After two weeks of being in the studio working very intense, here u go for another update, .....first, it's a real pleasure recording at Stage One - the studio's killer, so I know the next couple of months are gonna be fuckin´ memorable, this will be a Monster of a record.

Nefastus nailed the ten commandments in less then 6 days of hard snare attacking, wow that's Olympia. This is definitely the tightest - heaviest drumming you will hear on a Belphegor album till now. The high speed-blast-beats and double bass drums turned out most precise and brutal, to be honest it's already blowing us away. The German maniac with polish blood in his veins deserves a gold medal for it! We decided for the new Warwick/Corvette 4-string bass that Barth bought for the bass recordings, with a bit of old-school Master distortion the parts were played directly in the sound desk.

Helmuth and the producer Andy took only 4 - 5 hours to find "the" perfect guitar sound. There were a lot of choices between amps, pedals and so forth, but in the end the gear was the band's Rectifier Mesa Boogie amp, one 800 Marshall cabinett 4x12, and several Jackson Guitars. Helmuth and Sigurd shredded the four rhythm guitars in five days, with the most dynamics possible. Well, all we need now is some sick samples, the cold melody/overdub guitar parts and loads of chaos -leads, and of course the vocals.

Die 10 Werke are starting to show their real form and I can say we're pretty damn pleased, can't wait till this masterpiece is finally finished. Well, the 2nd session in Stage One Studios takes place from 22.-29. December, more news to come. The hell-crew shot some photos during the recordings. A new booking agent, Rock The Nation took over all BELPHEGOR festival bookings for season 2006.

Belphegor´s GOATREICH FLESHCULT on Lp format in Feb. 06
The band is proud to announce that a serious company for the GOATREICH - FLESHCULT opus on Lp format has been found. Await the limited edition of 800 cps. via Goatruler Productions/Ger, in early February 06, ( gatefold and heavy vinyl - 180 gr. )
There is a new fan site in Polish language, pozdrowienia dla Zoutar Wielki.

Posted: 08.12.2005 by Jason W. | Comments (0)