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Illdisposed - Enter In The Studio

Illdisposed have began the recording of the drums for their upcoming album at Combi Studio In Aarhus, Denmark.

The band revealed some song titles, they are the following:

"The Widow Black", "Back To The Street", "Shine Crazy", "Our Heroin Recess", "Master and Servant", "Nothing to Fear... Do it" and "Case of the Late Pig".

Posted: 05.11.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Eidolon - Update From The Studio

The following message by Glen Drover was posted in the Eidolon's official website:

"Hello all!!

Here is an update to let you know where we stand with the progress of recording the new Eidolon album "The Parallel Otherworld"

All that is left now are 2 bass tracks, my solos and Nils vocals, which we will have in our hands in about 3 weeks time.

This will also be the first time that we mix and Master the album in my studio, with the help of my great Pro Tools teacher, Tony Crea. Learning all these different things in Pro Tools is so cool, as it really opens the doors to many more possibilities in recording. through the process of doing this new album, right up to the completion, i will have really good handle on what i need to do for all the different stages of recording in the future!

anyway, my next post will be when the album is 100% complete!

till then, take care."

Band profile: Eidolon
Posted: 27.10.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Mystic Prophecy - Pics From The Studio

German band Mystic Prophecy is currently recording their upcoming album. They posted a few photos on their official website: go here to see them.


Band profile: Mystic Prophecy
Posted: 26.10.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Korpiklaani - To Enter The Studio

Korpiklaani will start recording their 3rd album on 15th of November at Fantom studio. The album will be named "Tales Along This Road". The exact release date isn't confirmed yet, but a rough guess is that it might be out in March or April. The album will be produced by Samu Oittinen, who also produced the Voice Of Wilderness -album.

Band profile: Korpiklaani
Posted: 19.10.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Theatre Of Tragedy - Update From The Studio

The band posted the following message on their official website:

"Things are coming together now and the songs are already now sounding great.
Last week the finishing touch on the bass were laid down by Magnus Westgaard (Nell's brother), our "rent-a-brilliant bassplayer". He went through the songs like knife through butter. One of the best sounding bass rig we've ever heard.

We started by recording the synths last week as well. This time we actually recorded the songs live, instead of programming lots of stuff. It sounds and feels much better with all the songs. On some songs we even got the chance to record some real grand-piano. Last Friday the boys (Lorentz, Rico, Børge & Vegard) went into Fagerborg Studio in Oslo to record on a Steinway & sons C4 grand piano.
Not used to the heavyweight keys Lorentz hammered his way through hell and back to get it right. After the molestation of the grand piano we all went back to the studio happy as hell. It sounds Fantastic!!! We're going to put up some video clips of it. Just hang around this space for more info.

As most of the songs has strings as a major part of the sound, we brought in Sareeta from Ram-Zet (whom we befriended on the "Assembly" tour 2002) to play some violin for us. She just received a new electrical violin which she used for these recordings. A pure evil specimen, with the beautiful name Thea. You can see it in the picture section.

Right now Frank and Vegard are in the studio electrifying the songs with a wall of guitar sound!. Just to make sure the sound is going to be killer, we amped them up with Engl, Mesa Boogies and Marshalls to play their Gibson Gothic guitars through. IT SOUNDS HEAVY AS F**K!"


Band profile: Theatre Of Tragedy
Posted: 13.10.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Grenouer - Fire Destroyed The Studio Of The Band

On the 23rd September 2005, as a result of a fire at the Grenouer make shift rehearsal studio, the band lost all their instruments and equipment. As the band was simply subletting this space in the Vereteno factory in St. Petersburg they cannot expect any financial compensation from the factory owners, let alone an apology. The fire started as a consequence of an unqualified welder (twat!!!) who was carrying some work in the nearby area. At the moment the factory management is doing everything possible to cover these facts up and create a new version of events in order to avoid hefty penalties. You can see all the pictures taken at the scene after the fire on the official Grenouer forum at:'s=&act=ST&f=34&t=6970&st=50's=&act=ST&f=34&t=6970&st=75's=&act=ST&f=34&t=6970&st=100&#entry490030

All of the bands equipment either perished in the fire or became totally unusable due water damage from the firemen's attempts to put the fire out. This unfortunate event took place right at the peak of Grenouer's preparation for the recording of their fifth full length album when the dates for the recording sessions had already been booked at the ASTIA studio in Finland.

IND (Vocals): "This situation is quite dramatic because the fire has been a set back to many of our plans, however we're not going to give up! On the contrary, we must get through this and at the very least partially realise our plans. Of course we're gonna start by getting new instruments, amps and all other necessary devices and if someone feels like giving us a helping hand they can always get in touch with us by email, however, our enemies will now have reason to celebrate. As a result of this incident, I believe that the subject of fire and destruction will now find a place in our writing.
Anyway, it's too early to write Grenouer off yet!!!"

You're all welcome to support the band. Even a little message help a lot in such situation...

Source: Grenouer
Posted: 28.09.2005 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Katatonia - Studio Update

"After a few needed breaks, including a kick ass visit at the Wacken festival with one of our side projects, we put ourselves under house arrest down the studio again. During these last weeks of early mornings and late nights, all the clean/lead guitars, loops, percussion and keyboards were finished. Currently, we're halfway through the last stage, recording vocals in studio B while the mix is running hot in studio A. It's taken all summer, but the most heavy, beautiful and professionally sounding album we've ever done is finally about to become full circle."

Taken From:

Band profile: Katatonia
Posted: 10.09.2005 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Celtic Frost - Entering The Studio

Seminal avant-garde metal pioneers Celtic Frost announce the completion of their new studio album, tentatively titled "Dark Matter Manifest", their first in 13 years and the culmination of some three and a half years of songwriting and recording work. Although the album was largely produced by the band themselves and financed by their own production company, Celtic Frost enlisted Hypocrisy/Pain mastermind Peter Tägtgren to co-produce with them the final recording and mixing sessions at Horus Sound Studio in Hanover, Germany, in August/September 2005. Negotiations with a variety of labels are currently underway, and the album is scheduled for a release in early 2006.

Having declined innumerable reunion show propositions over the years, Celtic Frost once again deemed it essential to manifest themselves creatively with a new album before embarking on the live circuit next year.

Original Celtic Frost members Tom Gabriel Fischer (voice and guitars) and Martin Eric Ain (bass) are joined by Erol Unala (guitar) and Franco Sesa (drums). The band are now managed by Antje Lange for The A Label in Berlin, Germany ( For real-time exclusive information and rare visual glimpses, see Celtic Frost's official website at and Tom Gabriel Fischer's blog at:

Band profile: Celtic Frost
Posted: 09.08.2005 by Angelique | Comments (0)

The Equinox Ov The Gods - Entered The Studio

In a studio owned by Joakim Wassberg, one of the guitarists ov the Gods, the band is currently working on the recording of 10 songs. The drums and guitars have already been recorded. And as soon as the bass, played by Zeb Nilsson (Aeon, And Angels Wept) is recorded, the only thing that is left is the vocals and some additional instruments.
The songs wil, most likely, be available to the public, in some way or another, at the end of the summer.

The Equinox ov the Gods are currently looking for gigs and a decent record label.

Band profile: The Equinox Ov The Gods
Posted: 22.07.2005 by Deadsoulman | Comments (0)

Amorphis - Entering the Studio This Summer

Amorphis' leadman and the guitarist Esa Holopainen has posted following message in their website:

Dear All.

We've been rehearsing intensively past two months now and the songs start to get their final shape. There's still couple tracks which need to be rehearsed but basically the songs are ready and the band is more motivated than ever. Tomi Joutsen has brought so much new energy for us and the tour we did in US on March united us a a real Amorphis 2005. We were really happy to see how people welcomed Tomi as a new Amorphis singer, he was a "bit" nervous before the tour but the reaction and support we got helped him to make Amorphis sound like a never before.

So, the recordings will take place at 1st of July at Sonic Pump studios in Helsinki and takes time till somewhere in August. Mikko Karmila is starting the mixing at September 1st at Finnvox. Let's see if guys get their studio ready till the 1st of July as it still looks like a construction area. New Sonic Pump is going to
be really cool. It can't be bad studio if you have sea view and sauna.

As said we've been working hard with new songs and with their arrangements. The songs have a good atmosphere and feeling, it's hard to say at this point whether they are pop or heavy as some people will anyway categorize us as a pop band. I remember when Tales... was released some kept us as a pop
band which has sold themselves. The sound in my point of view is still very organic and someway primitive. There's different measures which make some tracks more "progressive" (horrible word, but couldn't find decent synonym). There's acoustic and heavy stuff and that's pretty much how I can describe the stuff at the moment. In general we've been working much harder with everything so that we don't have to waste time in studio to reherase or jam.

For us it feels like new beginning or rather as a new page on Amorphis career, something which is this shapeless as this band can't never die. We keep you posted how things are moving ahead. Shine on!


Band profile: Amorphis
Posted: 14.06.2005 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Bolt Thrower - Studio Report

The following is a studio report posted by drummer Martin Kearns on the band's official site:

"The time has finally come - recording the new album! Can't wait to get on my kit and knock out some new tunes!! It's a real pleasure recording at Sable Rose - the studio's killer, but dead relaxed, Andy is a great engineer (and comic genius), so I know the next couple of months are definitely gonna be memorable!! Ok, here goes..

Get picked up by Phil (the drum tech), and we spend the day setting up the kit on the new rack, and re-skinning it all. I went for old-style pinstripe heads on the toms, and they're sounding really cool. The new snare I'd bought for the recording sounded ok, but it wasn't blowing me (or anyone else) away, but thought I'd see how it's sounding when it was miked up.. A hour or so later and the kit's got all the (13!) mics on - we start soundchecking the kit: everything is sounding killer, except the new snare. Back to the drum shop?

Next day, Vic (from lends us 3 snares to try out in the studio! The Premier brass was no good, the Ludwig wood had a really nice tone, but was lacking on the attack, so we tried number 3, the Noble and Cooley. It looked cool, matt black shell, rims and fittings, and the attack was immense, ok, we're rolling again? Start running through some of the new songs to loosen up and relax and I break my favourite China! Well pissed off! Back to the

Day 3 - Cymbals! Vic saves the day yet again, and lends us a few cymbals to try out, amongst them I found my new favourite China, the Istanbul. We run through a couple of tracks and sort out the headphone mix, which I apparently have at an inhumanly loud volume! The mix tears everyone else's face off, but I'm still struggling to hear what I'm playing! OK, we're finally ready to record...

Take 1, everything seems ok, get a bit rushy, blow a section or two, and it's over...

Take 2, going good, but I tried a couple of new things, didn't execute them very well and lost the flow. Tea, chat, try some of Gav's 'relaxation techniques' and listen to takes 1 and 2...

Take 3, nailed it! Well happy. Everything I wanted to do was there. Song 1 down. I run through song 2...

Right, ready for song 2. Re-soundchecked the kit and it's all sounding great, so we go for a take straight away. This particular song has a few drastic tempo changes, so with that and me struggling to hear Baz's guide guitar, it takes a couple of runs through for me to get it to flow. We record 3 takes, and pick the best, another song down.. Rehearse the next song for tomorrow amongst general piss-taking, movie talk, tea, sandwiches, etc?


Band profile: Bolt Thrower
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Bolt Thrower - To Enter In The Studio

The band posted the following message on their new website:

"BOLT THROWER are currently in final rehearsals for their 8th as yet untitled studio release. In mid May the band enter Andy Faulkner's Sable Rose studios where they will spend the next three months recording the album. The as yet untitled album will be released on Metal Blade Records around October/November 2005.
More info and studio reports coming soon."

Band profile: Bolt Thrower
Posted: 28.04.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Týr - Entering The Studio This Fall

Faeroese folk metal band Tyr are entering the studio this fall for record their third album. The album will be recorded in Hansen Studio, the same studio where their second album Eric The Red was recorded. The band has been working on new material since the release of Eric The Red and they are very pleased with the new songs. The lyrics will be written in english, Faeroese and some other nordic language, the band says that lyrical themes are from Nordic past, present and future and the musical style will follow the 2 first album flavoured with some new things and experiments. The album will be released due winter 2005.

Posted: 25.04.2005 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Dark Angel - Enter in the Studio

Finally we have have news from the band, they posted the following message on their official forum:

"Dark Angel enters the studio December 13th to begin recording some new material. They will also be tracking some songs from the never released Atrocity Exhibition record and have plans to procure a deal for a full length DFA album.

They will be entering Dreamcatcher Studios in Lake Balboa CA for the rehearsals, tracking, and mixing of the project and expect to release the material early next year.

The entire project will also be filmed for an upcoming DVD and Enhanced CD.

Video footage for the project will be broadcasted live on the internet via a streaming camera here Dark Angel Live Camera

Dark Angel will possibly perform a live concert webcast. More on that later...

Track list will be held in confidence until the release.

It Will Be BRUTAL.........."

Band profile: Dark Angel
Posted: 28.03.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (6)

Lullacry - To enter in the Studio

The band will enter in the studio in May to finish their upcoming album, which should be out in early September. The single "Stranger In You" will be out in summer, including the KISS cover "I Stole Your Love".

Band profile: Lullacry
Posted: 16.03.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)