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Cancer parts ways with guitarist

The English band that reunited recently during this year (and released an ep) has parted ways with guitarist Rob Engvikson, he will be working in his band Asatru.

Here are few words from Carl Strokes: "There is no malice between the band and Rob, and we wish him well with his Asatru project, and we'll see him down the pub for a beer."

Also the band is concentrated on the writing of the new album.
Posted: 15.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Draconian news

DRACONIAN will enter Studio Underground in September to record the follow-up to last year's Where Lovers Mourn. The new album, Arcane Rain Fell, comprises 9 tracks of dark, atmospheric metal, and is to be a luciferian concept album that relates the tale of the fallen angels.
Also, DRACONIAN will perform at the Doom Metal event "South of Heaven in Olso on 12 November, sharing the stage with Doom/Death Metal legends Esoteric, among others.
Posted: 14.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

DETONATION (Hol) to hit the studios in December

"DETONATION (Hol) to hit the studios in December"

Dutch melodic Death/Thrash metal band DETONATION is currently working on the pre-production of their highly anticipated 2nd full length album. The follow up to last years' "An Epic Defiance" is due to be recorded in December this year at studio Excess, Rotterdam. 11 new songs have been created, to which singer/guitarplayer Koen Romeijn made the following statement; "expect nothing less than pure melodic Death/Thrash, in the vein of our debut album...but this time the songs are more intense, more technical and better structured than before! There's also more variation to be found among the songs, it's going to be a killer!"

No official album title has been revealed yet, but the following songs will appear on the new album:

-Beyond the Margin
-Chaos Banished
-Structural Deceit
-End of Sight-End of Fears
-Clinically Dead
-The Source to Delve
-Solitude Reflected
-Lost Euphoria Part III
-The Loss of Motion Control
-Into Sulfur I Descend
-The Discharge of Isolation

Source: Osmose Production
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Dead Soul Tribe new album description

Here are some interesting details concerning the new album of Devon Graves band, Dead Soul Tribe, entitled "The January Tree". To be mentioned that these were taken from InsideOut website (

"A tree in winter - naked, the leaves have fallen, it almost desparately stretches it's thin branches to the cloudy sky. A good many people associate dreariness with such an image, others think of loneliness, hopelessness, emptiness or even romanticism. But at any rate, Devon Graves of Dead Soul Tribe was fascinated so much by this spectacle of nature that he used it as a basic idea for his new album "The January Tree".

With the predecessor "A Murder of Crows", a dead crow - on a pylon with electric cables, it's wings stretched as if it were crucified - served as starting point for a fascinating concept, a unique symbiosis between poetic lyrics and suspenseful and dramatic music. This time it's similar: "A tree in winter is a mirror image of today's world. A leaf is only a leaf but it is a small wonder that a tree lives with the help of his leaves. It is just the small things which decide over life and death and the level inbetween", philosophizes the father of a family. Graves, who was born in San Diego and who moved to Vienna because of the love he found, can easily be counted as one of the authentic artists of the current music scene. The album's title, "The January Tree", was established even before a tone of music was composed or a line of song lyrics was written. Graves had the inspiration which forced him to continue and to intensively search for the meaning of his idea. Almost for a year the pensive musician experimented with riffs and melodies. "I had a kind of basis in my mind but for a long time I didn't find the appropriate and expressive words, so I initially arranged the music without song lyrics."

As with the debut work "Dead Soul Tribe", as well with "A Murder of Crows", Devon Graves did almost everything himself on "The January Tree": he plays guitar, bass and more flute than before, plus keyboards and piano, he sings and produces. However, this time drummer Adel Moustafa is responsible for the basic structures of three songs. "'A Murder of Crows' remains an important work but I wasn't able to direct my ideas on the really right ways then. 'Angels In Vertigo', 'Some Things You Can't Return', and 'Feed' are great songs but the rest of the album is more like some additions. In retrospect, I think the differences in quality are too big. With 'The January Tree', I had finally found the self-confidence to create almost an hour of homogeneous music without any quality differences."

Posted: 14.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Enchant DVD & live album in October

Enchant DVD and live album coming in October.

This Enchant show, which was recorded on the 13th of March of this year, will be released as a double live CD and double DVD at end of October. The DVD will feature the complete 2 1/2 hour set, plus a second disc with bonus material. More information will follow soon.

Posted: 14.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

The Tangent new album details

The Tangent new album will be entitled as "The World That We Drive Through".


01 . The Winning Game 11.09
02. Skipping The Distance 08:55
03. Photosynthesis 07:39
04. The World We Drive Through 12:57
05. A Gap In The Night 18:22

"For the first time you will hear symphonic elements in The Tangent's work, most often added by Tillison with a newer version of a mellotron, but in the overture of the opener "The Winning Game" this is generated just by multi-layered flute and saxophone lines, as Tillison reveals. Unusual rock can be heard on "Skipping the Distance" and the album's title song when Reingold and Csorsz can really shine while "Photosynthesis" produces an almost romantic flair reminding one of nature. And what the title song indicates, finds fulfilment with dark and deeply searching chords in the album's longest song, the 18 minute track "A Gap In The Night": a clear reminiscence of Van der Graaf, which will much please Peter Hammill, combined with psychedelic additions brought in by Theo Travis from his work with Gong.

"The World That We Drive Through" is a concept album. "We don't see much of those things that happen in the world", explains Andy, "because we are too much concerned with the things going on in our own lives. So many negative but also some wonderful things escape our attention. The album shall illuminate all those aspects." And he adds: "I remember a few rich guys who fell off a bridge in San Francisco during an earthquake. Inside their expensive cars they fell into a very poor ghetto. There they were freed by those people to whom they had no points of contact until then. This set the ball rolling for this album." Now, since the ball rolls, one maybe cannot stop it anymore...

"The World That We Drive Through" is released as regular edition as well as special edition in jewel case and slip case, with extended booklet and the 14 minute long bonus track "Exponenzgesetz".

source & more details:
Posted: 14.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

New keyboard player for Sun Caged

After several auditions we can announce the new keyboard player for Sun Caged.
The new man is Rene Kroon, better known to some people as "Pingel".
Rene is a very good player with a lot of technical abilities, and he managed to figure out the audition songs with no errors. Also his sounds came very close to the original sounds Joost used on the CD.

We welcome Rene in the Sun Caged camp !!

A new singer has not been found yet, but auditions are still going on, so we hope to announce the new singer also soon.

July 26th 2004 (

Band profile: Sun Caged
Posted: 14.09.2004 by DreamWeaver | Comments (0)

Eidolon working on new record

Take it from eidolon website:

"Lots of great, possitive things happening here. So, lets get right to it!!!!

I will be leaving for Gothenburg, Sweden on September 30, to commence drum tracks for the next Eidolon record. I actually, just returned from Toronto, Canada - where myself and Glen programmed click tracks/scratch guitars for my Sweden trip - All went well. The drums will be recorded at "Los Angered Recording" owned by Andy Larocque ( King Diamond ) I am quite looking forword to this trip - I havent seen Andy in a while, so I'm looking forword to that as well.

Nils K. Rue ( vocalist ) will be stopping by the studio from Norway for a few days, which I am looking forword to as well - between Nils and Andy, I should have no problems finding the good coffee shops around town ( man, I hope they have Starbucks - wishfull thinking, perhaps :-)

Glen should be starting guitar tracks around the beginning of December, and will hopefully complete them sometime in early January - 2005. At this point, both Nils and Adrian will receive the record, at which time they can commence on their part of it. We are looking to deliver the record to Escapi by the end of April-2005, if all goes well. I can promise you that this is the best material we have written!!!!

As you probably are aware of at this point, Glen is the new guitar player in Megadeth!! I don't really want to talk too much about this, as it is really not my place to do so ( I will leave that up to Dave Mustaine :-) All of us are excited for Glen, and know that he will do a great job in the band!!!!

That's about all for the time being - I will get back to you upon my return from Sweden..."

Band profile: Eidolon
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Exodus:Steve Souza was Fired

Steve Souze is out of Exodus, here is a message post by Gary Holt on Exodus official forum:

"Okay people, the word has leaked, so I'm here to give you a brief rundown.
Let me give you an idea of what we've had to deal with as far as that fat motherfuckin' shit brick is concerned. He pulled out of going to Mexico city only about twenty four hours before were ready to leave, saying " I'm not getting on the plane, you'll see me on Thursday to go to South America." He lied to our manager, saying that he had talked to me already about this, which was a totall lie. He then ducked every fuckin' phone call and just hid out. The promoter had already paid a non-refundable 8 thousand dollars for the room and it would have been a disaster to have canceled. None of this mattered to that miserable piece of shit. The only thing he cares about is himself and money. If only you could have heard some of the shit that has come out of his fat pie hole over the last couple of years. Things like " Why does Jack get the same money as me, who the hell is he anyway?" "We should hire a body guard for South America", " If the fans want more than 12 songs out of me they should pay more money, they are getting their moneys worth already!", "Why is Gary in the front of this promo picture,I should be in the front, that's copyright infringement!", (true! he said that!). There is soooo much more shit you wouldn't believe it. This motherfucker sat backstage and cried at Provinsi rock fest in Finland like a pussy. Waaaaaah! Now you can keep your fat fuckin' ass at home and go off your Atkins diet ( like it's working lard ass!) and blow up as much as you'd like! If he had been a man and finished his commitments and said that it's too hard and he can't do it anymore I'd have shaken his hand and wished him well, but not now. He is the enemy. I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone on this planet. He is human crap. Fuck him. Some people wonder what will happen now. Well this band will continue. As for tight nit unity! The show in Mexico was the most liberating moment in my career, not have to listen to him bitch and complain once! And you know what? The crowd did not care. But I am not quitting. This is MY band ( the thing that he hated most), I write the songs and I've got some crushing new shit written already. So fuck that pussy. Zetro is dead, love live Exodus"


Band profile: Exodus
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Graham Bonnet to release album

Graham Bonnet's management have post the following statement:

"Hi everyone. I thought it is about time to let you all know what is happening with Graham Bonnet. The answer to your question is that there will be a new album and world tour in the near future. Yes we have been offered to do a tour of the UK with our friends Dokken although all the dates are not yet confirmed. We are in negotiations to do a tour of Japan in the near future and this will be with an original guitarist from Alcatrazz. I will give an official press release when it is confirmed. Graham Bonnet would like to thank all the fans and is looking forward to touring and recording a new album. Rest assured you will all be the first to know when everything is confirmed. Take care and long live rock and roll. Cheers, Mark Wilkinson Bonnet Management"
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

David Ellefson post song of his new band

The band called F5 consist of David Ellefson (ex Megadeth) on bass, Dale Steele(ex Sick Speed) on Vocals, Steve Conley and John Davis on the guitars and David Small on Drums, to listen to the song go to their official website:

Band profile: Megadeth
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Nasum Set Release Date And Post Sound Sample

Their new album "The Shift" will be release throught Burning Heart worldwide on 11 of october 2004 and throught Relapse (to the us) on 26 of october 2004, also you can check the covert art at:

And finally the band have post a sound sample at:

Band profile: Nasum
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Lefay back as Morgana Lefay again and sign with BM

Here is a statement by the band posted on their website:
"Anyone who's been following the band over the years knows that Lefay is, and always has been Morgana Lefay. The name change was necessary in order to continue the band due to unfortunate business complications. Therefore we are pleased to announce that we have signed a new deal with our old label, Black Mark. In doing so, we have regained the right to our full name and shall from now on once again be named Morgana Lefay. We will begin recording our new album entitled "Grand Materia" in the near future."

Charles, Tony, Peter, Robin & Fredrik / Morgana Lefay.
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Ray Alder Joins Redemption

Sensory Records have announced the good news, Ray Alder " has become Redemption's vocalist. He is currently recording vocal tracks for Redemption's second CD, tentatively titled The Fullness of Time, scheduled for release in early 2005."

"I'm incredibly excited that Ray is our singer," comments the leader of the band Nicolas Van Dyk.

for more info visit redemption website.

Band profile: Fates Warning
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Dream Evil New Guitarist

Guitarist Gus has left the band to dedicate to his own band, but the band already has a new lead guitarist: Mark U Black.

Band profile: Dream Evil
Posted: 14.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)