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Freedom Call - New Video Online

"Hero On Video," the new video from German metallers Freedom Call, can be viewed at this location.

"Hero On Video" comes off the band's new album, Land Of The Crimson Dawn, which will be released via SPV/Steamhammer on the following dates:

February 24: Germany
February 27: rest of Europe
February 28: USA/Canada

More details about Land Of The Crimson Dawn were previously reported over here.

Band profile: Freedom Call
Posted: 06.02.2012 by White Winter Sun


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Comments: 27   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 111 users
07.02.2012 - 00:25
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
This is cheasy pop music, they shood use power pop, power muisc, because there is nothing metal into this, worts flower band ever , euro flower getting cheasyer year by year, album by album ..... o yes they forgot avout Zoro, Captan Bird man, Captan Cave Man and Scooby Dooby Do, since he's the hero to who saves the day , I better watch cheesy children cartoons on cartoon netvork all life long and playinmg whit my bad man toy man what is somehwere in box , how listen this band
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
07.02.2012 - 00:37
meister J Steele
Written by Bad English on 07.02.2012 at 00:25

This is cheasy pop music, they shood use power pop, power muisc, because there is nothing metal into this, worts flower band ever , euro flower getting cheasyer year by year, album by album ..... o yes they forgot avout Zoro, Captan Bird man, Captan Cave Man and Scooby Dooby Do, since he's the hero to who saves the day , I better watch cheesy children cartoons on cartoon netvork all life long and playinmg whit my bad man toy man what is somehwere in box , how listen this band

Agreed, the same happened with Edguy.

The 3 first albums were ok though .
My vision is augmented
07.02.2012 - 00:47
Account deleted
This sounds like the music 13 year olds with backwards hats skateboard to. FFS.

Oh well maybe the rest of the album will be better, their last one was pretty good in my opinion.

edit: and yes, Edguy does this too. It's having a bubble-gum-pop single to attract a wider demographic. They come for the lame but stay for the awesome. It's an understandable thing to do but they will not be spared mockery for it!
07.02.2012 - 02:17
Angelic Storm
^^ I thought 13 year olds with backwards hats skateboarded to pop punk, or stuff like Limp Bizkit...

Wow, Dragonforce must be happy in the knowledge that whatever they have in store for their new album, it can't possibly be as cheesy as this! I know Freedom Call being cheesy shouldn't be anything surprising, but even for them, this was OTT... Their last album was great, and this song would indicate that the new one certainly won't be topping it!
07.02.2012 - 02:56
Account deleted
Written by Angelic Storm on 07.02.2012 at 02:17

^^ I thought 13 year olds with backwards hats skateboarded to pop punk, or stuff like Limp Bizkit...

Wow, Dragonforce must be happy in the knowledge that whatever they have in store for their new album, it can't possibly be as cheesy as this! I know Freedom Call being cheesy shouldn't be anything surprising, but even for them, this was OTT... Their last album was great, and this song would indicate that the new one certainly won't be topping it!

Or maybe DragonForce are sitting around brooding about being out-cheesed this time around.

Herman: "Fuck! Sam get ova heuh NOW"
Sam: *stumbles in holding a bottle of Jagermeister* "Whaaaaa?"
Herman: "It's fucking Chris Bay and fucking Freedom Call, their shit is the cheesiest shit I evah sawed!!!"
Sam: "Bloody 'ell mate it really is the cheesiest shit I've ever 'eard! Fucking wankers, nobody out-cheeses Dragonforce!"
Herman: "We shoulda seen this coming and stepped up our fucking game, I mean they have that fucking song about Merlin last album, we shoulda known they were bringing out tha big guns"
Sam: "Cry Thunder is the fucking cheesiest song I could come up with, how the fuck are we supposed to beat this shit?"
Herman: "We could write a fucking song about fucking Legend of Zelda so far away back in time forevermore??"
Sam: "That's not fucking good enough. That's it, cancel the tour, we will win this shit if it means we die trying!"


There is a small but significant chance that they're saying that as we speak.
07.02.2012 - 05:14
This is probably the worst song I've ever heard a "metal" band record.
07.02.2012 - 08:34
This is like edguy Superheroes. So Cheesy and fucking pop song... Hate this shit!!!
07.02.2012 - 11:44
It is pretty bad, I have to admit - are these the same guys who wrote "Crystal Empire"?
07.02.2012 - 17:53
Angelic Storm
Written by Snbn on 07.02.2012 at 08:34

This is like edguy Superheroes. So Cheesy and fucking pop song... Hate this shit!!!

Exactly. "Superheroes" is one of the worst ever Edguy songs. I don't know why it's considered one of their best. "Robin Hood" may have had a silly video, but was actually a pretty great song with substance to it. Very unlike "Superheroes", and even more unlike this terrible new FC song. I do like FC, and will hope this song is not indicitive of the whole album, but if it is, they may have gone from making their career best album, straight to making their worst album ever.
07.02.2012 - 18:33
This video is a joke and i can't believe the whole album will be like this. I smiled the first 20 secondes but ehhhhhh... Come on. I love cheeve but that......

Bad song, bad video unless the whole thing is just a joke......
Nothing is real
07.02.2012 - 19:10
Account deleted
It seems all of my favorite Power Metal bands are turning me off of them. First it was Hammerfall, then it was Dream Evil, now Freedom Call. I don't know why these bands insist on changing a formula that worked before. I'm sure people get bored with bands for a lack of experimentation in their music. But this... This is just sad. R.I.P. Freedom Call, you will be missed.
07.02.2012 - 21:19
The song sucks a lot!! But the video rocks!!
07.02.2012 - 23:08
Angelic Storm
Written by Zenzero on 07.02.2012 at 21:19

The song sucks a lot!! But the video rocks!!

The video is even worse than the song!
08.02.2012 - 01:09
Written by Angelic Storm on 07.02.2012 at 17:53

I do like FC, and will hope this song is not indicitive of the whole album, but if it is, they may have gone from making their career best album, straight to making their worst album ever.

The last album didn't even touch the heels of "Stairway To Fairyland" or "Eternity".
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
08.02.2012 - 01:19
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 08.02.2012 at 01:09
The last album didn't even touch the heels of "Stairway To Fairyland" or "Eternity".

I'm very surprised to find that you rate either of those albums... I obviously disagree with that, although those albums are great, especially the latter one. Some people would find even an album like "Eternity" as too cheesy, but that is like a very mild cheese, compared to the vintage extra-mature that is this new song and video.
08.02.2012 - 01:22
Written by Angelic Storm on 08.02.2012 at 01:19

Written by RavenKing on 08.02.2012 at 01:09
The last album didn't even touch the heels of "Stairway To Fairyland" or "Eternity".

I'm very surprised to find that you rate either of those albums... I obviously disagree with that, although those albums are great, especially the latter one. Some people would find even an album like "Eternity" as too cheesy, but that is like a very mild cheese, compared to the vintage extra-mature that is this new song and video.

They were cheesy but they were also fast and really Powermetal, with good guitars and drums.
This new song is bubblegum pop.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
08.02.2012 - 01:32
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 08.02.2012 at 01:22
They were cheesy but they were also fast and really Powermetal, with good guitars and drums.
This new song is bubblegum pop.

Exactly, that's exactly it. For me, there's nothing wrong with being cheesy, so long you're coming up with strong, powerful music to balance it out. Which is why I like Rhapsody (Of Fire) but can't stand Manowar. Freedom Call, no matter how cheesy the past material, was never anything else but power metal. (Aside from some tracks from the disappointing "Dimensions" album) This song is, as you say, pure pop with guitars. And the video is truly cringeworthy. Im having a hard time visualising the once powerful Primal Fear drummer, doing the ridiculous things he does in it.
08.02.2012 - 01:45
Written by Angelic Storm on 08.02.2012 at 01:32

Written by RavenKing on 08.02.2012 at 01:22
They were cheesy but they were also fast and really Powermetal, with good guitars and drums.
This new song is bubblegum pop.

Exactly, that's exactly it. For me, there's nothing wrong with being cheesy, so long you're coming up with strong, powerful music to balance it out. Which is why I like Rhapsody (Of Fire) but can't stand Manowar. Freedom Call, no matter how cheesy the past material, was never anything else but power metal. (Aside from some tracks from the disappointing "Dimensions" album) This song is, as you say, pure pop with guitars. And the video is truly cringeworthy. Im having a hard time visualising the once powerful Primal Fear drummer, doing the ridiculous things he does in it.

I can stand a certain dose of cheese without problem, as long as the music is fast, with powerful riffing and pounding drums (think Bal-Sagoth, Helloween's Keeper's or "Stairway To Fairyland", or we could say Immortal). Even if I almost never listen to Powermetal nowadays, a bit of melodic Speed Metal can be fine for a change when I'm really in the mood. But there's a difference between real Powermetal and pop. Like you say, if music is poppy crap it will never work for me.
And problem is Powermetal seems to turn to pop more and more each year.

And yes, the video is ridiculous and not even in a funny way.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
08.02.2012 - 02:45
Written by RavenKing on 08.02.2012 at 01:45

And problem is Powermetal seems to turn to pop more and more each year.

Sad but true... Where are the times of Ride the Sky, Banish From Sanctuary, the early Rage stuff, Man On A Mission, Somewhere Out In Space and other TRUE POWER METAL songs gone???? I never will understand the stubborness that the PM bands nowadays have to slow their speed (include sadly examples like FC, Blind Guardian (even when they still do nice stuff), Gamma Ray, and others). Maybe they're gettin'old for so many speed or they believe that innovation=lower speed... I WANNA SPEED & MELODY TOGETHER AGAIN, LIKE IN THE IMAGINATIONS FROM THE OTHER SIDE ALBUM!!!
08.02.2012 - 03:29
Written by Angelic Storm on 07.02.2012 at 23:08

Written by Zenzero on 07.02.2012 at 21:19

The song sucks a lot!! But the video rocks!!

The video is even worse than the song!

I must admit that I've listened the whole song just to see that stupid video til the end!!!
08.02.2012 - 06:52
Good lord...
10.02.2012 - 11:01
Angelic Storm
Written by Irritable Ted on 10.02.2012 at 10:16
I thought the drummer was Bill Bailey for a moment.

Lmao! I can't believe I've never noticed that before, he does look like Bill Bailey... lol
10.02.2012 - 13:37
gloom cookie
Written by [user id=106198] on 07.02.2012 at 02:56

Herman: "We could write a fucking song about fucking Legend of Zelda so far away back in time forevermore??"

Aaaand, here's my new signature
7.0 means the album is good
10.02.2012 - 21:23
Account deleted
Written by Milena on 10.02.2012 at 13:37

Written by [user id=106198] on 07.02.2012 at 02:56

Herman: "We could write a fucking song about fucking Legend of Zelda so far away back in time forevermore??"

Aaaand, here's my new signature

Two in a row! Looks like I own your signatures I'm almost certain to poke fun at the new Dragonforce album when it comes out, maybe I'll make it three in a row.
10.02.2012 - 21:57
gloom cookie
Written by [user id=106198] on 10.02.2012 at 21:23

Two in a row! Looks like I own your signatures I'm almost certain to poke fun at the new Dragonforce album when it comes out, maybe I'll make it three in a row.

Now now, let's not be hasty, as Treebeard would say but yeah, you own my sigs.
7.0 means the album is good
10.02.2012 - 22:05
Account deleted
Written by Milena on 10.02.2012 at 21:57

Written by [user id=106198] on 10.02.2012 at 21:23

Two in a row! Looks like I own your signatures I'm almost certain to poke fun at the new Dragonforce album when it comes out, maybe I'll make it three in a row.

Now now, let's not be hasty, as Treebeard would say but yeah, you own my sigs.

Of course. I wonder what Treebeard would think of Dragonforce. Something tells me they would get tossed out of Fangorn forest shortly after arriving.
10.02.2012 - 22:38
gloom cookie
Written by [user id=106198] on 10.02.2012 at 22:05

Something tells me they would get tossed out of Fangorn forest shortly after arriving.

If they talk as speedy and completely incoherently as they play... ya
7.0 means the album is good

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