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System Of A Down - Clarify Bassist's Statements About Serj Tankian

System Of A Down's bassist Shavo Odadjian has recently released a string of comments on his Facebook page referring to Serj Tankian as the source of the delay in System Of A Down's work on a new album thus holding the band back. The group has now released an official statement clarifying that what Shavo Odadjian had said does not reflect what they feel as a collective band.

Band's official statement: "Earlier today, Shavo posted a few statements on his personal Facebook page that do not reflect the sentiments of System Of A Down as a collective band. These were misleading statements that were made during a temporary state of bad judgment on his part alone. To be clear, the full band lineup of Serj, Daron, Shavo and John will be performing all scheduled tour dates. With respect to new SOAD music, although we have not agreed on a timetable for a new album, we all believe that having the four of us do it together is the way to be true to the band and our fans."

The original string of comments on Shavo's page which were taken down: "Ok... I'll come clean... It's not us (meaning Daron,John Or Shavo!! It's Sej, who doesn' want to do a new album!!!! so please stop harassing us about it!!! We are just waiting for SERJ! Now He might hate me for exposing the truth but I Had too.. Sorry folks!!! we're trying to get a new album out, it's just not passing Serj's RULES! Kinda funny, since we started the band and now he's holding us back!! I think we should release another album again??? As for me... I'm ready to release one with someone who wants to be the singer of SYSTEM. not someone we have to beg to be a part of SYSTEM!! So with that in mind, what do you guys w should do? Just remember, he's been holding us back for 7 years so far... wanna wait another $-5 years? or shall we release a record without Serj? u tell us?"

"I don't want to make a record without him... but if he's not down? should the 3 of us just sit and wait?? Not cool!!!!!!!! I want the fans from all over the world including Brazil to tell us what they think. No System? or System with with a new singer who's just as good if not better? PLUS new System songs and tours???? please give me ur opinion people!!! is SYSTEM better with no singer or someone who is excited to be our new singer?? you decide.. cause I'm confused!"

"No diss to Serj.. If he wants to be in the band then he's welcome but if he's not? what do you expect us 3 to do?? we really want another System Record! wish Serj was down but if he's not, then I'm going ahead and making a System record without him!!! I'm furious that he let us down like this, but we gotta do something to keep this great band alive!!! Agreed?"

The band's latest albums were released in 2005, Mezmerize and Hypnotize.

Band profile: System Of A Down
Posted: 21.05.2013 by BloodTears


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21.05.2013 - 13:48
LeChron James
System of a Down's a helluva drug.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
21.05.2013 - 14:14
Account deleted
I saw SOAD in Long Beach, CA... titties flashing and everything else you'd expect from an arena show with Hollyweird nearby... it was awesome and I think Daron was on something so he was all over the place but tighter as a band than they were on their last stint around here.
21.05.2013 - 17:16
This guys should quitting fucking around and make a new album!!! I think all the fans have had enough of their bullshits and solo projects!
21.05.2013 - 17:31
Account deleted
System without Serj would be a bit pointless I have to say.
21.05.2013 - 18:00
I agree with the bassist, if a member doesn't want to do another album when the rest does, but the vocalist is out doing his own solo albums and making money seems a little hypocritical... Considering SoaD is where he got his start, without it he would be nothing. But since SofD can;t exist properly without Serj, and Serj knows this, it leaves the other members in a bit of a tug-of-war 3 against 1. But it seems in this case it's down to 1 on 1 with the other 2 remaining neutral... so i predict the bassist is going to be kicked out, Serj will flex his control over the band, the others will see how much of a douche Serj has become (his solo albums suck btw) and the band will break up again, this time for good.
What NEEDS to happen is that Serj needs to be kicked out. He's already got his solo shit underway, so he'll be fine. The other members need to just get a new vocalist, and start a new band under a new name, since SofD's sound is defined by Serj. SofD will end, don't expect an album, but that doesnt mean the other members cant start another band without Serj. THAT would be awesome
Gerald Massey: "They must find it difficult ... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
21.05.2013 - 18:54
A staff guy...
There can be no SOAD with Serj. So if the other 3 want to make a record, and are tired of Serj holding them back, then they should just start a new band with a new vocalist and lay SAOD to rest.

If they did that then they would get to see how much Serj really cares about SOAD, cuz he would either let them do it and not bat an eye (meaning he could care less about SOAD and their fans) or he would get off his ass, stop being a selfish prick, and do another SOAD album (meaning he does care about SOAD and their fans and just needed the other 3 to light a fire under his ass).

EDIT: And I'll bet that all 3 of them feel the same as Shavo, but he was the only one who had the balls to say something publicly about it. And if Serj is as much of an ass as Shavo is making him out to be, then I'd bet he threatened the 3 of them to make Shavo take them down. The 3 of them need to grow a collective pair and do something for themselves and stop letting Serj hold them back if they feel that strongly about it.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

21.05.2013 - 19:10
Free as a.. Fish
Shavo sounds like a little kid, who really likes exclamation points and question marks. "Not cool!!!!!!!!"
21.05.2013 - 19:18
Written by [user id=4365] on 21.05.2013 at 17:31

System without Serj would be a bit pointless I have to say.

Seconded. I'd rather they not release anything than produce an album without Serj, they would go the way of melted ice cream, that is, into the sink. Wouldn't be the reunion the fans have been waiting for anyway, they'd really just be catering to themselves.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
21.05.2013 - 19:24
That Facebook comment... R.I.P. English.
21.05.2013 - 19:37
Account deleted
Written by Slayer666 on 21.05.2013 at 19:24

That Facebook comment... R.I.P. English.

To be fair, he was clearly smashed when he wrote it.
21.05.2013 - 19:40
Written by [user id=4365] on 21.05.2013 at 19:37

To be fair, he was clearly smashed when he wrote it.

That would explain why he was supposedly the only one with enough "balls" to speak up against Serj. Or something.
21.05.2013 - 22:42
The only thing missing from these is a bit of ALL CAPS RAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
22.05.2013 - 00:26
SOAD without Serj wouldn't really be SOAD, maybe as previously mentioned, they could form a new band with a new singer (not the guitarist! )
22.05.2013 - 00:50
Of Egypt
I was sure like 100% that Serj was the reason for the delay, even before what Shavo posted, the guy is enjoying his solo work and i don't think he has the will to be "SOAD's Serj" again...
And Honestly, i can't imagine SOAD without Serj!!!
22.05.2013 - 15:53
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Damn, i was online on facebook when i saw this guy hammering down his thoughts about Serj and SOAD. For first, I thought some fan is trying to spit up his anger(fofcourse, from his account) of why SOAD is fucking delaying new record but then back-to-back angry rambles(especially about SERJ) confused me of whether it's him who's just going berserk over delaying the record.

Now, look it's all over the internet.
22.05.2013 - 21:05
That's what happens when you start to release your 'SOLO' material. It feeds your ego and you forget about the band that got you to where you are now. That's just my opinion
23.05.2013 - 13:52
>all over the world including Brazil

01.07.2013 - 13:46
Written by Opethian on 22.05.2013 at 21:05

That's what happens when you start to release your 'SOLO' material. It feeds your ego and you forget about the band that got you to where you are now. That's just my opinion

Although I do not want to, I have to agree with you. I think besides that Serj is a nice guy, his EGO has really inflated big time since the releases of his books, art, albums etc.

Serj needs SOAD and vice versa

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