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Wintersun - Jari Issues Second Update Regarding Nuclear Blast Situation

It appears that the plot seems to be thickening in the new feud between Nuclear Blast and Wintersun's mastermind Jari Mäenpää. He issued a second, very lengthy update about crowd funding, Time II and his squabbles with Nuclear Blast.

It reads as follows, if you have time: "Clearing a few things about my last 'reality update': I feel like I need to explain the situation more clearly as some people seem to be a bit confused. So let's get more into the details?

"Let's get one thing clear first, I don't live in a fantasy world. You might say I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to album production. Fine, I'll give you that. But I do make compromises, lots of them. Time I was all a huge compromise. The melody guitars are all old modelling amps (not the new Axe-FXs and whatnots which sound pretty decent actually). There simply was not enough budget to record them properly in a professional studio, so they sound pretty horrible and are very hard mix and fit in with the rest of the instruments. The vocals were all recorded in various rehearsal places just with my laptop (the reason why it took so long to record them and also because of the hundreds of vocal tracks I needed to record for these albums). They are certainly not the best quality vocal recordings. Again, another compromise for not having enough budget for a 3rd party professional studio. I also wanted some time to practise my vocals while recording, which I've never really done before, but you can hear the improvement. Also I do some of the vocal arrangement work and experiment with different things while recording, this would be impossible in a 3rd party studio. The rhythm guitars were actually recorded in a 3rd party studio, but I didn't have enough time to craft the sound exactly like I want it. Rhythm guitar is the thing I'm the most perfectionist and passionate about. There's only a handful of rhythm guitar sounds I like from the millions of heavy metal records out there, so you can imagine how hard it is for me to be able to produce the guitar sound of my dreams in few days in a 3rd party studio. Impossible. And to fit it in with hundreds of orchestration & synth instruments, to not muddy the bass, to be able to scoop the mids so the whole mix doesn't sound like a kitchen radio (I don't like mids in metal guitars plus the orchestra instruments already eat a lot of the mids space), but still keep the upper mids smooth and not harsh, to not mask the drum overheads, but still having enough modern highs and upper mids attack to have it cut through the mix. This is almost a mission impossible, but I know I could do it in my own time in my own studio... So the time ran out from the studio's 'taximeter' and I was left with unsatisfying guitar sound and very hard to fit in the mix (still had to pay the studio bill though). I was very unhappy about this, but still released the album! The orchestrations were made with just one computer which forced me to use time consuming workarounds and was very stressful. I won't even get into the technical problems I've had to deal with over the years. It took 3 years of sweat and tears to make the orchestrations the way I had to do them. This was the hardest task and it nearly burned me out. Never again this way! I would need a computer farm to do the all the orchestrations in realtime without slow workarounds.

"I've mixed the albums in my apartment and you ask why it takes so long to mix? Well, because my room is not a professional studio ment for mixing. There's also always some noise issues inside and outside the building, I've had even some scary hearing problems due to this for having to raise the volume and having to mix too loud. Never again! There's also insane amount of tracks to mix (which is very difficult), but my computer is having hard a time handling them well. Very unstable and slow. But the main thing why the mixing takes so long is because the recorded sounds are pretty crappy due to lack of resources to record them properly. So it's very hard to 'polish a turd', if not impossible. Good sounds would mix themselves! And I won't even get into other health problems I've had due to stress which has slowed the mixing process too (not mental problems, although maybe I'm a bit crazy ). So again, I simply can't afford a 3rd party studios to mix in or to record. Not even close. Nuclear Blast gave us just enough budget for only to record the drums, bass and rhythm guitars in 3rd party studio, that's it. Which all turn out unsatisfying due to lack of time to tweak the sounds right for massive projects like the Time albums are. That's why I've been struggling with the mixing. All the rest of the instuments, vocals, orchestrations, melody guitars etc... was left up to me to record on my own however possible and getting quality recordings in a 'DIY bedroom studio scenario' is not easy. Sure they gave us few additional advances, 'cause we begged them for faster computers and better gear (and all that money has been paid back already), but still not nearly enough for a task like this. The rest have been basically financed by yours truly with touring, merchandise and just simply sacrificing my own time doing lot of workarounds and recording in rehearsal places or where ever I could due to the lack of funding, but I had to make these albums a reality no matter what! But my point is, as you can see, I do make lots of compromises. Time I is far from perfect, but still released the album! Would a perfectionist do that?

"I certainly can make music renting a 3rd party studio for one month and release an album, as I have already proven that many times in the past. But I won't do that again, that is my decision. I've never been happy with those albums and the results I get from 3rd party studios. Waste of money. There simply isn't enough time (with our budgets) to craft the sounds the way I want them in unfamiliar space with unfamiliar gear, monitors and under the stress of the 'studio taximeter' running. It's usually just, let's throw a mic there and wish for the best! 'We'll fix it in the mix... maybe!'. Making music makes me happy. The feeling you get when you first get a new idea, a riff, a melody, a vision of the song is a great feeling and you just want to make that vision come out from the speakers exactly like you hear it in your head. Releasing music that doesn't represent that vision and is compromised makes me unhappy. Why continue to do something that makes you unhappy? Those past albums were like demos to me and nothing like the Time albums or the future material are in their complexity. I just want to get the production right for these albums! I know some people don't care about the production quality that much, but I do. I wouldn't be able to ever do these albums in 30, 60 or 90 days in a 3rd party studio 'like all the other bands do it'. Sorry, but I'm just not that skilled of a human being! I would need to rent a 3rd party studio for a year or two or even three years depending on the project and live there 24/7. But obviously who can afford that? You could invest and build your own studio with that money and make many albums until you die. The main thing that people need to understand is that the Time albums and my future material are so much more complex to make than my previous albums were and I just can't continue to do them like I've been forced to do them for the past 10 years. I think we've all established by now that this isn't working. You have to also remember, I do these albums basically alone. Produce, record, engineer, sing, play, mix, master, write all the music & lyrics... Who else does that? Anyone in Finland? Anyone in the world? Well maybe Devin Townsend, but he's fucking Devin Townsend! I'm just nobody from Konala, Helsinki.

"During these years I've been already acquiring studio gear and started doing most of the stuff myself and I love it! I've gotta pretty good DAW and monitor setup, so basically I got most of the studio gear already. But there's still one major thing that is missing and that is the studio space. A place to work without interruptions, where I can crank up guitar amps 24/7, 365 days a year without the neighbors calling the cops, to record and practise my singing everyday, to record drums and so on... Having everything always set up ready to record and to mix night or day in a good mixing room would speed up the whole process immensely. It would be also great for the whole band, 'cause we'd have our own rehearsal room for the first time, sort of 'Wintersun headquarters'. This would really free us to make albums much faster with better quality and able us to tour more often, which then would open the possibilities financially to other things like upgrading our live shows, doing ten minute music videos for our long songs, a live DVD maybe even with a real orchestra...

"It is a fact that without Nuclear Blast I couldn't have gotten where I am today and I'm certainly grateful of that, but they have really made the most money of Wintersun. What have I made? Well I've gotten some better equipments to do my job which is nice, but I'm still struggling and I'm missing the main pieze of the puzzle, the actual 'work place', which is a huge roadblock to continue forwards. I'm in a dead end. All my money has always gone straight to the album productions. I don't go on vacations, I don't have a car or anything fancy, which I'm totally fine with! I work and do these albums basically for free and that would be actually fine with me, if I could do my work at least in good conditions. I've been struggling and I've sacrificed everything for over 10 years and gotten pretty much nothing out of it, except the love and support of the fans, which I appreciate very much!

"But to continue to make more albums, I need my own studio. I've had enough making albums in rehearsal places and in a bedroom studios, it just doesn't work. Enough is enough. I've reached the breaking point. I don't owe Nuclear Blast or anyone anything. I don't have to make or release albums. I don't have to release Time II, if I'm not happy with it. I can make music (demos) just for myself for fun and just show them to my closest friends. Or I can do something else, for example teaching like Kai and Teemu... doing anything else I would actually earn some money. I will continue to always make music like I did before any record deals, but whether I will release the music depends totally whether I can record and mix it properly. I've made piece with myself that if I won't be able to ever release another album again and I have to take my songs to the grave, that is ok with me, but I do not wish it. Nuclear Blast and everyone around me has made profits of Wintersun and all my debts are paid. So no harm done. Where to go from here? The future is unknown.

"I must point out that our manager is a really good guy. Always has our best interest at heart, he actually gave me a big personal loan to finish Time I. I couldn't have done it without him! He actually renegotiated a better Nuclear Blast deal for me after the Time I release. I'm actually ok with the new deal. Except for the fact that I can't make albums, because they won't fund them enough for me to actually be able to make them and at the same time they are denying me doing a Wintersun crowd funding which probably would finance the studio. So they are really holding us hostage. Our manager actually renounced himself from the crowd funding and won't have any part in it unless I want his help. He wants to see Wintersun succeed. The problem is still the same though, without enough funding there won't be Wintersun albums. And I'm pretty sure I would not be able to gather enough finances on my own with just 'Jari Mäenpää's studio crowd funding' without any meaningful perk like Time II high quality album download for example. It would have to be a big Wintersun campaign with a team of people helping me to realise this dream. But I will try to figure something out, I'm not giving up!

"Time II is now in a good place mixwise. I'm pretty happy with the drums, bass & the orchestrations. The whole thing is sounding so much more powerful and clear than Time I. Really proud of what I've been able to achieve with these 'not so perfect' recordings and with the intense orchestra layers. It's so difficult to mix stuff like this, especially with my mixing conditions. But I won't ruin the hard work I've done so far by throwing a crappy guitar sound on top ruining the whole mix. That's one compromise I won't make anymore. And I won't be spending anymore money for 3rd party studios either. I will save and invest every penny for my own studio. Actually for those who complained not hearing the guitars enough on Time I, the guitars were left purposely little bit back in the mix, because they were so crappy. Or those who critized the production otherwise, now you know the reason why it wasn't top notch quality. No money = demo quality. And for those who doubted me having written already 5 albums worth of new material, I've written actually more. That was just a conservative estimate.

"Bottom line, if people want me to make music and release Wintersun albums, I need enough funding for my personal studio where I can craft my music, record and produce my sounds in piece. It is as simple as that. I can't make this complex music any other way anymore. I am just one man with limited resources and limited skills. I can't magically pull albums from thin air. Maybe other bands can do their albums 'the usual way' renting a 3rd party studio for one month and are happy with the results, I certainly respect that! I've been there, done that. I know that many metal bands have all got their own hardships and I am not certainly underrating anyone's situation. But every situation is unique and mine certainly is. I've seen some comments saying that 'You don't deserve your own studio, because other bands don't get to have their own studio either and you should just do your music like everyone else does it!'. Would it be somehow bad for the other bands if I would build my own studio? Would it somehow hurt the other bands, if I could make more Wintersun albums in my own way? Or are these comments just based on jealousy or something? 'What makes you so special to get your own studio?' Nothing and maybe I don't deserve it, but that is for the fans & financiers to decide and I know there's lots of dedicated fans that want to support us! It really isn't about who deserves what. I'm just saying what I can and can't do. I have my own way of doing things. Sorry, if my previous update sounded like whining or somehow entitled for some of you, it wasn't ment to be. I am just trying to illustrate the difficult situation I'm in. I definitely understand the realities of life. The crowd funding was actually suggested and brought to my attention by the fans. In fact people have been wanting donate to us since the debut album, but we don't feel very good about it. We always would like to give something back. That's why we make merchandise for example. I admit that I'm a little bit frustrated with the situation, but I'm fine with whatever outcome. But if someone finds it offensive that I'm looking for funding for my studio project and for the Wintersun albums, then they got some personal problems. Most of the comments have been really encouraging, supportive and positive though and I appreciate that!

"Currently I'm negotiating with Nuclear Blast and our manager how we could make this work for all parties... We'll see if we can work this out. I certainly hope that we'll find a solution, so we can release more Wintersun albums and share them with the world. It is my dream and passion to make music and it makes me happy to see that so many people care about Wintersun. I'm very grateful! All your supportive posts have given me lot of hope and I'm certainly not quitting the fight! Thank you and thanks for listening! Jari.

"P.S. Everyone enjoying their popcorn?"

Band profile: Wintersun
Posted: 08.08.2014 by LeChron James

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Comments: 67   [ 3 ignored ]   Visited by: 561 users
08.08.2014 - 22:14
Written by Erik M. on 08.08.2014 at 21:56

Thanks for sharing my list which I haven't updated in many months...

Btw, a drum machine can work out nicely as well. Just look at Summoning and Limbonic Art.

I know, but it takes a lot of effort to make it sound really good. I bet half or even most of the "bands" on that list use drum machines. And a lot sound really good.
08.08.2014 - 22:17
Gem Seeker
Slayer: 'The band produced their first album Show No Mercy, in one week, for $400'
Do I need to add anything else?
08.08.2014 - 22:43
Written by Hex_Omega on 08.08.2014 at 22:17

Slayer: 'The band produced their first album Show No Mercy, in one week, for $400'
Do I need to add anything else?

It's also a lot better than Time I.
But seriously, this guy wants his own studio? How many bands have their own studio after releasing 2(ish) albums? Do you think Metallica would have gotten their own studio after releasing Kill 'Em All and half of Ride The Lightning? Just use what you've got, you might eventually get your own studio, but it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll.
08.08.2014 - 23:33
Alex F
Written by Curumir on 08.08.2014 at 12:55

and furthermore he claims to have written more than 5 albums of music already, so he got that going for him, which is nice

ha! That's such bullshit
08.08.2014 - 23:37
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Is there a second audio version ..... I get bored read all this
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
09.08.2014 - 00:17
Dark Phoenix
He certainly takes his time to write his status updates.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
09.08.2014 - 02:28
You can't put together an album that requires grey poupon if you don't have the slush. You're getting caught up in the technical orchestration instead of the heart of what it's all about.. being an artist and an entertainer. Assuming money is your issue. Otherwise, take your time and don't apologize for it.

Looking forward to Time II, whenever it arrives.
09.08.2014 - 03:04
09.08.2014 - 03:51
Firstly: I love Wintersun and I want more of it!! I would help fund a kickstarter to make it happen. There are way stupider things out there getting funding
Secondly: People need to back off and let the man work. How would you like it if i sent you rude emails everyday at work asking you if you were done with that task you were working on? You'd probably tell me to fuck off! Do you think Wintersun is paying his bills?? I seriously doubt it!! He surely has more going on in his life than just the band. I think the reason he feels compelled to write this shit is because people wont stop hassling him for another album. Yes he's more meticulous than most and yes he could go into the studio and crank out albums but he is an artist. True artists aren't only doing it for you!!! They are doing it mostly for themselves and to express their creative impulses if others happen to like it thats great but they don't have to appease you. When artists compromise we end up with Metallica!!
09.08.2014 - 04:10
Giving my ears a rest from music.
09.08.2014 - 04:45
Pvt Funderground
Written by crucifiedjesus on 09.08.2014 at 03:51


Jari seriously should stop lying to his own fans.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
09.08.2014 - 06:54
M C Vice
2945 words. Couldn't he have just said "It's not finished yet. It'll be done when it's done."
"Another day, another Doug."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
09.08.2014 - 07:19
This drama is more entertaining than any of his music.

I agree with him saying he doesn't owe the fans anything though; it's not like Wintersun was a manufactured product by NB. So good luck clusterfucking your "hundreds of orchestral & synth instruments" for no real reason Jari.
09.08.2014 - 09:38
Unasuming Madnes
Written by imspazzen on 09.08.2014 at 07:19

This drama is more entertaining than any of his music.

If he wins biggest drama next year, does that make Wintersun the winningest metal project in the MS awards?
09.08.2014 - 13:40
Stunning Cactus
I swear to God, so many ignorant people on this thread.
09.08.2014 - 13:41
Gem Seeker
Written by crucifiedjesus on 09.08.2014 at 03:51

Firstly: I love Wintersun and I want more of it!! I would help fund a kickstarter to make it happen. There are way stupider things out there getting funding
Secondly: People need to back off and let the man work. How would you like it if i sent you rude emails everyday at work asking you if you were done with that task you were working on? You'd probably tell me to fuck off! Do you think Wintersun is paying his bills?? I seriously doubt it!! He surely has more going on in his life than just the band. I think the reason he feels compelled to write this shit is because people wont stop hassling him for another album. Yes he's more meticulous than most and yes he could go into the studio and crank out albums but he is an artist. True artists aren't only doing it for you!!! They are doing it mostly for themselves and to express their creative impulses if others happen to like it thats great but they don't have to appease you. When artists compromise we end up with Metallica!!

Oh hi Jari. So this is your nick on MS, ok.
09.08.2014 - 19:10
Go with Napalm Records!
09.08.2014 - 20:39
The Norseman
Obviously, it's possible to make great albums with low resources, there is no discussion matter here, and great albums don't need to be complex. Most of the best songs of all times are actually pretty simple.

However, Wintersun is not really about simple albums... and I guess that makes things tougher for him, specially as he seems to want to go further and further every time.

Personally, I think he should try to make albums within his limitations and keep building on the success. If he had released more albums regularly since their first one, he probably had his studio already by now.

His talent is not in question here, just his ambition vs resources management skills.

PS: Just in case people forgotten this band talent:
09.08.2014 - 21:39
R Lewis
This thing is becoming ridiculous. Time I was supposed to be released in 2006 and it's been released six years after. Time II is already late of a year and there's no foreseeable release date.

You also got to see Nuclear Blast's side. These years are a bad investment or the label. Now more than ever, the business side of music counts.
We could be so much more than we are. Stop.
09.08.2014 - 21:57
Account deleted
Made the mistake of checking out the Wintersun Facebook page. My God, Wintersun fans are blind, nauseating idiots. I nearly gagged when I saw someone call him Mozart reborn.
09.08.2014 - 22:01
Giant robot
No wonder why the guy's ego went through the roof of his shitty apartment.
09.08.2014 - 23:53
Account deleted
He better forget Time II and write new material. Better 5 albums than 1, no?

I don't care if the production has low quality. If it sounds like Black Metal, it's fine for me.
10.08.2014 - 00:14
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.08.2014 at 21:57

Made the mistake of checking out the Wintersun Facebook page. My God, Wintersun fans are blind, nauseating idiots. I nearly gagged when I saw someone call him Mozart reborn.

I was up late last night going through the update. Those comments made me stop listening and just go to bed.
Hello, my name is Mr......Snrub and I think it would be a capital idea to invest the money back in the nuclear plant.
10.08.2014 - 00:27
I do feel bad for Jari, simply because of his obsession for quality control. The amount of his life he's spent/wasted on this one fucking album is sheer lunacy.

That's what it is though - total lunacy. He doesn't need to have pristine production for his fans to eat his shit up. The constant setbacks and delays are unfair to his label - they have dozens of equally large (or larger) bands to look out for and can't devote so much time to this one act. It's his own fault for setting his own standards too high and nobody elses.
Hello, my name is Mr......Snrub and I think it would be a capital idea to invest the money back in the nuclear plant.
10.08.2014 - 06:17
There is something I don't understand in all this. To explain my point, allow me to draw a comparison between Wintersun and one of my favorite band: Aurora Borealis (US Black/Death Metal).

Their leader (and only constant member), Ron Vento, has his own studio. He's been able to build his own studio, despite the fact that Aurora Borealis is a pretty underground and unknown band. I'm sure most people, even here on Metalstorm, never even heard of this band, while everyone already heard about Wintersun. Well, currently I believe that the name Wintersun is quite mainstream in Metal circles. And I'm sure Wintersun (and Jari's former band, Ensiferum) sold much more than Aurora Borealis in the last 10 years. Both Ensiferum and Wintersun made much more money than Aurora Borealis. Hell, you can even download Aurora Borealis's discography for free on their own website.
So how is it possible than Ron Vento was able to do much more with much less?

Some people will probably argue than Aurora Borealis is much more extreme than Wintersun, especially since "Relinquish", so it doesn't require the same kind of production. It is true that their material is much more extreme than Wintersun's. However, production on their albums is excellent. Imo, it is as flawless as production can be on an extreme Metal record and everything is quite audible.

Of course, Jari invokes complexity to justify his need for a top-notch studio. Well, riffing and drumwork in Aurora Borealis are crazier than anything Ensiferum or Wintersun ever did (for example, famous drummers like Derek Roddy, Tony Laureano and Tim Yeung played in Aurora Borealis in the past and their actual drummer, Mark Green, is an absolute beast behind a drumkit). I believe their songs are harder to play than anything I heard on Wintersun's first album. So, give me a break about complexity. And they incorporate special effects and samples in their music too.

So, in the end, I don't understand how a man who has always been in an unknown band can build his own studio and release albums with flawless production, while a man like Jari who played in much more well-known bands and is much more famous than Ron Vento could not do the same. The only explanation I can think of is Jari's expectations when it comes to production are unrealistic.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
10.08.2014 - 17:39
Written by Lord_Regnier on 10.08.2014 at 06:17

There is something I don't understand in all this. To explain my point, allow me to draw a comparison between Wintersun and one of my favorite band: Aurora Borealis (US Black/Death Metal).

Their leader (and only constant member), Ron Vento, has his own studio. He's been able to build his own studio, despite the fact that Aurora Borealis is a pretty underground and unknown band. I'm sure most people, even here on Metalstorm, never even heard of this band, while everyone already heard about Wintersun. Well, currently I believe that the name Wintersun is quite mainstream in Metal circles. And I'm sure Wintersun (and Jari's former band, Ensiferum) sold much more than Aurora Borealis in the last 10 years. Both Ensiferum and Wintersun made much more money than Aurora Borealis. Hell, you can even download Aurora Borealis's discography for free on their own website.
So how is it possible than Ron Vento was able to do much more with much less?

Some people will probably argue than Aurora Borealis is much more extreme than Wintersun, especially since "Relinquish", so it doesn't require the same kind of production. It is true that their material is much more extreme than Wintersun's. However, production on their albums is excellent. Imo, it is as flawless as production can be on an extreme Metal record and everything is quite audible.

Of course, Jari invokes complexity to justify his need for a top-notch studio. Well, riffing and drumwork in Aurora Borealis are crazier than anything Ensiferum or Wintersun ever did (for example, famous drummers like Derek Roddy, Tony Laureano and Tim Yeung played in Aurora Borealis in the past and their actual drummer, Mark Green, is an absolute beast behind a drumkit). I believe their songs are harder to play than anything I heard on Wintersun's first album. So, give me a break about complexity. And they incorporate special effects and samples in their music too.

So, in the end, I don't understand how a man who has always been in an unknown band can build his own studio and release albums with flawless production, while a man like Jari who played in much more well-known bands and is much more famous than Ron Vento could not do the same. The only explanation I can think of is Jari's expectations when it comes to production are unrealistic.

Well, there is the whole Nuclear Blast thing about the label pretty much robbing Wintersun of their whole income, but maybe there are other factors going on that have either been covered up by the lengthy updates or just unexplained, eg. maybe Jari is terrible with his own savings and has a serious spending problem. Many of the issues he states are what thousands of other metal bands struggle with throughout their musical endeavours though. I 100% agree with you though, as what a few people have posted, you can release albums with a relatively decent production while not having to compromise much of a price.
10.08.2014 - 18:06
I finally found some time to read this. I thought Wintersun were gods around here, surprised to see the mostly negative reaction towards this guy's situation on this site.
Anyway after this letter I agree with Marcel in that this guy should seek psychiatric help. Not that he is completely nuts but he should realize he is asking for too much. I bet that even if he gets everything he is asking for, he wouldn't be completely pleased with the results in the end.

If I were him and had a stash of songs worth 5 albums I'd just keep releasing them as better as I possibly could at the moment and tour for those albums and time after time he'll be able to afford better equipment and be happier with the results. I bet this is the case with most bands.

Written by Lord_Regnier on 10.08.2014 at 06:17

There is something I don't understand in all this.

I don't recall how that band sounds, but I bet this guy will hear lots of things he doesn't like about the production of their albums being the perfectionist he is coming across as.
And for what we know Jari could have the same equipment this guy Ron currently has and not be happy with it. If he does have better equipment, maybe he simply comes from a family in a better economic position and already had most of the good stuff to make a home studio.
10.08.2014 - 18:08
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
I was going to write a huge paragraph about how much of a fuck Jari is, but it's really not worth my time. ( )
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

10.08.2014 - 18:14
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
I will add, however, that if I was Nuclear Blast, I would fuck Jari over so hard once it gets released. With him talking so much shit, I'd take all his cut.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

10.08.2014 - 18:47
Written by Unhealer on 10.08.2014 at 18:06

I don't recall how that band sounds, but I bet this guy will hear lots of things he doesn't like about the production of their albums being the perfectionist he is coming across as.
And for what we know Jari could have the same equipment this guy Ron currently has and not be happy with it. If he does have better equipment, maybe he simply comes from a family in a better economic position and already had most of the good stuff to make a home studio.

I will admit that I don't know Ron Vento himself. I have no idea where the guy is coming from and what kinf of background he has. It is entirely possible that he got help that Jari never got. I thought about it, in fact, when I wrote my original post. Also, Ron Vento lives in USA, while Jari is in Europe. Perhaps equipment is more expensive in Europe. I can't possibly know. I'm not in the business.

But I think, indeed, that if both guys had the same equipment, Jari would not be pleased. He's just asking too much.

The other question I'm asking myself is: Is it possible that Jari needs better equipment simply because he is not competent enough when it comes to recording, mixing, etc? I mean, maybe if both guys worked with the same equipment, he would not be able to get the same results, quality-wise?
Producing an album is a very complicated process, involving work with complex equipment, so I believe knowledge and competence can make a huge difference on the result in the end.

There is a video on Youtube with Ron Vento and Mark Green working on their latest album, "World Shapers". You see Ron Vento behind huge consoles, explaining how he will tweak this and that to give x or y result. You also see Mark Green (the drummer) explaining what kind of equipment he uses and how he will work so the toms are not buried in the mix, have the right attack, etc. I find it interesting but, honestly, the guys lost me quite fast with all their explanations.
I found all this very technical and quite complex, so I believe that most likely not all musicians, despite all their skills at playing their instruments, have the knowledge to produce an album with a good sound.
Sound engineering is a science in itself.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"

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