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Stratovarius - Call It Quits

Guitarist Timo Tolkki has issued the following press release on his official website:

Dear Stratovarius Fans,

It is time to stop the silence and announce what some of you have already been speculating. Stratovarius is no more.

Last October I told the guys that I am stopping the band and told them the reasons why. This letter is addressed to you, Stratovarius fans, who have supported the band for so many years. I first thought that I would write just a very generelized, typical "music business" statement that basically never says anything. Then I decided that you deserve to hear at least parts of the truth what has been going on behind the scenes so you will be able to understand my decision better.

All the time, since TK and Jörg joined the band, there have been tensions and negativity flying around. This has been concentrating on me, TK and Jörg. The reasons Jari Kainulainen was fired some years back were so absurd that I am not even try to explain them here. If I write a book one day, maybe then. Anyways, I think the seeds were planted already back then, something like 12 years ago. There were many confrontations, Jörg has been complaining to me about TK and TK complaining to me about Jörg. At a times it was a mess, although of course, it never would show outside to the fans. It is not my intention to disrespect TK and Jörg here. They are both fundamentally good guys. Things just sometimes happen and relationships go to directions we don't want them to go. It's like a divorce, nobody wants it to happen but sometimes it is best for all so everyone can continue their own lives. Plus I want to tell how things have been behind the curtains. You always only see the good side anyway, you don't really know what is going on.

We had amazing years, 14 records, 6 world tours with over a thousand shows all across the Globe, 3 gold discs, a Finnish Grammy and almost 3 million records sold. I have arrived to my decision after careful, long and rational thinking of over a year and I know it is the right way for me. I just felt so bad being in Stratovarius. Something was terribly wrong in there and nobody seemed to care.

The countdown really started from the last Stratovarius album in 2005. At that time the atmosphere in the band was extremely weird. I had spent most of 2004 recovering from my nervous breakdown in April 2004 when I was hospitalized. It was at this point when things started to change. Jens supported me immensely during 2004 with his phone calls. We then did that "Stratovarius" album, which I think is an awful album and went for the subsequent tour production. By that time it was apparent to me that things really were bad. Nobody seemed to care about anything. I had the idea to use projection screens and for that, you need to produce graphics. I planned those and basically the whole show. Nobody seemed to have any interest in it. It was more like, the less the better. The atmosphere at the rehearsals was awful. Lauri Porra who had just joined the band was wondering what is going on with this band. Jörg Michael came straight from Saxon to this tour wearing a Saxon shirt during most of the shows. His attitude for most of the tour was extremely arrogant, pretty much towards everybody. But especially towards me and TK. And TK's attitude towards me was lukewarm and polite, but I could sense the hostility. Of course we as professionals put on very good shows but it was more craftmanship and rehearsed performance than a great united band playing emotionally from the heart. I think TK was always very bitter about that he could not get his songs and/or lyrics on Strato records. I did not understand this really cause he had/has his solo band where he could do what he wanted. It took me many years to learn to simply tell him that I don't like his songwriting and lyrics and that the main difference between me and him is that I am writing songs that end up being Strato songs while he is trying to write Strato songs that end up being Kotipelto songs, which means they belong on a Kotipelto record. It is not easy to say to someone that you don't like his music. You guys and girls dont like all music, neither do I. Neither does TK. I am not anyone to tell what is good and what is bad music, but I do can tell what kind of music I like. And TK's stuff just doesn't do it for me. I do have to say that I think he has written many great songs as well during his solo career. Plus he probably would say the same things about my songwriting. We are just very different. He has a very different sense of humor than I have. Maybe the weirdest thing in Strato was that we never really were friends in the band. I visited TK in 12 years perhaps 5 times. To me Jens was the closest in the band and lately Lauri Porra, who is a wonderful guy. But none of use was really ever real friends. It might be surprising to you but that is the truth.

The tour continued and Jörg's drum roadie told me drunk that Jörg is leaving the band after the tour but he is doing the tour cause "he is a businessman". I guess you could say that Jörg's attitude pretty much culminated what he said to me in Seattle on that tour. He told me that he thinks the band is over. We tried to record, 3rd time, a live DVD in Sao Paulo but could not use the shootings because we played so badly. It was just plain awful. Although we rocked lot of crowds on that 120 date world tour, still the overall vibe was very much like "going to work". Not for me though. Not still at that point. But it felt to me that nobody's heart was in the band and it was just for the money.

The tour came and went, we survived and Jörg didn't leave the band. But it was the weirdest tour I have ever done. Very succesful, but still it felt like forcing something. It was not fun. It was sad.

The next thing I had in mind was to write a really fresh good old fashioned Power Metal album in the vein of Visions. I felt our fans deserved it and I felt it was the right thing to do. This was the infamous "RR" album. The songwriting was flowing and the songs sounded really nice and melodic and very much like old Strato. I was all the time on my toes because of the situation in the band and I was anticipating difficult recording sessions. Anyways in late 2006 we completed a demo tape containing 10 brand new songs. I wasn't too happy about the demo, but it did serve its purpose, to present the songs to the record company. I then booked 12 days from Sonic Pump studio in Helsinki for March 2007. This was the weirdest session I had ever had. Jörg was all the time talking about that we have to get the "Visions hunger" back, although I don't think he himself had that hunger. Nobody had. The session was nothing like the recording sessions before. Nobody had rehearsed the songs really and everything sounded pretty awful. I tweaked the drum tracks for a week and gave up. It was around this point when I really was starting to think why am I keeping this alive when it's so difficult. I remember how much time, energy and money we put to Elements 1. There was nowhere to go after that anymore without just repeating the past. I do know that TK didn't like that album at all, which yet again shows the difference between him me. It doesn't mean that he has to like it of course, but to me Elements 1 represents the peak of the Strato evolution and perhaps I should have stopped the band already then.

Last year, 2007, was the turning point for me in many ways. I felt better, but regarding Strato I felt worse. There were fights about everything, even about trivialities, which really annoyed me. A lots of fights. A lot. I had to use a lot of energy to try to get merch to Stratoshop, which was on the shoulders of Jörg and TK, because there was no merch for people to order but still they were ordering cause the items were on the page. The SSL certificate that proves the site is secure was expired a year ago, I tried to get that fixed, could not do it because I wasn't authorized to do so. The most popular items from the shop were sold out and Jörg refused to print more. I could not understand any of the things that were going on. At the same time, I was having more fun than in years with my rock opera Saana. When I was making that, I realized what was lacking in Strato: the enthusiasm, creativity and fun. It wasn't like that in years. Saana gave me hope that there still could be something new for me to learn at this age and it gave me a whole new world of things and a start for something new. Plus I knew I had some really cool new Metal songs in the works.

We did have 8 festival shows during 2007 and it was then, when I was standing on stage in Wacken Germany before 45 000 metalheads, when I fully realized that this band is over. I remember clearly playing those same old songs we had played so many times before and a feeling came to me that told me: this band has no soul anymore. I looked around and I felt like I am part of a play that has a script or machine and that there is nothing fresh and exciting happening anymore. The band sounds awful. Nobody's heart was in it. It was just the same old song. Jörg worked at this point full time in artist production company doing tour managing and he was working at Wacken too. He literally came to play from production office and returned there after. Everybody was polite, on the surface, but there was no friendship, all I could sense were the underlying tensions of relationships that had come to an end. I had felt during that year that the band existed only for one reason and that was the money. I had felt that this was the main motivation what kept Jörg and TK in the band still despite of the underlying tensions. While standing on Wacken stage to my absolute horror, I understood that also for me that had now become a reality. I was keeping this alive for money. It was then when I decided that I must stop the band.

So it was during this show, I decided that it's over. I was still thinking about everything but I felt that for my future, it was the only logical thing to do. I did not want to fire TK and Jörg because they are and have been as much part of Strato as I have been and it would not be fair to the fans. I then decided that it is best to lay rest what is already dead. I informed guys by email in October 2008 about my decision and explained in detail my reasons hoping they would see my points and agree what is real. Only Jens and Lauri answered. TK and Jörg did not even answer to that mail. Jens understood my decision, Lauri did not. I understand him, he got a taste of what it is to be in a succesful rock band touring the world. It is not easy to give that up. He did fail to see my side of the story. That TK and Jörg did not comment anything really speaks for itself. I did want to finish the Stratovarius saga with style and naive as I am, in February 2008 I wrote a mail to the band and proposed that we would say goodbye to our fans with style and do one more tour. I won't go into details here, but this time I did get a response from TK and Jörg. I wished them well and wrote back that I can see there cannot be any more tours with this band because of the hostile reactions.. So that was that. I felt good about my decision, but not good that out of legal reasons I have had to wait for this announcement for so long.

Then I thought that since I have all these great songs in my hands, I wanna put these out somehow. So I contacted a few friends, we laid the basic tracks in the same place where the Strato RR session had taken place a year ago and it was just flowing. There was happiness. There was energy. The songs sounded great. My friends Michael Kiske and Tobias Sammet agreed to sing on the album. I decided to form a new band called "Revolution Renaissance" which would continue the legacy of Stratovarius. In this first album I just wanted to release these songs finally so I did not have time to search for a permanent line up. I am now, so if you are interested, drop me a mail! The album comes out 6.6.2008 through Frontiers Records.

I am excited and happy?for the first time in years. I can hardly wait what the destiny has in store for me with my new band, projects, songwriting. I am living a very creative times. I have my production company and I am doing lots of different projects and not only metal but basically anything that moves me.

First I would like to, despite of all, thank Jörg, TK, Jens, Jari, Lauri, Tuomo, Antti and Jyrki for these 22 years. It was a quite a ride. I wish Jens, TK, Jörg and Lauri the very best with whatever they decide to do in their life and success with it.

Last but most importantly, I want to thank you Stratovarius fans for your love and support and for the great life. We will be seeing each other in some ways, somewhere. You will always remain in my heart.

With Love, Timo

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 02.04.2008 by Bararey

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03.04.2008 - 00:10
I R Serious Cat
Written by Promonex on 02.04.2008 at 23:34

It was about time. Was waiting for them to split up for the past five years. The REAL surprise is that Tolkki actually wrote such a long text with so few melodrama!

Well I agree with you one the disbanding... but about Timo's drama... You really think so? Remember tehy won teh MS Award for best drama a couple years ago... Tehy seem to be experts in this.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
03.04.2008 - 00:11
Account deleted
I'm stunned. I really didn't expect this to happen, despite all the mess that happened in the last few years.

This makes me deeply sad. I was really looking forward to their next album and the tour that would follow its release. I'm glad I was able to go to one of their concerts.

I wish them all the best. They provided me with years of excellent music, unmatched quality. They will be sorely missed. Stratovarius will always live on in our hearts.
03.04.2008 - 00:24
Written by +{Jonas}+ on 03.04.2008 at 00:10

Written by Promonex on 02.04.2008 at 23:34

It was about time. Was waiting for them to split up for the past five years. The REAL surprise is that Tolkki actually wrote such a long text with so few melodrama!

Well I agree with you one the disbanding... but about Timo's drama... You really think so? Remember tehy won teh MS Award for best drama a couple years ago... Tehy seem to be experts in this.

Yeah, a few years ago! After that drama four years ago you would expect that Strato would blow the news of their disbandment totally out of proportion. But this text right up there is so honest, yet contains barely any signs of mental instability, hostility or slander - no fist fights, name calling or pissing at guitarists during gigs at all! That was the real surprise for me.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
03.04.2008 - 00:32
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
This is one of the most sad news in metal history. RIP Stratovarius, they took me into poser metal.
03.04.2008 - 00:41
I R Serious Cat
Written by Promonex on 03.04.2008 at 00:24

Written by +{Jonas}+ on 03.04.2008 at 00:10

Written by Promonex on 02.04.2008 at 23:34

It was about time. Was waiting for them to split up for the past five years. The REAL surprise is that Tolkki actually wrote such a long text with so few melodrama!

Well I agree with you one the disbanding... but about Timo's drama... You really think so? Remember tehy won teh MS Award for best drama a couple years ago... Tehy seem to be experts in this.

Yeah, a few years ago! After that drama four years ago you would expect that Strato would blow the news of their disbandment totally out of proportion. But this text right up there is so honest, yet contains barely any signs of mental instability, hostility or slander - no fist fights, name calling or pissing at guitarists during gigs at all! That was the real surprise for me.

The kabbalah (or whatever he's got into) seems to have worked.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
03.04.2008 - 00:41
Account deleted
I was expecting that to happen a lot sooner...Stratovarius were below average over the last years.Theri story of the last years could be an episode on "The Young & The Restless"
03.04.2008 - 00:44
in all honesty, i am not surprised in the least. and given the band's past actions, i wont be surprised when they reunite.
I will not reason and compare, my business is to create.
03.04.2008 - 01:18
Why did Strato end? Tolkki is an asshole. End of story.
03.04.2008 - 03:16
Thats to bad. I didnt really listen to them much eny way, so its not so bad for me
03.04.2008 - 03:42
the worst fucking news ever......STRATOVARIUS is my favourite band and also i was expecting a rebirth with the R....R... album... i'm feelin' like shit...very sad though...but as he said it was better to end the band than to fire TK...cos jorg is a great drummer but he didn't write any songs so he was no that important but still for me this the worst news i've known in a very longtime...i'll keep supporting them in their different welcome REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE....but not a 100% happy ¡_¡....and also i never saw them live, it just turned into a dream:wall:
power metal 'til death!!!!!!!!!
03.04.2008 - 04:03
The Amputator
Written by Hyvaarin on 02.04.2008 at 16:27

But as if anyone has really paid attention to Stratovarius in the last few years anyway.

Hear, hear.

Stratovarius were good while they lasted, but after their big drama (which won an MS Special Award a few years ago, I believe) no-one took them seriously. Still, kinda sad to see a pioneering band finish this way. Oh well, best of luck to them in the future.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
03.04.2008 - 05:41
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I thought they already broke up?

Man, that took a while to read.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
03.04.2008 - 07:43
this is very sad...
I have no words, they were the first power metal band that I got in touch.

hope luck for them!!
03.04.2008 - 08:48
That was a long read...not surprised by the disbanding...that's been pretty obvious with Tolkki forming a new band and all

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
03.04.2008 - 09:34
Account deleted
It is sad to hear this kind of news...Stratovarius was the band that got me into metal. I will now wait for RR album to hear if it's near visions like TT said. The one thing that sucks is that no more TK singing i'm happy that even Pasi Rantanen will sing on that album.
03.04.2008 - 11:41
Eternal Flames
While it is kinda sad to hear this news, I think it's a good thing they decided to call it quits. They've had a lot of dramas lately and their last few albums were quite poor. Things could only have gotten worse if they continued.
03.04.2008 - 15:18
oh man! i cant believe this!aw shit, these guys are like 1 of the best pm bands ever!and now calling quits, thats reely trajic man!
Take a look to the sky just before you die, its the last time you will.
03.04.2008 - 16:29
Advice Troll
wow! sad news for their fans...
Bitch! Please
03.04.2008 - 20:52
Account deleted
Sad news...but I understand Mr. has to be horrible to work in a band where there is only hate and fighting...
04.04.2008 - 00:08
quite sad, their best albums were definetly a long time ago.. I did like the self titled 2005 album but its definetly nowhere near Episode, Visions and Infinite. Cant wait to hear the new band
"I'm rising in power through murdering rain
Stronger than Faith allows
Braver than heroes vows
...My head is bloody
but I am unbowed
I am power..."
04.04.2008 - 04:22
i still can't believe it
power metal 'til death!!!!!!!!!
04.04.2008 - 04:23
Number Juan
Sad to see them go before I got the chance to see them live .
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. - Bertrand Russell
04.04.2008 - 13:18
Account deleted
I haven't seen them live either.
I feel really sorry fot them, but the split was hanging in the air since, say 2004. It only was a matter of time and now I realized it.
04.04.2008 - 16:12
Raziel X
Dont worry, Revolution Renaissance is almost the same as Stratovarius, with Tolkki, Johansson and Porra, plus guest vocals as Sammet and Kiske, so dont worry, Stratovarius lives on, even though under a new name
04.04.2008 - 20:14
Child of Hell's a slightly sad, but I don't like power metal bands so much than Death Metal bands and Metalcore bands !!...100 persons, 100 tastes !!
04.04.2008 - 23:56
Account deleted
Will they play old Strato songs with RR? I guess so.
Just like Dio still does Rainbow and Sabbath songs.
There would be nothing wrong with that. Anyway, Tolkki is a hard person to digest. He is too stubborn and hysteric
05.04.2008 - 05:20
Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
i mean they weren't going anywhere anyhow (latest album was shitty)....
but it still sucks that they parted ways
05.04.2008 - 22:18
I can't accept something like this, but they were human group, so if they lost their friensships, I can understand why Strato it's over but I repeat I can not accept it ... I will be a fan forever ...
"Follow your steps and you'll find, the unknown ways are on your mind" (Angra)
05.04.2008 - 22:24
Adanedhel Noir
Account deleted
"It's better to burn out, than to fade away"...

I still listen and I will continue to listen their excellent records from Fright Night to Elements and it is best that way because no one wants to see one of his favourite power metal bands rotting that way.

I 'm looking forward for the "Revolution Renaissance" album which will continue the legacy of STRATOVARIUS and If it is half as good as Episode or Visions then I'll be happy!

The king is dead, long live the king!
05.04.2008 - 23:43
Heaven Knight
just listening to Anthem Of The World...

Strato-warriors 4ever
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep


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