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Albino Slug - Albino Slug review


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Band: Albino Slug
Album: Albino Slug
Style: Experimental metal, Avantgarde metal
Website: http://no website
Release date: 1993
Guest review by: Roman Doez

01. Knrr 8
02. Thorbud
03. Du Må Ikke Sove
04. Bring Water / Skinner Boxed (The Wavering Solipsist)
05. Vaffel
06. Bleeding
07. Paradise Regained

The world is full of surprises. I stumbled upon one of these surprises on a fateful day in December, searching for some old avantgarde metal and retracing the genre's roots, naturally having a look at what the 90's had to offer in that domain. That's how I found that one name that instantly caught my eyes: Albino Slug.

Hailing from Norway and not playing something remotely close to black metal in 1993 is already quite impressive, but that's not the only thing differentiating Albino Slug from the rest of the metal scene, far from it. You see, to earn that "avantgarde" title, you've got to be at least somewhat unique and do something new, and they do not fail in that category, by quite a margin. I'll go ahead and say there's not any musical equivalent to Albino Slug; they were so early with their style in the avantgarde landscape that no one followed them, which makes this album just this more intriguing.

Their sound is quite hard to describe: is it doomy with some electronic touches? Is it pure experimental electronics? Is it some "wtf" kind of avantgarde? Well it's all of this at once, and that's one of the areas where the album shines the most: it's quite diverse, while still staying in its unique and recognizable style. I honestly don't really know how they got to incorporate all these odd elements; the scene wasn't really the most leaning towards that at the time, so it's quite a surprise that they were struck with that inspiration.

Just looking at the album, the first thing you see is that cover art. It's such a mesmerizing artwork, showing weird creatures and an oddly colored landscape; just by looking at it, you're transported to a weird world, potentially of the prehistoric kind, and are already prepared for all the weirdness that's to come. I'd honestly rank it among my very favorite cover arts of all time. It might not seem like the most important element, but the cover art makes your mental representation of the album, what you expect of it, and as such it's an interesting thing to talk about.

There are only seven tracks here, ranging from 2 minutes for the shortest to 19 for the longest, and honestly, I see myself coming back to every single one of them; they're all, quite frankly, both amazing and weird at the same time, which might be where my fascination for them comes from. The one I listened to the most is most likely "Vaffel"; it's the fastest, most dynamic (not to say the other ones aren't dynamic, of course), and probably the weirdest one in there. It devolves into pure chaos and I'm in love with it. Another very notable track is the 19-minute-long one, the closer: "Paradise Regained". It takes a direction completely contrary to the rest of the album, not including anything remotely close to rock or metal. It's just a pure weird electronic-ish track, it's very hypnotic and the near-20 minutes go by pretty quickly.

After this album was released, there was the excellent EP Barabbas, and then nothing. The band simply vanished. Not only did they not make any more music, but they also disappeared from the collective memory, no one remembers them, and that's quite a shame considering the gems they left us with. I hope this review piqued your curiosity, so that hopefully someone else discovers the wonderful Albino Slug.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 10
Originality: 10
Production: 9

Written by Roman Doez | 14.05.2021

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 13   Visited by: 45 users
15.05.2021 - 05:26
Color me intrigued... Going to check them out now.
15.05.2021 - 10:57
Rating: 9
Roman Doez
Written by Hrodebert on 15.05.2021 at 05:26

Color me intrigued... Going to check them out now.

Tell me what you thought of it!
18.05.2021 - 03:24
Written by Roman Doez on 15.05.2021 at 10:57

Written by Hrodebert on 15.05.2021 at 05:26

Color me intrigued... Going to check them out now.

Tell me what you thought of it!

I liked it! It is very different and kinda shocked more people don't know of them as it's that good kind of different and not like anything out there really. Glad you wrote the review!
18.05.2021 - 18:55
Rating: 9
Roman Doez
Written by Hrodebert on 18.05.2021 at 03:24

I liked it! It is very different and kinda shocked more people don't know of them as it's that good kind of different and not like anything out there really. Glad you wrote the review!

Glad you liked it! Makes me happy that this review was useful for at least one person!
18.05.2021 - 21:42
Damn, these guys sure had a pretty unique sound
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
18.05.2021 - 21:49
Rating: 9
Roman Doez
Written by RaduP on 18.05.2021 at 21:42

Damn, these guys sure had a pretty unique sound

Told you they were swag
29.05.2021 - 14:09
Is there anyway that I could listen to this ?
Ride a horse that's cleaving through the air and space of dreams.
29.05.2021 - 16:26
Rating: 9
Roman Doez
Written by Mehrad on 29.05.2021 at 14:09

Is there anyway that I could listen to this ?

It's on youtube I believe
10.08.2022 - 02:59
Rating: 9
Nocturnal Bro
Wow! Thanks for sharing this album, dude! This is the most unique album I've ever heard - there are so many elements of different genres: post, stoner, psychedelic, punk, ...

And this came out in 1993??? How is this possible?!

There were so many cool moments throughout the album. Very nice fuzzy, stoner doom riffs in the opening song. "Thorbud" has some crazy catchy guitar-work. The third track has a nice creepy, tense atmosphere with a Norwegian poem being uttered behind a wall of crushing riffage. The song after that shows the reason why this band is the only(!) one listed under the genre "experimental metal" on MS

"Vaffel" was indeed pretty awesome, starting with that old-timey tune and then transitioning to a wild blending of thrash, death, and rap(?!). I also like how the song just doesnt want to end - just when you think it's over it keeps coming back!

"Bleeding" (the heaviest one, and perhaps my favorite one) could pass as a Neurosis song, with it's oppressive atmospheric-sludge-style.

And that last track... it's just waaay too bizarre! But I listened to all of it, and I respect it for being such an eerie and crazed trip to an alien land of visions and nightmares!
10.08.2022 - 10:51
Rating: 9
Roman Doez
Written by F3ynman on 10.08.2022 at 02:59

Wow! Thanks for sharing this album, dude! This is the most unique album I've ever heard - there are so many elements of different genres: post, stoner, psychedelic, punk, ...

Hell yes my dude, very glad you enjoyed it! I've been listening to this album for more than a year and a half now and I still don't get tired of it.

Written by F3ynman on 10.08.2022 at 02:59

And this came out in 1993??? How is this possible?!

Avant-garde metal is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.
10.08.2022 - 14:06
Rating: 9
Nocturnal Bro
Written by Roman Doez on 10.08.2022 at 10:51

Avant-garde metal is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.

Is it possible to learn this power?
10.08.2022 - 16:43
Rating: 9
Roman Doez
Written by F3ynman on 10.08.2022 at 14:06

Is it possible to learn this power?

Not from a prog fan.
20.06.2024 - 09:57
Came here via F3ynman's article, since I missed this review when it was posted. For something that came out in 1993, it is extremely ambitious ("Hailing from Norway and not playing something remotely close to black metal in 1993 is already quite impressive"), but also very enjoyable. The last two tracks are fantastic. The cover art is dope.

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