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Cryptopsy, Grave, Aborted

Written by: feestneus
Published: March 08, 2006
Event: Cryptopsy, Grave, Aborted
Location: Baroeg, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The Domination Tour striked Europe
Many places were already destroyed and won by this package and finally the 28th Februari the last hours of the famous place De Baroeg were a fast.
Because this package would totally destroy everything that evening, and that's exactly what a man need.

The evening begins slowly and calm with the opener Hurtlocker, they played a style of Death Metal with Metalcore elements. Not very interesting, there're bands that are a lot better. This band tried to make us warm for the rest, but with saying Fuck, fuck, fuck, you only can make me laugh, the best thing to do was fuckcounting. Very interesting...

After 20 minutes Hurtlocker finally ended, I standed ready for Vesania. I didn't know this band until then, Death Metal influenced by Behemoth was what my ears heard. Pretty nice, but not very orginal, especially if the bandmembers also have corpsepaint. I personally don't get the meaning of corpsepaint with Death Metal, it's for Black Metal and Kiss.

Aborted was the next band on the bill. And I got ready to mosh during the coming band, but it wasn't Aborted playing now, but Dew-scented, they play a death/thrash metal style coming from Germany. The band was enjoying it all and the same was for the public. Slowly the crowd went moving towards to make 'fun'.

Then it was time for the best Belgian Death Metal band, Aborted. This band know how to make Death Metal, they played hard, loudly and rude. Ready to crush all the innocence. A very good impression on what would come later on that evening.

The old Grave was ready to make war. Grave was Grave like they've always been. Oldskool death metal. Always good, but after a couple of songs it gets boring, a little bit more variation would be nice I think, ofcourse Into The Grave was played what is always nice to hear. A nice slot of the set.

Then it was waiting Cryptopsy, after a long intro the band plays. I tried a few moments to stop the headbanging and moshing, but with this band and performance it was impossible. Old numbers and new numbers were played. And to be honest, the new numbers aren't known by everyone and are very difficult to understand them. The absolute highlight was when We Bleed was played, here you were obliged to mosh, there you was obliged to mosh, everywhere you had the pleasure to be in a moshpit. And no 1 place on my body isn't hurted.
The last number that was played was Phobophile, and no Slit Your Guts as I hoped, and Lord Worm (singer Cryptopsy) made us a promise to play Slit Your Guts next time. It seems a man can't have it all at 1 night, but it was close.

How I got that evening in my bed alive is still a miracle but also that was possible.

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This is a guest article, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 4   Visited by: 4 users
01.06.2006 - 00:08
Account deleted
That sounds like a very nice evening indeed
I'm a medium to big fan of Aborted, I'd love to see them live too one day !
05.06.2006 - 17:51
Immortal Plague
Wow, those are some pretty sick bands all in one night, that would be a pretty sick show to check out, should be interesting to check out.
08.06.2006 - 15:56
Mr. Noise
Sounds real good. I love Grave.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
08.06.2006 - 23:02
Account deleted
Cryptopsy can really make me move too !

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