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The Strangest Thing That Has Happened To You At A Show

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Posted by Unknown user, 14.12.2009 - 21:59
I haven't had any myself, but I'm interested. So has anything unexpected, strange, weird or flat out ridiculous ever happen to anyone while seeing a band? Something you never thought would happen EVER...?
04.11.2013 - 16:02
Spirit Molecule
spirit molecule
Not really strange, but more of an awesome story.

I was in Stockholm for the Mastodon/Red Fang tour back in 2012 and I was there a bit early, happened to see the Red Fang dudes and started talking to them just hanging around the venue. Met Troy (Mastodon) after that and we were just talking about shows in India and how they were supposed to come and he invited me to sit down with their manager as I had mentioned to him that we'd tried contacting them for shows in India but were never able to get a response. So he took me backstage to meet the manager and then I just hung out backstage till the show started. That was pretty fun, especially seeing Brent in assless overalls/body suit, with his ass hanging out.

We've played a show where the vocalist had to take a dump right before we got onstage and had to hold it in for the entire set. It was quite hilarious, coz usually he's quite crazy onstage, running around and going nuts, but at this gig, he stood in one place the whole time, with his fists clenched

Hasn't been any strange incidents though, well none that I can recall right now.
If you never wake up from a dream does it become reality?

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04.11.2013 - 19:45
I saw Misfits on Halloween, 2006. My friends and I drove an hour to see them from our hometown. They were playing in Sayreville, NJ. Jerry Only recognized us from the previous night's show in Atlantic City, and after the show, invited us to warm up on his tour bus before we drove home. We hung out on his bus with his family, including his wife and infant and his younger cousin who owns a NJ clothing company. Jerry Only put tater tots in the toaster oven and made us plates of food with ketchup on the side (in full Misfits garb, mind you). Dez Cadena was just hanging out being all Dez-like. I ended up talking to his wife a lot. We worked for the same company at the time, only she was based in Chicago and I in Atlantic City. On the way back home, my friends and I were kind of in disbelief that all of that happened.

Edit: This may, in fact, be one of the coolest things that's ever happened in my life.
05.11.2013 - 08:10
no one
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Written by Mercyful_Kate on 04.11.2013 at 19:45

I saw Misfits on Halloween, 2006. My friends and I drove an hour to see them from our hometown. They were playing in Sayreville, NJ. Jerry Only recognized us from the previous night's show in Atlantic City, and after the show, invited us to warm up on his tour bus before we drove home. We hung out on his bus with his family, including his wife and infant and his younger cousin who owns a NJ clothing company. Jerry Only put tater tots in the toaster oven and made us plates of food with ketchup on the side (in full Misfits garb, mind you). Dez Cadena was just hanging out being all Dez-like. I ended up talking to his wife a lot. We worked for the same company at the time, only she was based in Chicago and I in Atlantic City. On the way back home, my friends and I were kind of in disbelief that all of that happened.

Edit: This may, in fact, be one of the coolest things that's ever happened in my life.

that is pretty cool, i'm jealous
06.11.2013 - 02:07
Grey Wind
Alright I have one thing which didn't happen at a show, so I'll add something else as well:
1. I met Tompa (At The Gates) a few years back at a records store before a re-union style concert.
I was younger and people could tell I was super nervous about meeting one of my favorite vocalists ever. So it was both cool and embarassing.
He is a really nice dude by the way, I have a picture of us together from that day.

2. on 2009 I was in france at Hellfest. Got to see All Shall Perish, who back then were one of my favorite bands.
At a certain point I was close to the stage and at the end of some song me and the guitar player (Ben) high-fived each other hahaha
It's really a geeky thing and I have no idea how that happened
wimps and posers leave the hall lol
06.11.2013 - 19:39
Secundum Filium
Right after a Steven Wilson concert I went to back in May in Los Angeles with my girlfriend (broken up since then, but nothing to do with I'm about to say), I did something completely stupid and unlocked the car door when I was just walking into the parking lot (the car itself was about 50 yards away), only to have someone actually get into my seat and try to steal the car. I initially thought it was Valet, but then it hit me it was public parking, so my girlfriend and I ran up as this happened, and the guy (some Asian-hipster/gang looking person) looked like he was about to shit his pants when he saw us (probably when he saw me, I'm kind of a big guy), got out of the car, and didn't threaten us or anything. He just kind of stammered on and went back to his group and didn't do anything about it. Thank god he didn't have a knife or gun or anything.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).
12.11.2013 - 20:58
Lady GaGa
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There was that local Black Metal festival called "Black Christmas" in 2004, it was Trails Of Anguish's last concert. One of my all time favorite Black Metal band from Quebec, it was at the "ANTI" a shitty second floor stage where when it become too hot inside, sweat drops from the ceiling. So they came up to the stage with scars all over their arms lol, and anyway the bassist had one of these bicep leather band with the 9 inches long nails and had some piece of meat stuck in it. At some point the piece of meat dropped on the floor and I picked it up and threw it into the pit, was funny as hell. Later the other band called Nefastus Dies played and the sound was so shitty we couldn't even hear the keyboard player, so he decided so run into the pit but it was in winter and it was all wet and he slipped, he lost one of his bullet belt and everyone was jumping on him. Memorable concert for sure.
17.01.2014 - 07:43
I remember seeing Ministry in 2008. It was around the second half of the set where I was feeling incredibly dehydrated and overheated. The show must've been sold out because it was fucking packed. Between all the body heat and my lack of hydration, I started feeling kinda funny. My head felt so dizzy that that I thought I was going to pass out or have an OOB experience. Everything I saw went dark for about 10 seconds and then everything was normal again. That's really the most peculiar thing that's happened to me at a show. Other than that, nothing weird ever happens.
19.01.2014 - 19:39
It was Heavy TO 2012, a really rainy festival weekend and the whole park was mud.... There was a dude walking around in there wearing nothing but a speedo. Guess he's the only one who actually dressed for the weather. I have to wonder if security even bothered giving him a super awkward patdown...
The crowd at that festival was pretty interesting in general. It was headlined by Manson on day 1, and there was this crazy drunk Manson fangirl shrieking at the top of her lungs while jumping around. This was near the back of the venue where the crowd's pretty mellow and only somewhat interested. She was totally oblivious to the fact that she was standing in one of the most muddy areas of the park splashing herself and everyone around her with mud and that all the beer in her cup was splashing out. The fact that she was in stiletto heels makes it miraculous that she didn't fall or sprain her ankles.
What's funny is how there was a hill leading to where the beer was served. So keeping in mind that the entire venue was wet, muddy, and slippery, there were so many drunk people wiping out. It provided good entertainment for when bands that I didn't particularly want to see were up. I just stood by the hill watching people fall. This one dude who looked like a hobo fell on a girl and knocked her into the mud. She didn't even seem to care lol
But as for weird things that happen to me? Not really anything, unless having random drunk guys grope me, or try to follow me home, get my number, or invite me to their place count for something. That's why I hate going to shows alone :s
21.01.2014 - 19:30
One of my buddies would see Decapitated live here. On the bus, he met the frontman but didn't recognise him. He asked for diections as to where the venue was and that's when he realised he wasthe singer. He took a picture and an autograph... Nothing strange happens to me.
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
13.04.2016 - 22:20
I vomited blood after Machine Head. Still stuck around to meet them, though. Not going to let a little internal bleeding stop me!!!