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Fuath |
05.01.2008 - 05:33
i had a look for a thread about buddhism, but to my surprise i couldnt find any if there is already one, can someone post the link here, and ill delete this one im not actually buddhist, well i dont think im buddhist, although i share many of the same beliefs with this religion buddhism to me is a religion, but i think it is more a sense of belonging, they dont really have one almighty supernatural being as such, but they do have something to worship this is what i understand of buddhism, so yes i could be wrong, but i would like to know what everyone else thinks, does anyone follow buddhism, if so, which one, because i remember hearing something about there being two or more different "types" with different beliefs, though i am unsure am i wrong? what does it mean to you?
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
05.01.2008 - 20:59 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted I had something to do with the creation of this thread didn't I? Well, I am not fully Buddhist, but I take on alot of the beliefs and view The Buddha as a hero of mine. I love how a great part of Buddhism is to achieve a greater point of self and to improve wisdom, it is said also that it is not so much reaching enlightenment but the effort and journey of getting there. It is the faith that appeals to me the most, though I cannot call myself a pure Buddhist. P.S. I think this belongs in the Serious Discussions thread.
Fuath |
06.01.2008 - 03:23 Written by [user id=160] on 05.01.2008 at 20:59 you did!!!, i kinda figured that there was threads for other religions, but not this one, i think its great that people can share the views of a religion, but still be open minded on other religions and beliefs
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
06.01.2008 - 16:00
Buddhism is our national religion. Its the most righteous an virtue religion on the world IMO.
Duy Hung Account deleted |
06.01.2008 - 16:29 Duy Hung
Account deleted Written by POWERvsHAPPINESS on 06.01.2008 at 16:00 Actually there's no national religion in our country i think. It's just that we, Asian people, are much more familiar with Buddhism rather than Christianity or Muslim.. Everyone should have their own choice of choosing what to believe in, it's like most old people in Vietnam always talk about "Người âm" and "Cõi âm" (well, they mean "the dead" and "where the dead live") but i don't think those places exist, i don't believe and i don't want to believe ..
06.01.2008 - 16:51 Written by [user id=14272] on 06.01.2008 at 16:29 Agree that Buddhism can be not national religion. Though about Nguoi Am and Coi am, I classify those and also for some religion more or less as occultism. It would be very interesting to research about it. Even different opinion that I believe those are real, and all foreigners I ask they also believe. You can check the link. http://www1.dantri.com.vn/chuyenla/Tiet-lo-them-9-buc-anh-ma-gay-sung-sot/2007/10/203080.vip
Fuath |
07.01.2008 - 06:27 Written by POWERvsHAPPINESS on 06.01.2008 at 16:51 here in australia, i know we dont have a national religion, but im not sure about what religion is followed most here, all i really know is that we are very multicultural
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Duy Hung Account deleted |
07.01.2008 - 11:37 Duy Hung
Account deleted Written by Fuath on 07.01.2008 at 06:27 But do you have Buddhism there?
Fuath |
08.01.2008 - 02:57 Written by [user id=14272] on 07.01.2008 at 11:37 yes, but im not sure on the numbers of buddhists
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
10.01.2008 - 01:15
I was a Buddhist for several years. More specifically a Zen-Buddhist. I was first turned on when I went to a conference about the Dharma Punk movement. The teachings were very interesting and rather enlightening. Yet the more I explored this faith the more I found it to be a trend and not what I was searching for. There was what I like to refer to as "overnight" Buddhists, meaning people called themselves Dharma because everyone else was doing and they never really studied what it was all about. As I searched more I found that my questions were just being met with empty "cool" sounding responses.
---- (space for rent)
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
10.01.2008 - 02:02 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
Hey, I know of the teachings of Buddhism, but not so much the differences in the denominations, could someone explain them to me or post a link PLEASE?
Fuath |
10.01.2008 - 04:39 Written by [user id=160] on 10.01.2008 at 02:02 i only a bit of the teachings, but if anyone does find anything on the denominations, id like to know too
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Skeggjadr Account deleted |
13.01.2008 - 18:57 Skeggjadr
Account deleted Written by POWERvsHAPPINESS on 06.01.2008 at 16:00 Although I don't know too much about Buddhism I'm gonna have to say that you're right. It seems to be one of the only religions that doesn't require you to get down on your knees and worship some idol. I really like the idea of Buddhism, there's no bullshit involved, it's just about acheiving peace for YOURSELF and not worrying about everything else or about other people or about what any god thinks of you (Am I right? That's just what I've gathered from a few documentarys on TV).
Fuath |
14.01.2008 - 04:02 Written by [user id=2943] on 13.01.2008 at 18:57 as far as i know your right i think it is one of those hands on religions too, mind you there are alot of other hands on religions, but theyre more hands on guns and bombs, or nails most religions can be aggressive, but i have never seen an instance of buddhists following the same path i know it is for acheiving peace for ones self, but is it also about helping others? sorta like we are all the same, no one is different, let me help you kinda thing?
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
16.01.2008 - 03:18 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
@Skeggjadr: Well, Buddhists do care about others, and there is a style of meditation in which you concentrate on other people's suffering as opposed to your own.
Fuath |
16.01.2008 - 09:06 Written by [user id=160] on 16.01.2008 at 03:18 a style of meditation, sounds interesting i can do it without meditation, sort of, all the money i get from pocket money and job, i always spend on my friends, or give to charity, there are definitely things i would love to buy, but i have this instinct to spend it on other people so theyre not suffering, but i help anyway
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Harmonic Account deleted |
16.01.2008 - 09:17 Harmonic
Account deleted Written by Dane Train on 10.01.2008 at 01:15 My father tried Zen Buddhism for a while but his experience was, in the end, very similar to yours. He felt that Buddhists were too intellectual and that the Buddhist religion lacked the important elements of faith and devotion. Buddhism is about as close as you can come to atheism and still have a religion; I think it appeals to many people for that reason. Are you familiar with the Buddhist doctrine of anatta?
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
17.01.2008 - 00:29 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
Wow I did much research today and I think I might seriously convert. You don't have to be Vegetarian to be Buddhist, some Buddhists do eat meat. And yes the 5th precept says to abstain from intoxicating drinks, but the precepts were made in order to avoid cummulating negative karma, so if I drink responsibly without falling down everywhere and making an ass of myself then, there's no need for Karma to catch me up .
Arian Totalis The Philosopher |
17.01.2008 - 03:39
hehe, I like that your mind is opening Danzig As for myself, no, I am no Buddhist, but as many of you know, I am a fan of different religions and philosophies. As for Buddhism, well, it was one of the first eastern philosophies I was exposed to. Of course this makes sense, seeing as how it IS considered one of the most followed spiritual outlooks in the world. I have a pretty deep apreciation for Buddhism in many ways, but there are other ways where I have very strong disagreements. For example, I believe that in the end, material possesions will not be what brings us true happiness, and thus consequently, there is wisdom in letting those things go when it may be apropriate. If you have a treasured family Heirloom, you may value it, but if it burns in a fire, it is best to accept your karma and your loss, then move on with your life. However, I feel that fundumental Buddhist sects that teach you to let go of literally ALL worldy posessions, and all things which you may take pride in, are frankly, cowardly. Here's why I say what I say: why did Buddha origionally want people to give up worldly possessions? Because when lost, they are painful. So in order to avoid pain, you don't attach yourself to such things. However, pain is an unavoidable part of life, so trying to run from it is futile, no matter what your method. Also, there is nothing wrong with a mild degree of pride, as long as you don't let it drive you and make you arrogant. So yes, there is wisdom in letting go. There is only cowardice in running. But once again, this is only my own outlook, all are free to feel as they please.
---- "For the Coward there is no Life For the hero there is No Death" -Kakita Toshimoko "The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
Pinusar Account deleted |
18.01.2008 - 12:55 Pinusar
Account deleted
I like some of buddhist ideas, even though my knowledge of the subject is actually very brief. I don't see rejecting material possessions as cowardice, but rather a form of increased autonomy, through this, one becomes less dependent upon external things. As has been said: "The things you own, end up owning you". So I actually feel sympathy towards such ideas usually, although I can't say that I myself follow them(maybe only to a very small extent), one of reasons probably being that I'm too attached to all kinds of possessions etc.
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
18.01.2008 - 19:58 Written by [user id=22888] on 16.01.2008 at 09:17 Oh yeah, anatta. I did study it for a while and found it to be rather lacking. I mean, why don't we all just put a gun to our heads and speed up the process of becoming nothing? As I was reading more and more into it the notion being nothing was not really the complete opposite of everything I was feeling. I wanted to be something, not nothing.
---- (space for rent)
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
19.01.2008 - 04:40 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
As of Wednesday, I converted . But, I won't totally separate myself from my possessions, I will just not allow myself to get attached and my wisdom (that is spawned from meditation) shall guide the way. I will use Buddha's teachings as a guideline. I love how it's not really a religion, but an internal way ov life. So I'm not 'getting my knees dirty' for some 'god' . I am just showing great greaatt reverence to one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen. I will diligently abide by the 5 precepts as I agree with them.....But the 5th one (concerning alcohol), i will not abstain but have awareness towards it. Here are some Dharma Quotes: "They are not following dharma who resort to violence to achieve their purpose. But those who lead others through nonviolent means, knowing right and wrong, may be called guardians of the dharma." "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." "The mind is everything. What you think you become." "You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger." "Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed." "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." "Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace." "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." "There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills." "The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart." "Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little." "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." "Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others." "To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others" "Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace." "Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law."
Fuath |
19.01.2008 - 06:42 Written by [user id=160] on 19.01.2008 at 04:40 congrats man ive been thinking about it myself for a while but im kinda worried ill do something wrong, or ill fuck it up somehow but i guess i could give it a go
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
19.01.2008 - 16:37 Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
@Fuath: But in Buddhism there is no pressure, it's not like in Judeo-Christianity where you upset some higher power or you risk 'going to hell'. It's internal, like, you look within yourself for the answers. I don't even consider it a religion, it's a way fo life, if I did think it was a religion, I wouldn't be part of it .
Skeggjadr Account deleted |
19.01.2008 - 17:02 Skeggjadr
Account deleted
@Lowelas. Good luck. And your post had some fantastic quotes in it. Here are my favourites: "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." Buddhism is really starting to appeal to me.
Fuath |
19.01.2008 - 23:02 Written by [user id=160] on 19.01.2008 at 16:37 thats true, but its a way of life, so there is still a chance to fuck it up maybe soon i will explore a bit more
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Lowelas OF FIRE Account deleted |
Fuath |
20.01.2008 - 00:13 Written by [user id=160] on 19.01.2008 at 23:54
---- FRACTALS!!!!!
Arian Totalis The Philosopher |
22.01.2008 - 04:40
Congrads to Lowelas
---- "For the Coward there is no Life For the hero there is No Death" -Kakita Toshimoko "The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
Ellie Account deleted |
22.01.2008 - 05:25 Ellie
Account deleted
Well my mother is Jewish and my father was raised Christian but they both raised my sister and I predominantly Buddhist. We do certain rituals and whatnot and sometimes go to the Buddhist Community Center. To me Buddhism seems much more like a religion rather than a lifestyle.