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Annoyed by Metaldudes sometimes?!

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29.05.2008 - 21:09
The Bard
Some general thoughts and one question, lately, I am irritated by metalheads more and more, damn, I know it has been that way since ever, but... damn! I did not made up things, everything is pulled out of experience with my close friends and people I occasionally hang around.

What I starting to hate is narrow minded of many metalheads that thinks they drink from the pool of wisdom and are here with a reason - to teach everyone things never supposed to be known. First thing I am bothered, a lot, is the fact that metalhead is always right, all non metalheads are stupid, laughable, or just hot, even though they'll never say it in public, so it will be smth like, she is dressed as a whore, she is 100% dumber than a donkey, but on the other hand, they are all attracted to that girl/guy. We complain all the fucking time how people have prejudices toward us, while we are probably worst then them, half of you will totally judge fancy dressed dude, even though that clothes may suits him and he is as good or better person as yo, but do not have long hair, combat boots and some old school t-shirt with lot of blood. Most metalheads I know also Totally judge people by their music taste, damn, if someone likes Britney Spears, it does not means she or he is retard..

What I hate about metalhdeads and is bothering me a LOT in last few months is their classification on true matalheads and posers, it seams I can't be a metalheads anymore, since I cut my hair and do not go oftenly on true nekro metal places but occasionally visit some other place where is not played our music and bartender won't ask me dark or light beer, or some heavier alcohol? IT seams I can't pass as a metalhead if I do not wish to drink 2L bottle of beer with my buddies sitting on the street on the public square and make noise so I can be center of attention, I must have true clothes and white shirt is so out, you can't be even a power metalhead anymore, what the fuck, I'd walk naked if I can, it is 50C outside for God's sake and I do not wish to wear combat boots on that weather, damn people!

Clubing is the worst thing, every time you go to some metal pub, same story, there are group of young blood which are on some silly trial, like trial of manhood in tribal primitive societies, they must know all the songs, wear right clothes etc so older ones will accept them, then we have older ones, I am annoyed by them the most, the fact he/she listen to some music for 10-20-30 years doesn't give him/her right to treat other people without any respect, if anyone have respect for the elders, that is me, BUT DAMN, what a fuck, I don't give a fuck for the whites in your hair if you won't show at least little of dignity and threat people as - people! You was not Bruce Dickinson's buddy, you just listen to him more years than we do, that's all. Then you have cool guys, drinking their beer, not saying a thing, giving the looks to the rest like: yeah, I am the cool guy, mysterious, all girls wanna get laid with me bla bla bla, losers, leaving home without those girls alone every night doesn't give you any clue that you're not so cool and that not all the girls are hot on retards that can't make two sentences that makes some sence! Go jerk of on a vampire porn, their as mysterious as you, retard.

Also, the DARK thing, it seams I can't laugh anymore, that's not so metal, make jokes, not so metal too, you must wear only dark clothes, and speak about meaning of life, cause it is intelligent, yeah, some high-school guy with average grades and no idea of future discovered meaning of life after 4 bottles of beer and rahter wasted night.

List of things I'd blow some heads:

Statements like Cradle of Filth are so bad, Danny is such a poser, damn, if you do not like it, forget it, why are you SO important to say who's bad and who's not, and even if you find it necessary to comment, please, come up with something new and not the sentence said by billion metaldudes before you, because it is in to spit on COF and few more bands, funny thing is that at least half of those people start listening to extreme music through COF.

Things in pubs like, I will totally ignore Helloween or Grave Digger, even Metallica, that is for kids, I will bang my head off when some Technical Deat or Ambiental black starts, I do not know the song, but it is awesome, and that is what grown up listen.

I do not listen to famous commercial bands, I listen to UG bands, ym favorite is exotic Black metal band I found on internet from Indonesia, they have male soprano and female growl and they are so awesome - NO, THEY ARE NOT, they are so bad that it hurts, they just come from ex-communist Asian state, that's all, (no disrespect to Indonesians, I think you'll see the point already)

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
29.05.2008 - 21:50
Written by APOHAKC on 29.05.2008 at 21:09

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.

You have written a perfect post, bro....I agree on every topic because I've seen/been in these situations too...Once I was listening to some pop/radio songs and then I was told "OMG! You're like...the first person who's listening to both metal and POP! EW!"
Also, the attitude "I'm so alternative, I am so special etc".... They should listen to some Freak Kitchen in order to get their autoportraits....
Some other examples....for instance I love Nightwish...I like it even more with Anette than with Tarja....then I'm told by some that Nightwish's Anette is "HORSESHIT! She cannot sing! SHE SUCKS! And you! You don't know SHIT bout Nightwish because I HAVE LISTENED TO NW SINCE I WAS NINE YEARS OLD which means I'm more a tro0 NW fan than you which means I'm RIGHT!"

Then what I see....there are so many metalheads/punks/nazis/hippies/goths/etc who are usually 14 years old and already living like Lindsay Lohan (party every night/It's OK to yell at your parents and piss them off because parents suck) but of course hate Lindsay Lohan because she's some "pop slut"....or if they aren't 14 they're 24 and without permanent job/drinking every day/living of parents' money.....then there seems to be the attitude "If you have normal grades at school, you suck!"....many of them are some high-school drop-outs and are actually proud of it because "The modern education system sucks anyway, I'll just read some Nietzsche because that's a way to show how deep and special I really am!"

Oh well.....not that I'd be some perfect person....I suck as well.....but at least I try to admit it and become a better person and learn....
29.05.2008 - 23:57
Im one of worst guys with combat boots and long hairs I give up!!! put me in blow list!!!
I really hate those guys who force themselves to listen to genres like drone or some shity boring black metal bands... I wonder what really make them enjoy such music?!? and i always recieve no answer! they just like to be different, even if they know nothing about what the fuck does these songs contains!!! I like to connect some neurotic sensor to a metalhead's head who witness to enjoy Indonesian black metal, then the results wil show he is a big liar...
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


30.05.2008 - 00:16
I listen to metal 90% of the time, and I personally think its the best musical genre out there at the moment, but I still respect most other kinds of music. The other 10% is Queen, some random classic and hard rock, classical music, Herbie Hancock, video game soundtracks, and yes even some j-pop and j-rock. I'm not gonna pretend that I like or even tolerate punk, nu metal, country, or rap when I don't. I listen to what I like and thats all.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
30.05.2008 - 00:35
Born Too Late
I totally agree. I mean people who I know and listen to metal think I'm odd because I listen to other things as well, like classical soul or reggae. They only think a person can be cool if they have a certain hair cut or wears this band tee and listens to this amazing myspace band they found and only they know. I genuinely listen to music only if I like it not for the fact I can say 'Oh yeh this band is awesome...oh you don't know who they are? haha well I guess you aren't a true metalhead then...' I think it's soooo hypocritical when a metalhead constantly stereotypes people like chavs or emos but get pissed off if someone does it to them.

I hate people who will only be friends or hang out with similar people because they think it's cool or something. Well to be honest, I have no friends who listen to similar metal to me, in fact some of my friends are preppy and emos, and my sisters and my brother happen to be kinda chavvy and listen to dance music. I wouldn't change it and I personally would hate to be friends with these type of people.

On the point of the 14 year olds who go out and party, I think it's kinda pathetic, I have never done this, I have never got drunk, I don't even drink, when I go to a gig I don't get pissed and party after I go home and sleep. I don't care if I'm not like these kind of people.

Also I don't really dress like a metalhead, I have combat boots for when it's cold, and a trench coat simply because it was cheap (yeh I'm really stylish) and I only wear band teeshirts because I like the band, whether or not that influences what people think of me.

I'm probably blabbing now, nonetheless, that was a good post, it totally sums up how I feel about these people.
'I wish you all had one neck and that I had my hands on it.'
30.05.2008 - 03:13
First, i think that the label Metalhead it's so stupid, why chained yourself to something?
Second, i think you hate teenagers, and that's perfectly normal for most people.
Third, why do you care about what others, specially the ones you consider idiots, say about you?
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Until victory, always!
30.05.2008 - 05:07
Baz Anderson
well while you are complaining about the stereotyped rules you apparently have to follow if you listen to metal, you are yourself stereotyping and generalising all people that listen to metal to be this way. you probably don't think that, but that is how this comes across.

someone that can break these chains and wear what they want, drink what they want, go to whatever night clubs they want or accept if they themself like something un-cool - is a mature person that quite rightly does what they want to do in accordance to their own personal thoughts, and doesn't blindly follow trends. sounds like you are bright enough to see when people are just being sheep and following what is the expected behaviour.
of course it can swing the other way as well, where someone may cut their nose off to spite their face - just so they are not doing something they may otherwise enjoy, just because others are doing the same

a reasonably sized chunk of the people that listen to metal are not the most social or confident people and probably have been put down quite a bit in their lives, possibly in school or wherever. they don't feel that dominant in general because of this - so what they do is find something to put others down about in order to make themselves feel like the elite and dominant and have something to like about themselves for once in their lives.
in doing this these kinds of people usually forget that listening to music is something to be done for personal pleasure and enjoyment - and not as some competition as to who knows more bands or who has been listening to metal the longest

everyone is individual although sometimes you wouldnt be able to tell. as long as you live your life and listen to what you want - as you want, then everything is fine.
just ignore the others that try to compensate for other personal downfalls by doing this. of course it is a thin line between elitism and just not liking a particular kind of music (commercially oriented for example) but you can tell the difference by the way they are.

just make sure you cater for your own tastes, there's no need in getting worked up by how some other people are
30.05.2008 - 06:21
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Well, I used to think that most metal heads were like that, and maybe alot of us are, but, I find that alot of us are open minded guys as well. I mean, I'm the type of person that's like "hey, you're you, I'm me, just don't be a dick about it and we'll get along just fine."
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
30.05.2008 - 11:34
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Ok sometimes I dislike metalheads but its from personality and how open mindet are poeple, but more ghirls how guys because girls are mor ecruel and that attitude ehh, all metalheda girl what I know if tahy be my GF I probobly end realationship after 1th day
But more what I dislike are hard cire ultras, specelyt brotherhood into Europe, Pao gay13 are alobem Juve are alone trhats how it shood be, OSFP shood go that way too,

Ok about Britney, hehehe mosut of my friends are into trance, I realy cant stand it, if we wtach football , ore drink beer into stadion ok, but when I shood go to parties no thank's but it dont means thaya re retired, thay understand more my music sometimes how emtalheadthem, but not all not all

Hair think, hehehe man skin heads listen metal too and thay dress like tahy dress and true and poswers, poswrrs, Im metalhead Im listen Iron Maiden, Eminem, Shakire, ... its poswer, but those who listen Wolfs Hunger CAN NOT be posers, but dress for example, in summer you wint see me in letter jacket and boots but shorts only and yes I like sleep in sun :p , but metalhead can not dress like hip hop fan and wear hip hop t - shirt like some people what I had seen

Thats why id ont go to pubs even metal pub, ebcaus ethere's people who search problems I prefere drink in home, because from expierinece in pub always are someone who are pissed of because of soemthing, sorry pall go work in flower garden ger tired and fuck of of my life, and one of my rulle are be subbe rin soicety because if there fight drunk people can not fight

I had RED t - shirt so Im a posser ok mousty I had black t shirts and black n blue jeans but I can wear othe rcoulors to, but I have no then

CoF is bad but I dont waste enegry to say it even band wa sok in beggining and even are listeneble nowdays

Ok yes satanismk think Im hellenic ortodox so it make sme a posser? moust of people think so, because we're metalhead Iron maidne was song Nr. of the beats, its only what i know, so metal are satanism totaly anoying think, Im lost some freinds because of it soem girll to, but I dont care hellenic ortodox our realigion, olympiakos life and metal ourt music
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.05.2008 - 14:37
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Reading the complaining posts... strange.. that is not what I come across in the country I live in at all.

Okay, maybe it has to do with the fact that I move around in circles of metalheads that have been into metal for over 20 years and are generally of the over 30 years old clan. Maybe once people are older (or have been into metal longer) the need for the tough ass posturing is gone cause we feel comfortable with ourselves. there is no more need to prove yourself to your peers at that age.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

30.05.2008 - 14:50
The Bard
Written by Bad English on 30.05.2008 at 11:34
Hair think, hehehe man skin heads listen metal too and thay dress like tahy dress and true and poswers, poswrrs, Im metalhead Im listen Iron Maiden, Eminem, Shakire, ... its poswer, but those who listen Wolfs Hunger CAN NOT be posers, but dress for example, in summer you wint see me in letter jacket and boots but shorts only and yes I like sleep in sun :p , but metalhead can not dress like hip hop fan and wear hip hop t - shirt like some people what I had seen

haha Wolf's Hunger guys are not a skinheads, they are metalheads, haha, in their album, Milosh weard Cradle of Filth t-shi
rt haha, we used to play together, good guys, they are not playing anymore, for 4-5 weeks now, well, skinheads are definitely not my preferred group of people, although in Serbia skinheads and metalheads go to the same places and usually hang out together, the biggest metal pub in my town is usually full of both skinheads and metalheads.

@Barry - great post, but it is not a complaining post that much, just something bothering me lately, damn I want to hang out with metalheads and I still think we're more open minded than some turbo folk dudes or whatever, but the point is I wondered is this the situation only here or it is like that everywhere, it has been annoying since ever, but in last year or so it really bothers me a lot so I haven't go out to a pub I used to go whole my life and haven't seen some friends for a long time, it can be also called what a fuck is wrong with me thread...

in doing this these kinds of people usually forget that listening to music is something to be done for personal pleasure and enjoyment - and not as some competition as to who knows more bands or who has been listening to metal the longest

great point Barry, that is EXACTLY my opinion, sadly, there are more and more people, have you listen to Dostructiminator, awesome technical black core from Tunguzia, they are true, Grave Digger sucks, they are shit crap...

Second, i think you hate teenagers, and that's perfectly normal for most people.

haha, I do not hate teenagers, someone's age does not necessarily reflects his wisdom, behavior or anything else, 14 years older can be more sensible than some 34 years older, believe me, I know the cases.

Third, why do you care about what others, specially the ones you consider idiots, say about you?

You missed me, this is not a thread made cause someone spoke something about me, rarely anyone speaks about me in a bad way, I am not fakely modest, I usually do not have problems in communication with people and almost no "enemies", I have no reason to make this thread to get back to someone, this is just a general wondering and things came up on my mind from dozens of talks with some specific people put themselves under the label of metaldudes, want it or not, it is a truth, that is the general behavior of metalheads here and that is what is pissing me off, maybe I used to be like that though, but I highly doubt

Written by Ernis on 29.05.2008 at 21:50

Written by APOHAKC on 29.05.2008 at 21:09

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.

You have written a perfect post, bro....I agree on every topic because I've seen/been in these situations too...Once I was listening to some pop/radio songs and then I was told "OMG! You're like...the first person who's listening to both metal and POP! EW!"
Also, the attitude "I'm so alternative, I am so special etc".... They should listen to some Freak Kitchen in order to get their autoportraits....
Some other examples....for instance I love Nightwish...I like it even more with Anette than with Tarja....then I'm told by some that Nightwish's Anette is "HORSESHIT! She cannot sing! SHE SUCKS! And you! You don't know SHIT bout Nightwish because I HAVE LISTENED TO NW SINCE I WAS NINE YEARS OLD which means I'm more a tro0 NW fan than you which means I'm RIGHT!"

Then what I see....there are so many metalheads/punks/nazis/hippies/goths/etc who are usually 14 years old and already living like Lindsay Lohan (party every night/It's OK to yell at your parents and piss them off because parents suck) but of course hate Lindsay Lohan because she's some "pop slut"....or if they aren't 14 they're 24 and without permanent job/drinking every day/living of parents' money.....then there seems to be the attitude "If you have normal grades at school, you suck!"....many of them are some high-school drop-outs and are actually proud of it because "The modern education system sucks anyway, I'll just read some Nietzsche because that's a way to show how deep and special I really am!"

Oh well.....not that I'd be some perfect person....I suck as well.....but at least I try to admit it and become a better person and learn....

Great post, especially about Lohan part, that is exactly what is going on...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
30.05.2008 - 15:30
Valentin B
lol calm down, i've been stereotyped in the most shitty manner sometimes: like i was in a trip and there was this girl (which is 21 by the way lol) and she was tapping a more intricate drumbeat with her feet(she didn't know i was into this type of music). so i tell her something like 'wow you know those rhythms, are you a drummer by any chance?' and she replies 'no, you mean like those stupid rockers??' i mean... and the only thing that i could do at that point was laugh. and i found out that the best thing to do against these kind of people is to laugh at them. nothing else, don't even try to fight them because they're usually stupid and self-centered.
30.05.2008 - 15:42
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Aronax same hallas skinheads but in Lv we had 20/25 latvian skinheads 20/25 russian skin heads and thay fight each other
But uis I know metalhead skinheads are against satanism and church buirning, and mediterania metalheads are diferent how that side of Alps metalheads and Balkan belongs to mediterania

Here we have no metalpubs but moust pubs are full whit morrons and idiots who search for cheep girls and fight to prove that tahy had big mussles and big penis

My fav Irish pub are clossed so Im whit no pub anymore
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
31.05.2008 - 18:22
The only metalheads I know are you guys xD xD xD!
31.05.2008 - 21:25
Written by Varegan on 29.05.2008 at 23:57

Im one of worst guys with combat boots and long hairs I give up!!! put me in blow list!!!
I really hate those guys who force themselves to listen to genres like drone or some shity boring black metal bands... I wonder what really make them enjoy such music?!? and i always recieve no answer! they just like to be different, even if they know nothing about what the fuck does these songs contains!!! I like to connect some neurotic sensor to a metalhead's head who witness to enjoy Indonesian black metal, then the results wil show he is a big liar...

as a fan of Doom/Drone music i would answer to you. i listen to Sunn 0))) and i enjoy that, that's not music but just noises. specially when they team with Attila (whose voice is music) the band become perfect. not good for listening in your walkman during a vacation but its a special music which just a few musician can do it well.. make atmospheric visions for me. and great moments, specially their ep, Oracle, that's a masterpiece.

and with the informations which you've mention, you should hate me so ,what is the problem with to be different? i'm hailed as a metalhead, because most of music that i listen is metal. but i'm not. because i don't enjoy all metal musics. i don't like heavy/thrash/doom/alternative/gothic metal!!! but i like Moonspell which is a gothic metal band.. i mean i pay attention to those who are performing not the genre. (i don't respect any rap or hiphop band because those who are in this material are not talented)
then. i enjoy many bands in electronic/ebm/industrial/idm and many other similar stuffs because i enjoy those who do the music, not the genre that they are in.
so if i have a choice between Metallica (post-justice for all) and a psychedelic band like Infected Mushroom i would choose the second one with no doubt. i don't pick metallica just because it's metal...
i hope you'll got my point. in our country if you compare my hard-disk with other guys you'll see what a different man i am ...

so some metaldudes are annoying me too much. first those who just think that they are metalhead. like Korn/Linkin Park/Evanscense fans. in fact alternative metal is not metal. (i don't rant about friends who are interested in such bands here in ms, i'm talking about those in my country) they think that they are listening to pure metal...

second group which annoy me more than first are those who just have got in metal some months and think they are master.. in fact they listened to Javad Yassari ( gorothrim knows him) and now became a metalhead. they just talk about burzum like they are talking about Jack Nicolson in Shining movie ... and then about Dead rip, from eating ravens to having sex with all women in his city they just make rumors about these men in metal.. too bad to reveal that you are a metalhead in my country.
01.06.2008 - 11:35
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
orchid - hmm hanging around whit non metalheads are hard to, imagine party and all time, you shood lsiten hip hop, trance or mobile pfone music
one, 2 parties okj, but regulary, no thenk;s I beter go whit gay13(panathinaikos fan)boy watch vazelo game if eh are metalhead, how one month hang around whit non metalhead
I tried, whit classmates, in end alcohol and quasten about hair bla bla ...

Boots are good for fighting, Dr. Martens industraly saft, one kick soemwhere guy be out for real, thats why I wear boots all time, people try punch, but one good kick in leg, he womt think about fight 3 months and shood learn walk for new
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
01.06.2008 - 16:58
Lone wanderer
Yes,I come across such idiots every now and then,you even might have misfortune to know this one,since he hangs out on Trg ( ) and in Dvorishte, well, if you dont know him you are very lucky, anyway, he kinda hates me, because he is soooo metal, and im "too fine" , he comes into a bus another day, and says "hey poser, where are you?" i just smiled and said "yeah, here I am" and than he looks in my t-shirt and smiles (it was some ordinary t shirt, white nd black, nothing special) and then goes on how im "too fine, poser in a metalheads skin LOL" and so on.... And he is the dude whoe wears Explotied's T0shirt and anarchy around his neck, and keeps talking how punk is crap.... lol Well, 10 points, idiot.
Sitting next to him for 5 minutes makes you wish you had pistol, to shoot yourself in the head and cut the missery.....
01.06.2008 - 17:46
Written by Hamird on 31.05.2008 at 21:25

Written by Varegan on 29.05.2008 at 23:57

Im one of worst guys with combat boots and long hairs I give up!!! put me in blow list!!!
I really hate those guys who force themselves to listen to genres like drone or some shity boring black metal bands... I wonder what really make them enjoy such music?!? and i always recieve no answer! they just like to be different, even if they know nothing about what the fuck does these songs contains!!! I like to connect some neurotic sensor to a metalhead's head who witness to enjoy Indonesian black metal, then the results wil show he is a big liar...

second group which annoy me more than first are those who just have got in metal some months and think they are master.. in fact they listened to Javad Yassari ( gorothrim knows him) and now became a metalhead. they just talk about burzum like they are talking about Jack Nicolson in Shining movie ... and then about Dead rip, from eating ravens to having sex with all women in his city they just make rumors about these men in metal.. too bad to reveal that you are a metalhead in my country.

these kind of metalheads can only be found in Iran in my opinion, because they have faced with a completely different culture which they know nothing about it, so they really cant forget Javad Yassari, because its their past, I cant cant blame them for this, its their root (I mean Javad), roots can not be denied,
my blame goes straight to our basic education system, they teach nothing about other cultures in our schools, they are just talented to raise obsessive religious soldiers to defend their cultural island (Islamic Republic)
I dont know about other countries but Im sure it cant be worse in any place in our galaxy but Im sure these kind of fans are allocated to Iran.
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


01.06.2008 - 20:55
The Bard
Written by Stalker on 01.06.2008 at 16:58

Yes,I come across such idiots every now and then,you even might have misfortune to know this one,since he hangs out on Trg ( ) and in Dvorishte, well, if you dont know him you are very lucky, anyway, he kinda hates me, because he is soooo metal, and im "too fine" , he comes into a bus another day, and says "hey poser, where are you?" i just smiled and said "yeah, here I am" and than he looks in my t-shirt and smiles (it was some ordinary t shirt, white nd black, nothing special) and then goes on how im "too fine, poser in a metalheads skin LOL" and so on.... And he is the dude whoe wears Explotied's T0shirt and anarchy around his neck, and keeps talking how punk is crap.... lol Well, 10 points, idiot.
Sitting next to him for 5 minutes makes you wish you had pistol, to shoot yourself in the head and cut the missery.....

Who is that fucker? Do I know him?

you can say it by pm too.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
01.06.2008 - 21:02
Lone wanderer
Written by APOHAKC on 01.06.2008 at 20:55

Written by Stalker on 01.06.2008 at 16:58

Yes,I come across such idiots every now and then,you even might have misfortune to know this one,since he hangs out on Trg ( ) and in Dvorishte, well, if you dont know him you are very lucky, anyway, he kinda hates me, because he is soooo metal, and im "too fine" , he comes into a bus another day, and says "hey poser, where are you?" i just smiled and said "yeah, here I am" and than he looks in my t-shirt and smiles (it was some ordinary t shirt, white nd black, nothing special) and then goes on how im "too fine, poser in a metalheads skin LOL" and so on.... And he is the dude whoe wears Explotied's T0shirt and anarchy around his neck, and keeps talking how punk is crap.... lol Well, 10 points, idiot.
Sitting next to him for 5 minutes makes you wish you had pistol, to shoot yourself in the head and cut the missery.....

Who is that fucker? Do I know him?

you can say it by pm too.

I dont know if you know him, he isnt from NS, but hangs out there regularly, he's name is Nikola, and he has (had) very retarded hair, he cut it off, and now its little shorter, and has one leg shorter or something, so he walks kinda funny, also talks funny, and he is full of shit and talks, hes a big liar and stuff like that... LOL i dont know how to describe him
01.06.2008 - 21:05
The Bard
you just described a real fucked up dwarf

Sounds like someone who'd form a technical Black/Death band called Abortion Sodomizer.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
01.06.2008 - 21:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by APOHAKC on 01.06.2008 at 21:05

you just described a real fucked up dwarf

Sounds like someone who'd form a technical Black/Death band called Abortion Sodomizer.

Can I ask you something ?
How non metalhead grobari accting and accept metalhead grobari? or ther eproblems?
same about Delije. I had stupid PM because of Ashes You Leave
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
01.06.2008 - 21:22
Lone wanderer
Written by APOHAKC on 01.06.2008 at 21:05

you just described a real fucked up dwarf

Sounds like someone who'd form a technical Black/Death band called Abortion Sodomizer.

Sounds like someone who couldnt pronounce words "Technical black / death"
02.06.2008 - 00:24
metalheads do disgust me once in a while, like every friday when i visit the local metal pub, but people who irritate me more are the ones who whine about metalheads. i mean seriously: if something annoys you, resolve it, and then move on. what's the point in coming to a forum and crying about metalheads? like omfg they called me a poser, what should i do now??!! . beat them up if that really gets to you.. or you're life is ruined already?

i know a lot of people who used to listen to good metal, hang out with same guys, had long hair and used to be good folk. then they cut their hair for whatever reason, stopped listening to metal, and strangely they stopped being good people. i don't judge people by their musical preferences, but the people i'm talking about actually changed with the music they listen to. strange. and now, just as you do, they whine about long haired dudes who headbang in their face and stay out late. ie, the average metal head.

needless to say, all these guys used to listen to shitty power metal and the likes, thought that helloween were the pinnacle of the music industry and drank as much as they could.

from my experience, every metalhead , or music listener, who listens to mainstream and/or melodic metal will end up like these guys sooner or later, because melodic metal with all those neat little sing along songs and catchy solos are like pop songs. these short, easy to write and even easier to listen to, likable compositions are flooding the whole , in lack for a better word, scene. hundreds of know-it-all youngsters become metalheads overnight , and then complain about long hair dudes who listen to black metal. people who never grow their hair only to say they are individualists and don't want to be associated with the subculture, yet they headbang like there's no tomorrow and secretly yearn for long hair.

i never understood people who made such a big deal about listening to black metal or underground metal in general. i mean if you don't get it, if you can't enjoy music that has harsh vocals and blast beats, or bands that don't have cds in every mall in town than walk away. by whining about black metallers you just express your sadness of not being one.

Written by APOHAKC on 29.05.2008 at 21:09


did you misspell this intentionally? it's hard to tell if you were just pushing the sarcasm or actually have no idea how it is spelled.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

02.06.2008 - 03:41
The Bard
I fluently speak Polish language.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
03.06.2008 - 22:57
Valentin B
Written by Damnated on 02.06.2008 at 00:24

needless to say, all these guys used to listen to shitty power metal and the likes, thought that helloween were the pinnacle of the music industry and drank as much as they could.

oh come on. you're one step away from comparing power metal to manele... :
04.06.2008 - 00:57
Written by Valentin B on 03.06.2008 at 22:57

Written by Damnated on 02.06.2008 at 00:24

needless to say, all these guys used to listen to shitty power metal and the likes, thought that helloween were the pinnacle of the music industry and drank as much as they could.

oh come on. you're one step away from comparing power metal to manele... :

yes, i am. the similarities between power metallers and manelists are alarming tbh.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

04.06.2008 - 02:59
The Bard
oh, when speaking about stereotypes..
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
05.06.2008 - 07:23
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Damnated on 04.06.2008 at 00:57

Written by Valentin B on 03.06.2008 at 22:57

Written by Damnated on 02.06.2008 at 00:24

needless to say, all these guys used to listen to shitty power metal and the likes, thought that helloween were the pinnacle of the music industry and drank as much as they could.

oh come on. you're one step away from comparing power metal to manele... :

yes, i am. the similarities between power metallers and manelists are alarming tbh.

Okay it might be some Romanian thing, but what is "manele"?
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

05.06.2008 - 09:23
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 05.06.2008 at 07:23

Written by Damnated on 04.06.2008 at 00:57

Written by Valentin B on 03.06.2008 at 22:57

Written by Damnated on 02.06.2008 at 00:24

needless to say, all these guys used to listen to shitty power metal and the likes, thought that helloween were the pinnacle of the music industry and drank as much as they could.

oh come on. you're one step away from comparing power metal to manele... :

yes, i am. the similarities between power metallers and manelists are alarming tbh.

Okay it might be some Romanian thing, but what is "manele"?

Perhaps it doesn't describe the music so good, but it showcases the steriotypes surounding manele quite well.